

treeparameter -- Create list or modify characteristics treeparameters


treeparameter -create name low high units

treeparameter -list ?pattern?

treeparameter -listnew

treeparameter -set name bins low high inc units

treeparameter -setinc name inc

treeparameter -setbins name bins

treeparameter -setunit name units

treeparameter -setlimits name low high

treeparameter -check name

treeparameter -uncheck name

treeparameter -version


The treeparameter command is part of the Tree Parameter package. The command allows users or scripts to create list or modify characteristics of the defined treeparameters.

The first command parameter is a switch that tells the treeparameter command what you want it to do. The switch also defines the number and meaning of the remaining command line parameters. Each of the possibilities is described in COMMAND FORMATS section below.


treeparameter is sort of a command ensemble. Instead of the second command word being a keyword subcommand, it is an option. The option specified (they are mutually exclusive), determines the operation performed and the number and meaning of any remaining parameters.

Here are the treeparameter subcommands.

treeparameter -create name low high units

This subcommand creates a new treeparameter, and if necessary, and underlying parameter. Normally, however, this is used to give tree parameter attributes to a parameter that does not have an underlying CTreeParameter object.

name is the name of the new parameter. This will bel inked to the an existing underlying parameter. If necessary a new underlying parameter is created. This may be needed in systems where parameters can be dynmically created.

low and high are recommended axis limits for spectra defined on this parameter. These limits are advisory however.

bins is a suggested number of bins to cover the range low .. high. Again, this is an advisory value.

units are units of measure and only serve to document the units of measure of the parameter. This can be an empty string if the parameter does not have units of measure.

treeparameter -list ?pattern?

Returns a list of tree parameter descriptions for the tree parameters that match the optional glob pattern. If pattern is not supplied, it defaults to * which matches all tree parameters.

Each tree parameter description is, itself, a list of 6 parameters which are in order:

  1. The name of the parameter.

  2. The number of channels recommended on the axis (binning).

  3. The recommended low limit for the parameter on a spectrum axis

  4. The recommended high limit of the parameter on a spectrum axis.

  5. The width of a channel in real coordinates if the recommended axis limits and binning are used. This is a value computed from the limits and binning.

  6. The units of measure of the parameter. This can be an empty string.

treeparameter -listnew

Returns a (possibly empty) Tcl list of names of parameters that have been created with the treeparameter -create command.

treeparameter -set name bins low high inc units

Sets a new definitioun for an existing tree parameter; name.

name is the name of the parameter. Normaly, this is a period separated list that defines the path through the treeparameter hierarchy to the element.

bins provides the recommended number of channels for this parameter on a spectrum axis.

low provides the default low limit for axes on spectra involving this parameter.

high provides the default high limit for axes on spectra involving this parameter.

inc provides the default channel width in parameter coordinates. Note that this parameter is a function of low, high and bins. If the calculated value of inc is not close to the value supplied, an error is returned.

units provides the units label for the spectrum axis.

treeparameter -setinc name inc

Sets the channel width for name to inc. inc is a floating point value. This is done by holding the number of axis bins and the low limit contant and recomputing the high limit to achieve the desired width.

treeparameter -setbins name bins

Sets the number of bins for the tree parameter name to bins. This is done by holding the low and high limits fixed and adjusting the bin width.

treeparameter -setunit name units

This subcommand sets the units label that is used by the parameter name to units. The parameter units are used to label parameter's axes on spectra that involve this parameter when the spectrum is viewed in mapped mode.

treeparameter -setlimits name low high

This subcommand sets the default parameter axis limits for spectra that use created by the GUI. The number of bins is kept constant. This command, therefore, implies a change in the channel width.

treeparameter -check name

Returns 0 if the parameter's modified flag is not set and 1 if it is. Each treeparameter has a modified flag associated with it. Whenever a parameter's properties are modified, this flag is set.

The modified flag is never set as a result of programmatic assignments to the tree parameter value on event by event processing, only by modifying the properties of the parameter. The modified flag is used to determine if a parameter's properties must be seaved to file for later recovery.

treeparameter -uncheck name

Clears the parameter's modified flag.

treeparameter -version

Returns the Tree parameter version string. This allows you to determine if the features needed by your software are available. This document describes version 2.1. Future versions of this document will indicate which version of the software adds new features to the command.


Example 1. Creating a new tree parameter

treeparameter -create new.tree.parameter -1.0 1.0 100 mm

If the parameter new.tree.parameter already is defined, this tree parameter is linked to it. If new.tree.parameter is a tree parameter this is an error. If there is no such parameter it is dynamically created.

The parameter is defined to request an axis that gos from -1 to 1 with 100 bins and has mm as its units of measure.

Example 2. Listing all tree parameters with sample output

treeparameter -list

{event.raw.00 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.01 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.02 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.03 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.04 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.05 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.06 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.07 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.08 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.09 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.sum 100 1 100 0.99 arbitrary}


Example 3. Listing only some parameters (using a pattern)

treeparameter -list event.raw*

{event.raw.00 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.01 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.02 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.03 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.04 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.05 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.06 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.07 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.08 100 1 100 0.99 channels} 
{event.raw.09 100 1 100 0.99 channels}


Example 4. The treeparameter -check command

(treeparam) 4 % treeparameter -check event.sum
(treeparam) 5 % treeparameter -setunit event.sum MeV
(treeparam) 6 % treeparameter -check event.sum

We assume coming into this example that the parameter event.sum is unmodified. Changing the parameter's units sets its check flag.

Example 5. Unsetting the modified flag:

(treeparam) 6 % treeparameter -check event.sum
(treeparam) 7 % treeparameter -uncheck event.sum
(treeparam) 8 % treeparameter -check   event.sum