

SaveSet -- Encapsulate a save set.


#include <SaveSet.h>

namespace SpecTclDB {
    class DBParameter;
    class DBSpectrum;
    class DBGate;
    class DBApplication;   
    class DBTreeVariable;
     * @class SaveSet
     *    This class encapsulates a save set and all the things
     *    you can do to it _except_ playing back events.
    class SaveSet {
        struct Info {
            int         s_id;
            std::string s_name;   // requires copy construction etc.
            time_t      s_stamp;
        Info() {}
        Info(const Info& rhs) {
        Info& operator=(const Info& rhs) {
            if (&rhs != this) copyIn(rhs);
            return *this;
        void copyIn(const Info& rhs) {
            s_id = rhs.s_id;
            s_name = rhs.s_name;
            s_stamp = rhs.s_stamp;
        struct SpectrumAxis {
            double s_low;
            double s_high;
            int    s_bins;
        // Stuff having to do with run playback:
        struct RunInfo {
            int         s_runNumber;
            std::string s_title;
            time_t      s_startTime;
            time_t      s_stopTime;
        struct ScalerReadout {
            int    s_sourceId;
            int    s_startOffset;
            int    s_stopOffset;
            int    s_divisor;
            time_t s_time;
            std::vector<int> s_values;
        struct EventParameter {   // Event blobs are a soup of these.
            int     s_number;
            double  s_value;
        typedef std::vector<EventParameter> Event;
        static bool exists(CSqlite& conn, const char* name);
        static SaveSet* create(CSqlite& conn, const char* name);
        static std::vector<Info> list(CSqlite& conn);

        SaveSet(CSqlite& conn, const char* name);     // Construct given name
        SaveSet(CSqlite& conn, int id);
    // Object methods:
        const Info& getInfo();

        std::vector<DBParameter*> listParameters();
        DBParameter* createParameter(const char* name, int number);
        DBParameter* createParameter(
            const char* name, int number,
            double low, double high, int bins, const char* units
        DBParameter* findParameter(const char* name);
        DBParameter* findParameter(int number);
        DBParameter* getParameter(int id);
        // Spectrum API:
        bool spectrumExists(const char* name);
        DBSpectrum* createSpectrum(const char* name, const char* type,
                const std::vector<const char*>& parameterNames,
                const std::vector<SpectrumAxis>& axes,
                const char* datatype="long"

        std::vector<DBSpectrum*> listSpectra();

        DBSpectrum* lookupSpectrum(const char* name);
        // Gate api:
        bool gateExists(const char* name);
        DBGate*  create1dGate(
            const char* name, const char* type,
            const std::vector<const char*>& params, double low, double high
        DBGate* create2dGate(
            const char* name, const char* type,
            const std::vector<const char*>& params,
            const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& points
        DBGate* createCompoundGate(
            const char* name, const char* type,
            const std::vector<const char*>& gates
        DBGate* createMaskGate(
            const char* name, const char* type,
            const char* parameter, int imask
        DBGate* lookupGate(const char* name);
        DBGate* lookupGate(int id);
        std::vector<DBGate*> listGates();
        // Gate application api:
        DBApplication* applyGate(const char* gate, const char* spectrum);
        DBApplication* lookupApplication(const char* gate, const char* spectrum);
        std::vector<DBApplication*> listApplications();
        // Treevariable API

        DBTreeVariable* createVariable(
            const char* name, double value, const char* units=""
        DBTreeVariable* lookupVariable(const char* name);
        bool variableExists(const char* name);
        std::vector<DBTreeVariable*> listVariables();
        // Event recording in the database.
        int startRun(
            uint32_t run, const char* title, time_t start
        void endRun(int id, time_t endtime);
        int saveScalers(
            int id, int sourceid,
            int startOffset, int stopOffset, int divisor, time_t when,
            int nScalers, const uint32_t* scalers
        void* startEvents(int id);
        void  rollbackEvents(void* savept);
        void  endEvents(void* savept);
        void  saveEvent(
            int id,  int event, int nParams,
            const int* paramids, const double* params
        std::vector<int> listRuns();
        // Accessing runs
        int openRun(int number);
        void* openScalers(int runid);
        int   readScaler(void* context, ScalerReadout& result);
        void  closeScalers(void* context);
        void* openEvents(int runid);
        int   readEvent(void* context, Event& result);
        void closeEvents(void* context);
        RunInfo getRunInfo(int id);

}                                  // SpecTclDB 



The SpecTclDB::SaveSet class encapsulates a save set in an object. Methods are provided to create save sets and the constructor wraps a save set into an object.

Once you have a save set, you can us it to prerform a number of operations on the save set. These operations may require a number of data type definitions. See METHODS and DATA TYPES for more.


static bool exists(CSqlite& conn = , const char* name = );

Returns true if the save set named name has been created in the database connected to conn. Normally, this method is used by the SpecTclDB::CDatabase class whose objects encapsulate a raw CSqlite object.

For information about the CSqlite class, see the 3sqlite++ reference section.

static SaveSet* create(CSqlite& conn = , const char* name = );

Creates a new save set named name in the database connected to conn. This is normally used by SpecTclDB::CDatabase. The resulting SpecTclDB::SaveSet object pointed to by the return value is dynamically allocated and must be deleted when your program is done using it.

On error, the method throws a std::invalid_argument exception. The most common error is that there is already a save set named name in the database.

static std::vector<Info> list(CSqlite& conn = );

Returns a vector whose elements are pointers to every save set defined in the database connected via conn. Normally, this is used by SpecTclDB::CDatabase. The pointers in the result are pointers to dynamically created objects that must, eventually be deleted.

SaveSet(CSqlite& conn = , const char* name = );

Constructs a SpecTclDB::SaveSet object wrapping one named name in the database connected to conn. This is normally used by the SpecTclDB::CDatabase class. name must already exist. If not, a std::invalid_argument exception is thrown.

SaveSet(CSqlite& conn = , int id = );

Same as previous constructor but the specific save set is selected by the primary key of the save set ( id ).

const Info& getInfo();

Information about the save set wrapped by a SpecTclDB::SaveSet object is cached in an information structure (SpecTclDB::SaveSet::Info). This returns a const reference to that struct. Examining the struct members allows you to know essentially everything about the top level save set definition.

The members of the SpecTclDB::SaveSet::Info struct are described in the DATA TYPES section of this manpage.

std::vector<DBParameter*> listParameters();

Returns a vector of pointers to SpecTclDB::DBParameter objects that provide poiners to objects encapsulating all parameter definitions. These pointers are to dynamically allocated objects and therefore must, at some point, have delete operate on them.

See the reference page for SpecTclDB::DBParameter for information about the objects that are returned.

DBParameter* createParameter(const char* name = , int number = );

Creates a new minimal parameter definition. name is the name of the new parameter while number is the parameter number. In addition, the database assigns the parameter a primary key which can be used for retrieval.

The return value is a pointer to a dynamically created SpecTclDB::DBParameter which encapsulates the ata store for the parameter in the database. The parameter pointer points to a dynamically allocated object and, therefore, must be operated on by delete when you are done with it.

DBParameter* createParameter(const char* name = , int number = , double low = , double high = , int bins = , const char* units = );

Same as the previous overload of createParameter, however this version of the method includes, in addition to the minimal values of name and number, metadata. The metadata provided provides hints to the user and graphical user interfaces when constructing spectrum axes that represent the parameter.

low and high are suggested low and high limits for such axes. bins is the suggested number of bins for the axis. Finally, units is a reminder to users of the units of measure in which the parameter is produced. Note that a normal convention for unitless parameters is to provide an empty string.

DBParameter* findParameter(const char* name = );

Encapsulates the parameter named by name in a SpecTcl::DBParameter object. The object is dynamically created and a pointer to it returned. When the object is no longer deleted the pointer should be operated on by delete.

DBParameter* findParameter(int number = );

Same as above, but the lookup is by the number of the parameter passsed to createParameter. In the context of SpecTcl, the number is a slot in CEvent objects that represent unpacked events.

DBParameter* getParameter(int id = );

Retrievs a parameter by its primary key value. Unlike the parameter number which is assigned by the application, the primary key is an integer that is assigned to each row of the parameter definition table by the database when an insert is performed.

This is most often useful to lookup parameters that are referred to by other objects in the database. In order to create a database that is in one of the normal forms, references to objects that other objects depend on are stored as the primary key. In database terminology these are called foreign keys.

Most realtional databases are constructed so that lookups by primary key are very fast.

bool spectrumExists(const char* name = );

Returns true if the saveset contains a spectrum definition for a spectrum called name. If not false is returned.

DBSpectrum* createSpectrum(const char* name = , const char* type = , const std::vector<const char*>& parameterNames = , const std::vector<SpectrumAxis>& axes = , const char* datatype= = "long");

Creates a new spectrum definition in the database. The name of the spectrum is name. The spectrum type code is type.

All spectra are defined on some set of parameters. The order of these parameters is important, and stored in the data base in a way that it can be recovered. parameterNames is an ordered vector of parameters the spectrum depends on. The names of these parameters must match the name of a previously defined parameter in this saveset.

Spectra have one or two free axes. By free axes, I mean axes whose definition is not obvious from the spectrum type and must be provided to complete the spectrum definition. For example, the X axis of a summary spectrum is fully determined by the number of parameters the summary is defined on and therefore not a free axis. Axis specification order is important, for example, in a 2 spectrum, the the first axis description is the X axis and the scond the Y. axes is an ordered vector of axis specifications that describe the axis low limite, high limit and number of bins for each free axis. See the DATA TYPES section that, among other things describes the SpecTclDB::SaveSet::SpectrumAxis data type used here.

Finally, an optional datatype parameter specifies the data type used to store each bin of spectrum data. This defaults to "long". Valid string values are: "long" which creates bins that are 32 bits wide, "word" which creats bins that are 16 bits wide and "byte" which creates bins that are 8 bits wide.

The return value from this method is a pointer to a SpecTclDB::DBSpectrum object that wraps the spectrum definition in the database. This object is dynamically created. Once the program no longer needs it, delete should operate on that pointer in order to free the object.

std::vector<DBSpectrum*> listSpectra();

Returns a vector containing pointers to objects that encapsulate all spectrum definitions in this save set. Note that these objects are all dynamically allocated and, therefore delete must operate on these pointers.

DBSpectrum* lookupSpectrum(const char* name = );

If the saveset has a definition for the spectrum named name, a pointer to an object wrapping of the spectrum is returned. When the program no longer needs this object, it should be deleted.

If no spectrum with that name has been defined in the saveset, an std::invalid_argument exception is thrown.

bool gateExists(const char* name = );

If the saveset has a definition for a gate named name, this method returns true, if not, false is returned instead.

DBGate* create1dGate(const char* name = , const char* type = , const std::vector<const char*>& params = , double low = , double high = );

Creates a 1-d gate definition in the saveset. Gates come in three broad categories, depending on the data they need to express them:

  1. Point gates require parameters and one or more sets of points in parameter space.

    Polnt gates are further subdivided into 1-d and 2-d points which are determined by the dimensionality of the region of interest defined by the gate.

  2. Compound gates are gates that are checked by performing a logical operation on some other set of gates.

  3. Mask gates are gates that require one parameter and a bitmask. The parameter value is treated as an integer. Some bitwise operation is performed between the mask and parameter and a check is performed on the result.

This method creates a 1-d point gate. Examples of such gates are slices and gamma slices. name is the name of the gate that will be created in the save set. type is a textual gate type string.

As this is a point gate, params is a vector of parameters the gate will be checked against. for slice gates this will be a single parameter, for gamma slices, more than one. low and high define a segment of 1-d parameter space. Parameters must be in this gate to make the gate true for this event. See SpecTcl's documentation for more information on what makes a gamma slice true.

The returned value is a pointer to a dynamically created SpecTclDB::DBGate object. When your program no longer needs this object, it should be deleted.

DBGate* create2dGate(const char* name = , const char* type = , const std::vector<const char*>& params = , const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& points = );

Creates a point gate where the region of interest is a 2-dimensional figure. Examples are bands, contoures, gamma contours etc.

As before, the name parameter specifies the name of the gate and type a gate type string. Again as before parameters are the parameters on which the gate is defined. Order can be important. For example for a contour, the first parameter is the X parameter the second the Y parameter.

points is an ordered list of X, Y pointes in parameter space that define the region of acceptance of the gate. See the SpecTcl documentation for information about how the region of acceptance is intepreted when evaluating a gate.

The returned value is a pointer to a dynamically created SpecTclDB::DBGate object. When your program no longer needs this object, it should be deleted.

DBGate* createCompoundGate(const char* name = , const char* type = , const std::vector<const char*>& = );

Creates a compound gate definition. Compound gates are dependent on other gates, some of which could, themselves, also be compound gates. In SpecTcl, compound gates can nest to any depth as long as there are no circular dependencies.

As before, name is the name of the gate definition now being made, type is the type of the gate (e.g. "*" for an and gate). gates is a vector of names of gates that are already defined in the save set.

Note that when saving the gate definitions in SpecTcl, you must be careful to determine the gate dependencies to ensure that gates are not defined in the database prior to all their dependent gate definitions. The Tcl high level SpecTcl API does this dependency analysis.

The database is organized that the method listGates will return gates in the order in which they were defined which means that if dependency analysis was done when saving gates, it does not need to be done when restoring them.

The returned value is a pointer to a dynamically created SpecTclDB::DBGate object. When your program no longer needs this object, it should be deleted.

DBGate* createMaskGate(const char* name, const char* type = , const char* type = , const char* parameter = , int mask = );

Creates a mask gate definition. As before, name is the name of the gate and type is the gate type (e.g. "em"). Mask gates only take a single parameter: parameter is the name of that parameter, which must already be defined in this saveset. mask is the mask.

The returned value is a pointer to a dynamically created SpecTclDB::DBGate object. When your program no longer needs this object, it should be deleted.

DBGate* lookupGate(const char* name = );

If the gate named name has a definition in this saveset, a pionter to an object encapsulating that gate definition is returned. If name has not been defined in the save set, an std::invalid_exception is thrown. The object pointed to by the return value is dynamically allocated and must therefore be deleted when the program has no further need for it.

DBGate* lookupGate(int id = );

Same as above, but lookup is by the primary key of the gate in the top level table for gate definitions. This is generally a faster way to find a gate if its primary key is known (for example, in a compound gate, the dependent gates are stored as gate ids).

std::vector<DBGate*> listGates();

Returns a vector of pointer to SpecTcl:DBGate objects. The vector will contain pointers to objects that will encapsulate all gates defined in this save set. The vector order will be such that no gate will appear in the vector without all of its dependencies appearing first.

The pointers point to dynamically created objects. All pointers must be deleted once the program has no further need of them.

DBApplication* applyGate(const char* gate = , const char* spectrum = );

Creates a new gate application entry in the save set. Gates applied to spectra conditionalize that spectrum's increment on the gate. Even an event has all the parameters needed to increment the spectrum, if a gate is applied to a spectrum, it will not be incremented unless that gate is true.

gate is the name of the gate to apply and spectrum is the name of the spectrum it should be applied to. Bot gate and spectrum must already be defined in the saveset. Note that gate application is a one to many thing. A gate can be applied to as many spectra as desired, but only one gate can be applied to any single spectrum.

In fact, SpecTcl simplifies its gate checking logic by requiring that all spectra always have exactly one gate applied to it. When a spectrum is created a true gate is applied to it. It is not necessary to store the application of true gates to a spectrumm, unless once restored, that gate may be changed to a different type of gate.

The return value fromt his method is a pointer to a SpecTclDB::DBApplication object. The object encapsulates information about the application and is dynamically created. When the program no longers needs the object, therefore, it should be destroyed.

DBApplication* lookupApplication(const char* gate = , const char* spectrum = );

Looks up an application and returns a pointer to an object wrapping of the data for it in the database. Note that applications are not named entities. They can only be looked up by providing both the gate name (gate) and the target spectrum (spectrum).

The returned value is a pointer to a dynamically created object. As such, when the calling program no longer needs it, it should be deleted.

std::vector<DBApplication*> listApplications();

Returns a vector containing pointers to all of the gate applications defined in the save set. These objects are all dynamically created and must be deleted when the program no longer needs them.

DBTreeVariable* createVariable(const char* name = , double value = , const char* units = "");

Creates a tree variable definition. name is the name of the variable whose definition is being captured. value is the value for it that will be stored. units are the units of measure of the variable. If not supplied, this defaults to an empty string which, by convention, means a unit-less variable.

The return value is a pointer to a SpecTclDB::DBTreeVariable that encapsulates the database entry just made. This is a pointer to a dynamically created object and, therefore, must be deleted when it is no longer needed.

DBTreeVariable* lookupVariable(const char* name = );

If there is a definition for the tree variable name in the database it is retrieved and wrapped with a SpecTclDB::DBTreeVariable object. If not, an std::invalid_argument exception is thrown. The return value is dynamically constructed and, therefore, when the program is done using it, you should delete it.

bool variableExists(const char* name = );

If there is a variable definition for name in the saveset, this method returns true. If not, false is returned instead.

std::vector<DBTreeVariable*> listVariables();

Returns a vector containing pointers to SpecTclDB::DBTreeVariable objects that describe all of the variable definitions in the save set. The pointers are to dynamically allocated objects and therefore, once the program is done with the objects they should be deleted.

int startRun(uint32_t run = , const char* title = , time_t start = );

Creates an entry in the save set for a begin run. run is the run number of that run, title is the run title and start the clock time a which the run actually started. The return value is the primary key of the run entry which should be used as a handle in future calls to store data associated with the run.

Note tha the entry in the database has a run end time. This is initialized to null. It can be set by a call to endRun described below. The two are separated because if you are building up run data from a serial event file, there will be a separation between the begin run record and end run record of, potentially several million events.

The start time should not be now, but the time the run actually started, nopefully recorded in the start run record of the event file being analyze.

void endRun(int id = , time_t endtime = );

Sets the end of run time for the run with the id returned from startRun. the time used will be endtime

int saveScalers(int id = , int sourceid = , int startOffset = , int stopOffset = , int divisor = , time_t when = , int nScalers = , const uint32_t* scalers = );

Saves a scaler readout entry for the run identified by id. This id should have been returned from startRun.

sourceid is an integer that represents the source id that identifies data from a specific source of data to the event builder.

startOffset and stopOffset identifier the start and stop times of the most recent scaler readout. divisor is the value to divide the offsets by to get a time in seconds since the run started.

nScalers are the number of scalers that were readout and scalers is a pointer to that many scalers.

void* startEvents(int id = );

Indicates that a set of decoded events are about to be stored in the database. Single database operations are comparitively slow, while doing several entries within a transaction or save point is much more efficient. This method starts a save point and returns a handle to it.

The id parameter should be the return value from the startRun for the run for which we are going to enter events.

void rollbackEvents(void* savept = );

Rolls back the save point created by a call to startEvents. savept is the value returned from startEvents. Once this is called, that pointer should not be used as it is no longer pointing to anything valid.

A rollback effectively cancels all database insertions performed since the call to startEvents. This applies not just to event data but:

  • Calls to saveScalers

  • Calls to methods that create definitions for objects in this saveset.

  • Calls to methods that result in insertions to the database that are performed on any object connected to the same database as this saveset.

void endEvents(void* savept = );

Commits the save point created by the call to startEvents that returned the value passed to this method as savept. All insertions become finalized and become visible to other clients of the database.

In actual fact, the save point affects more than event data, see the description in rollbackEvents above.

void saveEvent(int id = , int event = , int nParams = , const int* paramid = , const double* params = );

Saves an event either to the database directly or to the set of queued events in the save point created by a recent call to startEvents. id is the id of the run that owns the event (returned from startRun). event is the event number. (should be a counter incremented after each event). nParams the number of unpacked parameters to be saved. paramids points to the array of parameter numbers for the parameters in the event. By parameter numbers I mean the value of the number field of a parameter definition. params, pointer to an array of corresponding parameter values.

If you are preparing to call this from a CEvent object in SpecTcl,

  1. nParams is the size of that event's dope vector.

  2. parmids is the pointer returned from the call to data on the dope vector.

  3. params can be produced by pushing the values corresponding to parameter ids in the dope vector intp a vector of doubles and then using the value returned from data called on that vector.

std::vector<int> listRuns();

returns a vector run number for the runs that have data stored in this saveset.

int openRun(int number = );

Given a run number makes it available for data retrieval by returning the primary key of the run in the database. The resultis known in the API variously as a runid or just an id.

RunInfo getRunInfo();

Given a run primary key (run id) returns information about it in a SpecTclDB::SaveSet::RunInfo struct.

void* openScalers(int runid = );

Begins pulling scaler readout data from the whose run id is runid. The return value is actually a handle into the scaler data retrieval result set and should be used in calls to readScaler, and ultimately closeScalers

int readScaler(void* context = , ScalerReadout& result = );

Returns the next scaler read from the result set, context that was returned from a call to openScalers. The data are returned in the result parameter. The shape of the SpecTclDB::SaveSet::ScalerReadout type is described in the section DATA TYPES.

If the return value was non zero there was another readout and the data in result is valid. If not, then there was no additional data and the result data should not be relied on.

void closeScalers(void* context);

frees all reasources that are used by the context parameter returned from a previous call to openScalers.

void* openEvents(int runid = );

Prepares a result set for the events associated with the run whose primary key is runid. The return value is a context that should be used to iterate over the result set. See readEvent and closeEvents.

int readEvent(void* context = , Event& result = );

Retrieves the next event in the result set indicted by context (gotten from openEvents). The eventis stored in result The shape of the SpecTclDB::SaveSet::Event data type is described in DATA TYPES below.

If there is another event in the result set, the return value is nonzero. If, however there are no more events, the return value is zero. If the return value is zero, the contents of result should not be considered to be reliable.


Several public data types are defined. When reading the description below, all data type names should be prefixed in code with SpecTclDB::SaveSet:: that is the types are defined as local types within the SpecTclDB::SaveSet class.


The Info type is a structure that caches information about the saveset retrieved from the database. It has the following fields:


The save set's primary key in its top level table.

std::string s_name

The name of the save set.


The time of day at which the save set was created.

Note that an appropriate set of copy constructors and assignment operators have been defined to make the struct copy and assignment safe.


This struct provides information about a run that was saved in the database. It as the following fields:

int s_runNumber

The run number of the run.

std::string s_title

The title string of the run.


The clock time at which the run started.

time_t s_stopTime

The clock time at which the run ended. It is possible, if the run ended badl or wasn ot completely saved to the databas, that this field will be zero meaning that the end time of the run is not known.


This struct contains the information from a scaler readout. The struct contains not only the scaler channel data but also the metadata describing it. Here are the fields in that struct:

int s_sourceId

When data are event built, each source for the event builder has its own unique integer source id. Each data source may readout periodic scalers and the meaning of the scalers read from source to source vary.

This field contains the source id of the data source that produced this readout.

int s_startOffset

This is a time offset into the run at which the period over which the scalers accumulated started. The units depend on s_divisor below.

int s_stopOffset

The time offset into the run at which the period over which the scalers accumulated for this readout ended.

int s_divisor

If you do a floating point division of s_startOffset or s_stopOffset by this value you will get those times in units of seconds.

std::vector<int> s_values

This vector are the scaler values for this counting period.

EventParameter and Event

These two data types are closely related and are used when returning a processed event from the database. EventParameter is a struct that represents a single parameter:


The number of the parameter represented by this struct. Note that this refers not to a primary key for a parameter but its number field.


The actual value of the parameter.

This representation of parameters assumes that, in general, events are sparse. Finally, the Event is just a std::vector<EventParameter>, and represents an entire event extracted from the database.


This data type describes a single spectrum axis and is used when creating spectra:

double s_low

The axis low limit in parameter coordinates.

double s_high

The axis high limit in parameter coordinates.


The number of bins on that axis.

Note that axes are inclusive on the low side and exclusive of the high end. In SpecTcl it's perfectly legal to have a reversed axis. That is an axis where s_low is greater than s_high.