A.4. Database schema.

Note. The database scheme is not considered to be a stable interface in the sense that whle the APIs documented will be maintained and backward compatible with future work, the developers reserve the right to modify the actual database schema. This documentation allows you to know how to do operations that may not be supported by the APIs but there's no gaurantee anything you do with schema knowledge will work in perpetuity. If the API is missing something you want then by all means let us know and we'll consider adding it or working with you to describe how to meet your need within the current APIs.

Database schema are divided into tables. Each table usually has a field called its primary key. The value of the primary key is a unique identifier for records in the table. It is normally very quick to look up a record by its primary key.

In a relational databae, such as sqlite3, it is normal for records in one table to refer to records in another table. This reference is expressed by having fields that contain foreign keys to the other table. A foreign key is a field whose values are primary keys in another table.

Foreign keys express a belonging/ownership relationship. The ownership, in turn may express a 'has many' or a 'has one' relationship depending on the multiplicity of the relationship. This multiplicity is defined by the logic that populates the database.

This appendix will describe the set of tables defined by a daq database and their relationships.

The top level table is the save_sets table. It contains one entry for each save set in the database. All other tables are owned either directly or indirectly by a row in the save_set table. The schema of this table is:

            (id  INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
             name TEXT UNIQUE,
             timestamp INTEGER)

The fields have the following meaning:

integer id

The primary key for the row. Our convention is that each table's primary key is an integer named id and is the first field declared in the table.

text name

Contains the name of the save-set. Sqlite3 does not require us to declare lengths of text items.

integer timestamp

The time at which the record was created. This is a unix timestamp.

The primary purpose of save sets is to store the analysis configuration of SpecTcl. This consists of parameter/treeparameter definitions, Spectrum definitions, gate definitions, gate applications and tree variables. At present, pseudo parameter definitions are not stored. If there is a need for that, please contact us as these can be added.

Parameter definitions require a single table: parameter_defs. This table contains the base SpecTcl parameter definition as well as any optional metadata supplied by a treeparameter that might wrap it. If a tree parameter is not wrapping the parameter, then the metadata values are NULL.

Here's the table definition for the parameter_defs table:

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS parameter_defs
            (id      INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,                    
             save_id INTEGER NOT NULL,  -- foreign key to save_sets.id
             name    TEXT NOT NULL,
             number  INTEGER NOT NULL,
             low     REAL,
             high    REAL,
             bins    INTEGER,
             units   TEXT)

As with all tables, by convention, id is the primary key and is an integer. Here are the definitions for the remaining fields of the table:

integer save_id

This is a foreign key that contains the id of the save_set to which this parameter definition belongs. We can say that a parameter definition belongs to a save set and a save set has many parameter definitions.

text name

This field contains the name of the spectcl parameter. It is never null as all SpecTcl parameter must have unique names. The field is not marked as unique because different save sets may have parameter definitions with the same name.

integer number

This is the SpecTcl parameter number. Each parameter in SpecTcl has a unique number that defines it's slot in CEvent objects containing unpacked event data.

real low

This field is not null if there is a tree parameter wrapping of the parameter. In that case, the field will contain the tree parameter's suggested low limit for the parameter.

real high

As with low, is not null if the parameter is wrapped by a tree parameter. In that case, this field contains the suggested high limit for this parameter.

integer bins

If the parameter is wrapped with a tree parameter, this contains the suggested binning for this parameter. Otherwise, this field is null.

text units

If the parameter is wrapped by a tree parameter, this field contains the units of measure of that parameter. It can be an empty string as well as NULL.

The next set of tables hold information about spectrum definitions and spectrum contents. These tables are:


The top level (or root) table for spectrum definitions. This table has one entry per spectrum.


Depending on the dimensionality of the spectrum, each record in spectrum_defs will have one or two records in this table. Each entry describes a spectrum axis.


Each spectrum depends one or more parameters. Thus spectrum_defs has many spectrum_params each describing a parameter the spectrum depends on.


If a spectrum has contents stored, this table will contain the spectrum contents. There will be a record in this table for every non-zero channel in the spectrum.

Note in the special case were an empty spectrum is being saved, there will be one record for the spectrum with a channel value of 0.

Let's look at these tables in detail.

spectrum_defs is the top level table for capturing spectrum definitions and contents. All of the other tables involved in spectrum definitions have foreign keys linking them back to this table. This table, in turn, has a foreign key that links it back to the save set it belongs to.

The defintion of spectrum_defs is:

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS spectrum_defs
            (id      INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
             save_id INTEGER NOT NULL,     -- Foreign key to save_sets.id
             name    TEXT NOT NULL,
             type    TEXT NOT NULL,
             datatype TEXT NOT NULL

Besides the id which is the usual primary keh and the save_id which is the foreign key pointing back to the save_sets table, the following fields are defined:

text name

SpecTcl's name for the spectrum. Each spectrum in a save set has a unique name. Usually humans refer to the spectrum using that name. While SpecTcl assigns an integer number to that spectrum, that number is actually not used at all externally or internally and is, therefore, not stored.

text type

Each spectrum has a type that determines how it is incremented by the parameters it depends on. In SpecTcl, these types are represented by short textual type codes. This field contains the type code for the spectrum.


Histograms storing a spectrum have a data type that can be one of byte (uint8_t), word (uint16_t) or long (uint32_t). This field captures that datatype. By default, given that memory is much cheaper than when SpecTcl was originally written, a spectrum's data type is long. Regardless, this field explicitly stores the spectrum's datatype.

Each spectrum has one or two axes (SpecTcl does not support 3d spectra). These axes are described in the axis_defs table. When fetching from this table, it's important to order the results by the id field. When this is done, the first (or only) axis for a spectrum is the X axis and the second, if it exists is the Y axis definition.

Here is the definitino of the axis+defs table:

                id           INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                spectrum_id  INTEGER NOT NULL,  -- FK to spectrum_defs.id
                low          REAL NOT NULL,
                high         REAL NOT NULL,
                bins         INTEGER NOT NULL

As usual, id is the primary key. It also serves to order axis definitions for a spectrum. spectrum_id is a foreign key to the id field of the spectrum_defs table. Its value indicates which spectrum in the spectrum_defs table, a record in this table belongs to.

The remaining fields in this table are:


The low limit of the axis.


The high limit of the axis. The axis is considered to run over the interval [low, high).


Number of bins into which the axis is divided. Note that in SpecTcl bins are all equal sized.

Spectra are defined on parameters. The values of parameters in an event can increment a spectrum depending on that spectrum's type and whether or not parameters needed are present. The number of parameters a spectrum may have are dependent on may be anywhere from 1 to unbounded depending on the spectrum type (e.g. gamma spectra).

Where parameter ordering is important, ordering the retrieval of parameters from the spectrum_params table recovers that ordering.

The contents of this table consist of the primary key id, and two foreign keys: spectrum_id which ties the record back to the spectrum it belongs to and parameter_id which ties the entry back to the parameter in the parameter_defs table that defines the parameter.

In this way, it is not necessary to actually repeat the parameter definitions. This point is an important concept in database design. This sort of table is also sometimes called a join table because you can use the SQL join operation to marry the spectrum_defs table to the parameter_defs table through this table.

Finlly, If the contents of the spectrum have been saved in a save set there will be several entries in the spectrum_contents table to represent this. With the exception of the special case of a spectrum with no counts, the table will contain one entry for each non-zero channel. If the spectrum is empty, it will contain a single entry for a valid channel in the spectrum containing a value of zero.

The table contains the usual id primary key column. It also has a spectrum_id foreign key into the spectrum_defs table that ties each record back to a spectrum definition which, in turn, ties the entry back to a save set.

The remaining fields are:


This value is a bin number on the X axis of the spectrum. If the spectrum is one-dimensional, this value is the only coordinate needed to specify a spectrum bin.


If the spectrum is two dimensional (for this purpose, summary spectra are two dimensional), this value is the y bin coordinate of a channel in the spectrum. If the spectrum is one dimensional, the value of this field is NULL.


This field is the value that was stored in the channel designated by the xbin and possibly ybin fields.

SpecTcl provides a very rich set of gate types. For database definition purposes, these actually fall into three categories:

  1. Parameter/point; these gates depend on parameters and points in parameter space.

  2. Parameter/mask; these gates depend on parameters and a bitmask.

  3. Compound; these gates depend on other gates.

There are also the special cases of True and False gates that depend on nothing.

This richness in gate types and dependecies leads to a root gate_defs table and quite a few subordinate tables some of which are used and other not used for any given gate type:


This is the root table. Every gate has an entry in this table. All subordinate tables have foreign keys pointing back to this table.

Note that if you fetch gate definitions from this table ordered by primary key, the API ensures that you will not encounter a gate definition that for a compound gate that depends on a gate you have not already seen previously in the retrieval.


This table is used by Parameter/point gates to store the points that define the region of interest that makes up the gate.


This table is used by Compound gates to store the gates a compound gate depends on.


This table stores the parameters a Parameter/point or Parameter/mask gate depends on.


This table stores the mask values for Parameter/mask gates.

Let's starg going over the contents of each of these tables one at a time. The gate_defs table, as expected, has the id primary key and saveset_id foreign key fields, uniquely defining the entry and which save set the gate definition belongs to.

Additionally, each record of this table has the following fields:


Each gate has a unique name. This field contains that name. While SpecTcl assigns gates numbers, these numbers are not used internally or externally and, therefore, are not stored.


SpecTcl uses short textual strings to describe the gate type. This field stores that gate type. The gate type is going to determine which other tables have data for this gate.

For Parameter/Points gates, the gate_points table defines a region of interest in parameter space in which the gate is true. These gates will also have entries in the gate_parameters table. Where point ordering is important (e.g contours and bands), ordering the retrieval by id recovers that order.

In addition to the id primary key, this table contains a gate_id field which is a foreign key into the gate_defs table identifying the gate each point belongs to.

Real x and possibly null y fields identify the point coordinates. One dimensional regions of interest (e.g. slices) have null y values.

Compound gates require a list of dependent gates. These are stored in the join table component_gates. In addition to the id primary key and parent_gate foreign key back to the gate_defs table indicating the gate each record belongs to, a child_gate foreign key back to the gate_defs table points to the dependent gate.

Compound gates need not have ordering, however for some gate types (and, or gates), the ordering could be chosen to improve the efficiency of gate computation if the frequency with which a dependent gate is satisfied is known. This s because these gates do short-circuit evaluation, where possible to avoid checking all dependent gates. Once more retrieving from this table ordered by id will recover the original order of dependent gates.

Parameter/point and parameter/mask gates require entrie(s) in the gate_params table. This is a join table with primary key id and parent_gate pointing to the owning gate in the gate_defs table and parameter_id pointing to the parameter in the parameter_defs table.

As usual, retrieving the data from this table ordered by primary key will recover any required ordering of these parameters (for example band aand contour gates require the first parameter be the X parameter and second the Y).

Finally, the gate_masks table stores the mask values for gates Parameter/Mask gate types. This table, in addition to the primary key id, and foreign key parent_gate that refers back to the gate_defs table has an integer mask parameter that contains the mask value.

Defined gates can be applied to a spectrum in SpecTcl. When applied, that gate acts as a condition that is checked, event by event, and must be true for the spectrum to be incremented. Actually all spectra have gates applied to them. When a spectrum is created it has a True gate applied to it so that it is always incremented.

Gate applications are captured in a join table called, gate_applications in addition to the primary key id, this table has two foreign keys: spectrum_id that indicates which spectrum is being conditionalized by the gate that is indicated by gate_id.

The final analysis cofiguration item we need to describe in the database are tree variables. These map to Tcl variables and CTreeVariable objects that are used to steer computations performed by the user's event analysis pipeline.

Tree variable definitions are captured in the treevariables table:

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS treevariables (
                id             INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                save_id        INTEGER NOT NULL,
                name           TEXT NOT NULL,
                value          DOUBLE NOT NULL,
                units          TEXT

In addition to the id primary key and save_id foreign key into the save_sets table, the following fields are present in this table:


Contains the name of the tree variable. This is also the name of the Tcl global variable the tree variable maps to.


Contains the value of the tree variable.


Contains the units of measure metadata for this tree variable.

A.4.1. Storing event data

The event data for a single run can also be stored in a save-set. At present, only run state transitions, event data and scaler readouts can be stored.

The SpecTcl code that can write event data into the database creates a new save set when the run begins, and saves the analysis configuration. It then puts data into a set of additional tables.


Contains the root information for event and scaler data. All event like data for the run are linked back to this table.


Stores the parameters for each event that were produced by the user's event analysis pipeline.


Stores information about when a scaler readout occured and on which source id it occured.


Stores the data from each channel of a scaler ring item

The runs table has the following definition

            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS runs (    -- Runs that were saved.
                id         INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                config_id  INTEGER,              -- Configuration at begin of run.
                run_number INTEGER UNIQUE NOT NULL,
                title      TEXT NOT NULL,
                start_time INTEGER,
                stop_time  INTEGER              -- End of run time

As expected, the config_id is a foreign key into the save_sets table indicating which save set this run was saved in. id is a primary key which provides a handle for dependent data to link back to.

In addition to these fields, we store:


The run number for the run captured by this data.


The title of the run.


The unix time_t at which the run begun. In Tcl this can be turned into a human readable time with clock format, in C/C++ with strftime.


The unix time_t at which the run was ended. Note that if the run does not have a valid end run item, this will be NULL

The events table is a bit odd. A normal database definition for it would look like this:

        id          INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
        run_id      INTEGER NOT NULL,
        event_number INTEGER_NOT NULL,
        parameter_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
        parameter_value REAL NOT NULL

Each parameter of each event would have an entry in the table that would contain its parameter id (foreign key to the parameter_defs table), and its value. In fact this was the first try to implement this table. What we found, however, was that while this table would have made some interesting queries to support data analysis possible, reconstructing events from it was not time-efficient.

We therefore wound up settling on this compromise definition:

                id         INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                run_id     INTEGER NOT NULL,   -- fk to runs(id).
                event_number INTEGER NOT NULL, -- Event number in the run.
                parameter_count INTEGER NOT NULL, -- Hints at the event blob size.
                event_data  BLOB NOT NULL

As in the first attempt, in addition to the primary key id, the run_id, a foreign key tying the event back to the run it belongs to and the event_number, which represents the trigger number in the run; we have:


Contains the number of parameters that have values in this event. SpecTcl provides a CEvent data type that is an array like object whose values know if they've been assigned values or not. This count represents the count of parameters that have been assigned values.

Some event processing pipelines initialize all parameters to some value. While this avoids having to check the validity of parameters, it also throws away a major SpecTcl optimization at histogramming time. This is not recommended practice.


This contains the actual parameters that were given values in the event. So first, what does blob mean? blob is an acronym for Binary Large Object. Blobs allows arbitrary binary data to occupy a field in the database.

In this case the blob stores a sequence of parameter_count DBEvent::blobElement structs. Where this struct contains the following fields:

uint32_t s_parameterNumber

The number/id of a parameter (foreign key into parameter_defs).

double s_parameterValue

The value of that parameter for this event.

The SpecTclHeader CDBEvents.h contains a definition of the DBEvent::blobElement data type.

Scaler data is captured in two tables. The first, scaler_readouts contains one record per PERIODIC_SCALERS ring item SpecTcl sees. The second, scaler_channels contains the actual values of the scaler contained by that ring item.

The scaler_readouts table looks like this:

            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scaler_readouts (
                id            INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                run_id        INTEGER NOT NULL,      -- fk for runs.
                source_id     INTEGER NOT NULL,      -- Event builder source.
                start_offset  INTEGER NOT NULL,
                stop_offset   INTEGER NOT NULL,
                divisor       INTEGER NOT NULL,
                clock_time    INTEGER NOT NULL

The id field is the primary key value and run_id is a foreign key into the runs table that indicates which run this readout belongs to.

The remainder of the fields:


This is the source id from the body header of the ring item. In event built data it indicates which event source produced this scaler item. If the scaler item does not have a body header, this wil contain the value 0.


Scaler data represents scaler counts over some interval in the run. This value contains the time offset into the run at which that interval began. See, however divisor below.


Describes the time offset into the run at which the counting intervale ended. Again see the divisor field below.


In order to allow for sub-second timing in scaler readout, either for higher precision, or for cases when readouts must happen more often than once per second, this field is supplied. This field represents the number of seconds per tick in the start and stop offset fields. That is, dividing those fields by this value (in floating point) results in seconds into the run.


The unix time_t at which this scaler readout happened. This can be converted to a humann readable time in Tcl using clock format and in C/C++ using strftime.

Associated with each scaler channel in the ring item that resulted in an entry in scaler_readouts is a record in the scaler_channels table. This table has the usual id primary key. A foreign key pointing it back to an entry in the scaler_readouts table named readout_id and the following additional fields:


The channel number of this entry. This is the index into the array of scalers that was readout.


The number of counts in that scaler channel for the asssociated readout.