11.2. Distributing the SomeDaqBufferDecoder as a plugin

In the previous section we described, in theoretical terms what we need to do to create a Tcl extension and, thus, a SpecTcl plugin. In this section we will take concrete steps to turn the the buffer decoder developed in the previous chapter into a plugin. We will:

From now I'm going to use the word plugin rather than the Tcl term extension to describe our work.

Let's see what the plugin's initialization function looks like:

Example 11-1. Plugin initialization for the sample daq decoder plugin

#define USE_TCL_STUBS 1                            (1)

#include <tcl.h>
#include <AttachCommand.h>                   (2)
#include "SomeDaqDecoderCreator.h"

const char* packageName    = "SomeDaqDecoder";
const char* packageVersion = "1.0";                (3)
const char* TclMinVersion  = "8.5";

extern "C" {                                       (4)
  int Somedaqdecoder_Init(Tcl_Interp* interp)      (5)
    const char* actualVersion = Tcl_InitStubs(interp, TclMinVersion, 0); (6)
    if (!actualVersion) {
      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Unable to initialize Tcl Stubs", NULL); (7)
      return TCL_ERROR;

    int status = Tcl_PkgProvide(interp,
                            const_cast<char*>(packageName),       (8)
    if (status != TCL_OK) status;

    CAttachCommand::addDecoderType("blockring", new SomeDaqDecoderCreator);  (9)

    return TCL_OK;                                (10)

This preprocessor definition switches on the plugin interface in the tcl.h header. This definition could also have been, and often is added to the compiler's command line flags (-DUSE_TCL_STUBS).

In this case we really want to be sure that we're using the stubs interface because that employes a jump table rather than direct linkages to the Tcl run time libraries to insulate us from Tcl version.

We need several headers to correctly compile:


Defines the Tcl API functions and data types.


Provides the bits of the SpecTcl library we need, specifically how to register our decoder creator with SpecTcl's attach command.


In order to register our decoder with the attach command we'll need to provide an instance of SomeDaqDecoderCreator,.

Defines several constant strings we'll need:


The name of the package we are initializing.


The version of the package initialized by this code. Package versions allow clients to distinguish between historical implementations of a package that may not be forward or backwards compatible. See the documetation of the package provide command for more information.


Initialization of the Tcl stubs interface requires some information about the specific versions of Tcl our package complies with. We'll us this to indicate that the value of this string specifies the minimum acceptable version of Tcl.

Note to nitpickers. Probably this package runs just fine on Tcl 8.0 or later but I've not had the motivation to try it out on that version.

Since the Tcl API is written in C it is important not to allow C++ to modify the name of our initialization entry point to indicate the argument signature (name decoration or mangling is how C++ supports function name overloading in the face of linkers that know nothing of argument signatures). The extern "C" declaration here means that the block of code that follows will use C not C++ linkage conventions wich, in turn, means that function names won't get decorated.

If we forget to do this, at load time Tcl will complain that it can't find our initialization function.

This is the initialization function entry. The name depends on the name of the library our plugin will be built into. We chose libSomeDaqDecoder.so, and that forces us touse the name Somedaqdecoder_Init.
Tcl_InitStubs initializes the Tcl stubs interface by building a jump table in the stubs library so that calls to stubs interfaces get forwarded to the actual API functions in the Tcl API shared library loaded by SpecTcl.

The first parameter is the interpreter. The second is a Tcl version number string. The final parameter is nonzero if the version string passed in must exactly match the version string of the Tcl shared library linked into SpecTcl, and false if that version or any newer version will satisfy our requirements.

Tcl_InitStubs returns a pointer to a string that is the Tcl version actually loaded on success or a Null pointer if the call fails. If the call fails, we append a message (hopefully the reason the call fails is already in the result string), to the interpreter result string so this error can be properly reported to the user.

Package initialization returns TCL_ERROR to indicate the initialization failed and the package is not loaded.

Tcl_PkgProvide lets Tcl know that initializing this library provides a Tcl package. The first parameter is the interpreter, the second the package name and the third, the package version number.

The function returns TCL_OK on success. On failure we just pass the return code back to our caller indicating the package did not load. There's a tacit hope that Tcl_PkgProvide has left an interpreter result that describes the reason for failure.

The point of our initialization is to add our buffer decoder to the list that attach can use by associating it with a -format keyword. This line performs that operation.
Since all has gone well we return TCL_OK to show that.

Let's look at the Makefile for a tailored SpecTcl modified to also produce our plugin library:

Example 11-2. Makefile that can produce the plugin

USERCXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 -fPIC                 (1)




all: SpecTcl libSomeDaqDecoder.so            (2)

SpecTcl: $(OBJECTS)
        $(CXXLD)  -o SpecTcl $(OBJECTS) $(USERLDFLAGS) \

clean:  cleanlib
        rm -f $(OBJECTS) SpecTcl

        makedepend $(USERCXXFLAGS) *.cpp *.c

        echo "make                 - Build customized SpecTcl"
        echo "make clean           - Remove objects from previous builds"
        echo "make depend          - Add dependencies to the Makefile. "

libSomeDaqDecoder.so: SomeDaqBufferDecoder.o  SomeDaqDecoderCreator.o packageInit.o
        $(CXXLD) -shared -o libSomeDaqDecoder.so  $^  -ltclstub8.5 $(LDFLAGS)


SomeDaqBufferDecoder.o: SomeDaqBufferDecoder.cpp SomeDaqBufferDecoder.h expdata.h

SomeDaqBufferCreator.o: SomeDaqBufferCreator.cpp SomeDaqBufferCreator.h

packageInit.o: packageInit.cpp SomeDaqDecoderCreator.h


cleanlib:                         (5)
        rm -f SomeDaq*.o
        rm -f libSomeDaq*.so*


Some comments have been removed for brevity.

To build shared libraries requires that code be compiled as position independent. This means that all branches and variable references must be relative to somethign (self in the case of branches or a pointer to data in the case of data). The -fPIC compiler flag instructs the compiler to build position independent code.
This added line defines the first target all to build not only SpecTcl but also libSomeDaqDecoder.so.

The make command with no target builds the first target in the Makefile, in this case all

Describes what's needed to make the objects needed by libSomeDaqDecoder.so, and how to build the library. Note that $^ is a Makefile variable that translates to the dependencies for the target. -ltclstub8.5, the stubs library, is specified prior to the standard SpecTcl load options to ensure that it satisfies all of the Tcl externals prior to the -ltcl8.6 in the SpecTcl LDFLAGS variable.

-shared instructs the linker that the output of the link should be a shared library rather than an executable.

These lines build the objects needed by the shared library from the individual source files. They also describe which headers each source depends on so that a change to a header will also result in an appropriate set of recompilations.
Describes how to clean the results of the shared library build. This will get invoked on make clean because we indicated that cleanlib is a dependency for the clean target.

The package index file pkgIndex.tcl is relatively simple:

package ifneeded SomeDaqDecoder 1.0 \
    [list load [file join $dir libSomeDaqDecoder.so]]


The list command can build up a Tcl command with appropriate quoting. The file join command joins filename path elements into a file path in a manner independent of the operating system. The dir variable is the directory the Tcl package require command is searching when this script is sourced.

Let's see if all of this works. We'll run SpecTcl and show a screen log of the process of checking the set of buffer decoders registered with attach, adding the package directory to auto_path, loading the package and checking the buffer decoders after the load.

% attach

You must have exactly one data source type
  attach {switches...} connection
     Switches are taken from the following:
     -format {format type}
     -size nBytes - Number of bytes per buffer.
     {sourcetype} which can be only one of:
        -file  when connection is the name of the file
               from which data will be taken
        -pipe  When connection is a command whose stdout is
               taken as the event source.
        -test  When connection selects one of the test data sources
        -null  No events will be made available.
Available format types are:
filter - SpecTcl filter format files.                    (1)
jumbo - NSCL 'standard' buffer format with jumbo sized buffers
nscl - NSCL 'standard' buffer format decoder'
ring  - NSCL DAQ Ring buffer data acquisition system

% lappend auto_path .  (1)
/usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.6 /usr/share/tcltk
/user/fox/test/pgmguideexamples/lib /usr/local/lib/tcltk /usr/local/share/tcltk
/usr/lib/tcltk/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/lib/tcltk /usr/lib/tcltk/tcl8.6 /usr/lib
/usr/opt/spectcl/5.0/TclLibs /usr/opt/spectcl/5.0/TclLibs
/usr/share/tcltk/tklib0.6 /usr/share/tcltk/tcllib1.16 /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.6
/usr/share/tcltk/tk8.6/ttk /usr/opt/spectcl/5.0/TclLibs
/usr/opt/spectcl/5.0/Script /usr/share/tcltk/itk3.3
/usr/share/tcltk/iwidgets4.0.1 /usr/share/tcltk/iwidgets4.0.1/generic
/usr/share/tcltk/iwidgets4.0.1/scripts /usr/opt/spectcl/5.0/Script .
% package require SomeDaqDecoder (2)
1.0                                        (1)
% attach
You must have exactly one data source type
  attach {switches...} connection
     Switches are taken from the following:
     -format {format type}
     -size nBytes - Number of bytes per buffer.
     {sourcetype} which can be only one of:
        -file  when connection is the name of the file
               from which data will be taken
        -pipe  When connection is a command whose stdout is
               taken as the event source.
        -test  When connection selects one of the test data sources
        -null  No events will be made available.
Available format types are:
blockring - Decode buffers from blocked 'ring items'            (1)
filter - SpecTcl filter format files.
jumbo - NSCL 'standard' buffer format with jumbo sized buffers
nscl - NSCL 'standard' buffer format decoder'
ring  - NSCL DAQ Ring buffer data acquisition system


When most SpecTcl commands are issued with an error in their syntax, they will output detailed help on the usage of the command. In this case, the attach command, among other things, lists the set of legal format types. Note that blockring is not listed.
We add the current working directory (.) to the auto_path. This means that package require will look in this directory for a pkgIndex.tcl script. For this demonstration, the index file and the shared library are both in the same directory from which we ran SpecTcl.
This package require command attempts to load the package.
When package require successfully loads a package, the return value from the command is the package version string. This 1.0 indicates the package was successfully loaded.
After the load note that the blockring format is shown as available to the attach commmand. This indicates our package was able to register its creator.

One of the interesting things about plugins is that they can be distributed by only supplying their package index file and their shared library. That can be put in a Tarball and handed off to any user. This is the advantage of using the Tcl stubs library as you are insulated from the need to know the specific version of Tcl SpecTcl was linked against.

To install a plugin so that it's automatically available to all SpecTcl users, you can ask your system administrator to install the plugin in a directory under the TclLibs subdirectory of the Tcl installation.