


TcpHoist accepts data from a server in a foreign data acquisition system and inserts it into a stream of buffers on the local SpectroDaq server.  The buffer is assumed to have a buffer type word which matches the NSCL buffer format as the second word of the buffer

Command Format:

/usr/opt/daq/bin/TcpHoist [-buffersize n] [-port name_or_number] hostname







positive integer

Number of bytes in the buffers from the source host.



string or positive integer

Specifies the port on which the remote computer is listening for Daq buffer connections.  First the parameter is treated as a service and translated using getservbyname()  If this doesn't work, the program attempts to treat the parameter as an integer port number.

daqhost or 2049 if no daqhost service is defined on the local computer's /etc/services


hostname - is the name of the host to connect to.

Detailed Operation:

TcpHoist attempts to form a Tcp/Ip sock/stream connection to the remote host.  It then reads buffers of size specified by the -buffersize switch.  As each buffer is read, it is inserted into the SpectroDaq buffer routing system. The second word each buffer is assumed to contain an NSCL buffer type.  Buffers are tagged in the same manner as Readout:  Control buffers are given the tag 3 and Event buffers the tag 2.

July 25, 2001Fox@nscl.msu.edu
NSCL Computer Group