FRIBParallelanalysis  1.0

Parameter file format.

This section describes the format of the parameter output file. The parameter output file is built in a way that supports low over head reconstruction of the parameters in each event.

The format recognizes that the parameter ids of the program recovering data may differ from those of the same name in the program that created the data. Therefore sufficient information is provided to construct mappings between the two so that parameters named the same in the producing and consuming program have the same meaning.

Furthermore, the output file recognizes that knowing the values of the steering variables that produced the parameter file is useful.

Refer to AnalysisRingItems.h when reading this section. It defines the structs that are written to file.

The file, as with all NSCLDAQ event files is written as a stream of ring items. A ring item has a header (frib::analysis::RingItemHeader) that, in the case of files written by this framework contains the following fields:

name type meaning
s_size std::uint32_t Size of the entire item in bytes (self inclusive)
s_type std::uint32_t Ring Item type [1]
s_unused std::uint32_t Constant value of sizeof(std::uint32_t) [2]


  1. The ring item types written by the framework are distinct from those written by NSCLDAQ. They live in the user item type space (above 32767). Note that input ring items that are not PHYSICS_EVENT items are considered passthrough items and are pushed by the dealer directly to the ouputtter.
  2. In NSCLDAQ, this field would be the start of the body header or an indicator that there is no body header. The framework does not produce body headers, therefore, the value is the size of std::uint32_t which, in NSCLDAQ-12 indicates no body header. This field allows body finding software in e.g. NSCLDAQ to consistently locate the body of the ring item.

The first two ring iitems are always of type frib::analysis::PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS and frib::analysis::VARIABLE_VALUES.

These provide information about the parameter definitions and steering variables.

Parameter Defintion ring items.

Note that the parameter definitions included in the file will only be those read by the parameter reader passed in when the application is run. Any other parameters are not known to the outputter unless they are explictly declared in the outputter.

PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS items provide sufficient information to allow consuming programs to map the data into its own parameters. This ring item is an frib::analysis::ParameterDefinitions and has the following fields:

name type Meaning
s_header frib::analysis::RingItemHeader The ring item header
s_numParameters std::uint32_t the number of parameter definitions that follow
s_parameters frib::analysis::ParameterDefinition[] The first of the parameter definitions.

s_parameters is the first of a sequence of frib::analysis::ParameterDefinition structs. each of those structs has the following fields:

name type Meaning
s_parameterNumber std::uint32_t The parameter ID used for this parameter
s_parameterName char [] Null terminated string that is the name of the parameters

Note that since s_parameterName is variable sized, the following shows code to iterate over the parameter definitions:

using namespace frib::analysis;
const ParameterDefintions* pDefs = ... ; //set the definitions pointer.
const ParamterDefinition* pDef = pDefs->s_parameters; // first param def.
for (int i =0; i < pDefs->s_numParameters; i++) {
// Do something with the definition.
// Point to the next definition.
const std::uint8_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint8_t*>(pDef);
p += sizeof(ParameterDefinition) + strlen(pDef->s_parameterName) + 1;
pDef = reinterpret_cast<const ParameterDefinition*>(p);

Where the + 1 takes into account the null byte terminator of the string.

Variable Definition Ring Items

Following the parameter definition item will always be a frib::analysis::VARIABLE_VALUES ring item. This will be a frib::analysis::VariableItem struct. These have he following fields:

Name type Meaning
s_header frib::analysis::RingItemHeader The header of the ring item
s_numVars std::uint32_t Number of variable descriptions that follow
s_variables frib::analysis::Variable [] First of the variable definitions

Each of the s_variables has the following fields:

name type Meaning
s_value double Value of the variable
s_variableUnits char [frib::analysis::MAX_UNITS_LENGTH] Unis of measure
s_variablename char [] Name of the variable

Note that the variable definitions are variable length. The following code shows how to iterate over tham:

using namespace frib::analysis;
const VariableItem* pItem = ...; // initilized some how
const Variable* pVar = pItem->s_numVars; // first one.
for (int i =0; i < pItem->s_numVars; i++) {
// Do something with the definitions.
// Point to the next definition:
const std::uint8_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint8_t*>(pVar);
p += sizeof(Variable) + strlen(pVar->s_variableName) + 1;
pVar = reinterpret_cast<const Variable*>(p);

Note that the units of measure field is fixed length. The size is generous enough to support standard units of measure (e.g. furlongs/fortnight fits easily).

Event as parameters

Once the documentation records have been emitted, the outputter will output a a series of ring items. These will consist of standard NSCLDAQ ring items that bypass event processing and frib::analysis::ParameterItem (type frib::analysis::PARAMETER_DATA item types). PARAMETER_DATA item types will contain events that have been decoded into parameters. These ring items will be frib::analysis::ParameterItem structs which have the following fields:

name type Meaning
s_header frib::analysis::RingitemHeader The standard ring item header
s_triggerCount std::uint64_t The trigger number (the number of the event in the input file)
s_parameterCount std::uint32_t The number of parameters unpacked from the event
s_parameters frib::analysis::ParameterValue [] The first of a sequence of parameter values

The parameter values (s_parameters) are each an frib::analysis::ParameterValue struct with the fields:

name type Meaning
s_number std::uint32_t Parameter number. If the outputter knows all of the parameters this will be one of the numbers in the parameter definition ring item
s_value double Value of the parameter for this event

Note that if a parameter is not assigned a value it will not appear in the event.