Chapter 6. Including EPICS data in event files.

Both the SBS readout framework and the VMUSBReadout framework (as of 11.3-006), have the ability to log the values of Tcl variables in their main interpreters to text list ring items (MONITORED_VARIABLE) items. This can be used to log the values of a selected set of EPICS parameters to the event file.

While setting this up is relatively simple, there are a lot of moving parts and some pitfalls. Furthemore, the procedure is slightly different between SBSReadout and VMUSBReadout. This chapter gives recipes for setting this up in both of those readout frameworks.

Regardless of the readout program there are some common, uniting principles.

All make use of the fact that readout programs can run a Tcl server allowing remote programs to poke commands into them. The controlpush program is then used to do exactly that. Furthermore, as described above, the two readout programs described have mechanisms to log the values of tcl variables to event file.

Therefore the procedures is similar for both readout programs; They run a Tcl server. controlpush is then used to maintain a set of variables. At startup, the set of variables controlpush will maintain are declared as variables to log to the output event stream. Both programs support an --init-script which allows that initialization to take place.

6.1. The SBS readout program.

The files described here are all in $DAQROOT/share/recipes/epicspush/sbsreadout. These files include a do-nothing Readout program you can use to test this procedures. They also include dumper.out which shows the dump of one of the ring itesm this configuration will produce.

You need to:

Let's look at channels.dat. It's really simple. Each line contains the name of an EPICS channel to monitor. In our case, we only look at a single channel:


Stock this file with the values you care about.

Next, lets look at the initialization script init.tcl. This file reads the channels.dat file assumed to be in the working directory. For each of the non empty lines in the file, it issues runvar commands to define the set of variables controlpush will create:

set f [open channels.dat r]
while {![eof $f]} {
    set line [gets $f]
    if {$line ne ""} {
        runvar EPICS_DATA($line)
        runvar EPICS_UNITS($line)
        runvar EPICS_UPDATED($line)
puts "Monitored variables:"
puts [runvar -list]
close $f


controlpush maintains three arrays, each indexed by the channel name. EPICS_DATA will have the value of the channel, EPICS_UNITS will have the units string and EPICS_UPDATED will have the real-time at which the channel most recently changed value.

The script reads the channels.dat and for each non-empty line in that file creates a runvar for the three array elements above.

Before looking at ReadoutCallouts.tcl, let's look at, a shell script that will be used to run the controlpush program. This file is intended to be a command run over ssh. Here are its contents:


. /etc/profile             # Define epics vars.
. /usr/opt/daq/11.3-006/daqsetup.bash  # Pick the version of NSCLDAQ

printenv |grep EPICS

$DAQBIN/controlpush -p12000 -i5 -nlocalhost   \


A script is needed because that's the only way to ensure that appropriate environment variables are set for the controlpush program. /etc/profile is sourced because it supplies system wide environment variables that are needed to access EPICS (e.g. EPICS gateway specifications) channels.

The appropriate version of NSCLDAQ's envirionment definition file is also sourced in so that we can use $DAQBIN to locate the controlpush program.

The command line parameters mean:


Connect to a TclServer that's listening on port 12000. We'll talk later about how to set that up.


Update the monitored variables at an interval of 5 seconds.


Indicates the program will connect to a Tcl server int the local host. controlpush will be run via an ssh pipe in the system in which the Readout program is running. This is because the SBSReadout won't accept connections from a remote host.


The full path to the channels.dat file. The full path is needed because the ssh pipe will run controlpush in the home directory. Naturally you'll need to change this parameter to point to your own channel names file.

Let's now look at the ReadoutCallouts.tcl file:

package require Process                   (1)

set readoutHost charlie                   (2)

set here [file dirname [info script]]    (3)

proc OnStart {} {                        (4)
    puts "Killing old proc"
    Process ctlkill -command [list ssh $::readoutHost killall controlpush] (5)
    puts "Starting chanlog in host charlie - where Readout is"
    Process ctlpush -command [list  \         (6)
       ssh $::readoutHost $::here/
    puts "Running"


Let's dissect this script line by line.

the Process package is a package that allows you to easily start subprocesses from Tcl in a way that they are tracked and killed on normal exit. Subprocesses are run in a way that also makes it possible and easy to capture the xit of the program you run.

This line includes the code for the Process package in your script.

I've parameterized where the readout will run so that it's easy for you to change this script to suit your own needs. Just set readoutHost to the host in which the Readout will run into which you are going to push Epics channel values.
The script that starts controlpush will be located in the same directory as this script. The code here figures out which directory this script is located in. Thus, for example, if you put this script in ~/stagearea/experiment/current but run $DAQBIN/ReadoutShell while your current working directory is different, the variable here will still contain the name of the directory that holds the script.

here is global. If you use this trick for other scripts you might want to investigate the Tcl namespace command which would allow you to qualify the name of the variable with a namespace name to make variable name collisions less likely. Similarly with readoutHost.

OnStart is invoked when the ReadoutShell is transitioning from Not Ready to Halted. This is the transition that starts the data sources (readout programs). We will us it to kill off any stale instances of controlpush and to start our new instance.
This line spawns off a process to kill off any instances of controlpush running in the readout program's host that we've started. This is because while the Process package does its best to do that on script exit it's not perfect and there can be stranded controlpush processes.
This line starts the It's run over ssh to place it in the same host as the Readout program it will push into.

Note that to reiterate the the discussion of, running an ssh pipe in this way, starts the script off in the user's home directory, unless their login scripts change that.

Now let's tie this all together. We stil need to ensure that our Readout program will

All this is done in the way we setup the data source. Have a look at the screenshot from the data source list below:

The key points to note are the use of --port and --init-script.

When --port is used it enables the SBS readout's Tcl server. The parameter of the --port option is the port number on which that server wil listen for connections. By default, the Tcl server only accepts connections from localhost. While this can be expanded, it's beyond the scope of this recipe.

When the --init-script option is present, it's value is the name of a Tcl script the main interpreter of SBSReadout will run after the program is initialized but before it can accept its first command.

So what do we get from all of this. The following output from $DAQBIN/dumper is an example string list record:

Wed Oct 31 15:23:02 2018 : Documentation item Monitored VariablesBody Header:
Timestamp:    18446744073709551615
SourceID:     0
Barrier Type: 0
4 seconds in to the run
set EPICS_DATA(Z001F-C) 2.00364e-07
set EPICS_UNITS(Z001F-C) Amps
set EPICS_UPDATED(Z001F-C) {2018-10-31 15:22:57}
set run 0
set title {This is a test title}

This text is installed in the file $DAQROOT/share/recipes/epicspush/sbsreadout/dumper.out.

I want to point out a few things: