4.2. Annotated Code.

In this section we're going to look at the code that implements this program. This section is divided into subsections.

4.2.1. The process.cpp file

Let's start by lookcing at the changes we needed to make in the heading part of the main relative to the ring reader example:

#include <CDataSource.h>             
#include <CDataSourceFactory.h>      
#include <CRingItem.h>               
#include <DataFormat.h>              
#include <Exception.h>               

#include <CRingItemFactory.h>           (1)
#include <CRingScalerItem.h>          
#include <CRingStateChangeItem.h>     
#include <CRingTextItem.h>            
#include <CPhysicsEventItem.h>           (2)
#include <CRingPhysicsEventCountItem.h> 
#include <CDataFormatItem.h>          
#include <CGlomParameters.h>          
#include <CDataFormatItem.h>          

#include "processor.h"                         (3)

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>

static void                                  (4)
processRingItem(CRingItemProcessor& procesor, CRingItem& item); 

This header defines the ring item factory class. We'll see it in use when we look at the implementation of the processRingItem static function.
This set of headers, from CRingScalerItem.h trough CDataFormatItem.h define the specialized subclasses of CRingItem. We'll see them used in processRingItem below.
We now pass a CRingItemProcessor object by reference to the processRingItem function. The pass by reference allows the polymorphism of a hypothetical class hierarchy based on a CRingItemProcessor base class to function.

The next change in the main program is just to instantiate a CRingItemProcessor and to pass it to the processRingItem function:

    CRingItem*  pItem;
    CRingItemProcessor processor;             (1)

    while ((pItem = pDataSource->getItem() )) {
        std::unique_ptr<CRingItem> item(pItem);    
        processRingItem(processor, *item);  (2)

This instantiates the CRingItemProcessor that does the real work of analysis. In production program, you might pass a processor name as a command parameter and then use a factory class/method to produce an object from the appropriate sub-class of CRingItemProcessor.

The biggest change is in the implementatino of processRingItem:

static void
processRingItem(CRingItemProcessor& processor, CRingItem& item)
    // Create a dynamic ring item that can be dynamic cast to a specific one:

    CRingItem* castableItem =                                (1)
    std::unique_ptr<CRingItem> autoDeletedItem(castableItem); (2)

    // Depending on the ring item type dynamic_cast the ring item to the
    // appropriate final class and invoke the correct handler.
    // the default case just invokes the unknown item type handler.

    switch (castableItem->type()) {                   (3)
        case PERIODIC_SCALERS:                           (4)
                CRingScalerItem& scaler(             (5)
                processor.processScalerItem(scaler);     (6)
        case BEGIN_RUN:              // All of these are state changes:
        case END_RUN:
        case PAUSE_RUN:
        case RESUME_RUN:
                CRingStateChangeItem& statechange(dynamic_cast<CRingStateChangeItem&>(*castableItem));
        case PACKET_TYPES:                   // Both are textual item types
                CRingTextItem& text(dynamic_cast<CRingTextItem&>(*castableItem));
        case PHYSICS_EVENT:
                CPhysicsEventItem& event(dynamic_cast<CPhysicsEventItem&>(*castableItem));
        case RING_FORMAT:
                CDataFormatItem& format(dynamic_cast<CDataFormatItem&>(*castableItem));
        case EVB_GLOM_INFO:
                CGlomParameters& glomparams(dynamic_cast<CGlomParameters&>(*castableItem));
        default:                             (7)


While this function is rather long, much of the processing has the same flavor. We will therefore only show detailed processing for scaler items.

This line shows the use of the ring item factory to take an undifferentiated ring item and to construct from it a new ring item that is appropriately specialized. As C++ is not a dynamically typed language, the resulting object is returned to the user as a CRingItem*. In cases in the switch statement, we shall see type safe up-casts done once the actual item type is known.
Once again, we see the use of the std::unique_ptr to ensure the dynamically allocated object returned by the factory is destroyed regardless how the processRingItem function exits.
This switch statement is used to perform processing that is dependent on the actual type of the ring item. We'll look in detail at the way in which PERIODIC_SCALER items are handled, though the processing of all item types is pretty much the same.
This case label indicates we're processing periodic scaler ring items.
Now that we know the actual ring item type, we can do a dynamic cast of the dereferenced pointer construct a reference to a CRingScalerItem object because we now know that this is the type of object our castableItem actually points at.

Using a dynamic cast rathe rthan the alternative ensures that type checking is done by the cast at run-time to ensure this is a legal type conversion. If the underlying type is not actually a CRingScalerItem object of from a class that is a subclass of that class, the dynamic cast would throw an exception (std::bad_cast).

The appropriate method of the processor class is called to do type dependent processing. Our work so-far allowed us to pass in a reference to a periodic scaler item.
This code handles ring item types that are not known at the time the program was written. This code can be reached if the set of ring item types is extended either by future NSCLDAQ versions or by users emitting ring items with types greater than or equal to FIRST_USER_ITEM_CODE.

4.2.2. The CRingITemProcessor class

Let's look at the CRingProcessor class. First the header, as it does point to an interesting program design philosophy. processor.h contains:

#ifndef PROCESSOR_H                    (1)

class CRingScalerItem;
class CRingStateChangeItem;
class CRingTextItem;
class CPhysicsEventItem;              (2)
class CRingPhysicsEventCountItem;
class CDataFormatItem;
class CGlomParameters;
class CRingItem;

class CRingItemProcessor
    virtual void processScalerItem(CRingScalerItem& item);
    virtual void processStateChangeItem(CRingStateChangeItem& item);
    virtual void processTextItem(CRingTextItem& item);
    virtual void processEvent(CPhysicsEventItem& item);   (3)
    virtual void processEventCount(CRingPhysicsEventCountItem& item);
    virtual void processFormat(CDataFormatItem& item);
    virtual void processGlomParams(CGlomParameters& item);
    virtual void processUnknownItemType(CRingItem& item);


The C++ compiler will throw errors if any of a number of entities (e.g. class definitions) appears more than once in a compilation unit. This #ifdef block ensures that this cannot happen, no matter how many headers may include this file.

This pattern is called an include guard. Using include guards is good programming practice. If you do use them, choose a convention for the name of the preprocessor symbol you will be defining as collisions with include guard names can be incredibly hard to sort out.

The include guard name shown is the convention followed in NSCLDAQ itself as well as several other open source projects.

This pattern is a second example of good programming practice. Wherever possible, declare classes or structs to be defined elsewhere rather than just including their headers. This is especially true in header files.

This is a good practice because:

  1. Headers are often included in more than one place and the recompilation of headers included in headers and so on, can slow down compilation times.

  2. More importantly, including headers can lead to circular dependencies. That is file A includes B which includes A that can be tough for the compiler to untangle.

    The rule I follow is that if the compiler does not need to know the shape of a class or other entity, or its methods, I usd a forward definition rather than an #include.

THese definitions define the methods that are called by the cases in the big switch in processRingItem.

Now lets look at the implementation file processor.cpp. Here's the head of that file:

#include "processor.h"                           (1)

#include <CRingItem.h>
#include <CRingScalerItem.h>
#include <CRingTextItem.h>
#include <CRingStateChangeItem.h>        (2)
#include <CPhysicsEventItem.h>
#include <CRingPhysicsEventCountItem.h>
#include <CDataFormatItem.h>
#include <CGlomParameters.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>

#include <ctime>

static std::map<CGlomParameters::TimestampPolicy, std::string> glomPolicyMap = {
    {CGlomParameters::first, "first"},
    {CGlomParameters::last, "last"},
    {CGlomParameters::average, "average"}

In general, if I implement a class, I include the class definition header first. This allows me (well the compiler actually) to determine if the class header is complete and independent of other headers. If I have errors in the class header include, rather than first including other headers (that other class clients may not know about), I just fix the header to ensure it's complete and stands by itself.
Recall that I did not include the concrete subclass headers for CRingItem in the class definition header. I do need to include them here as I'm going to be invoking method functions on each of them.

If I was just going to pass these objects by reference or pointers to methods or functions implemented in a separate file I probably would not include the definitions in this file as it would not be necessary.

This map provides a lookup table between the symbolic Glom timestamp policies and their textual names. We'll use this when processing glom parameter ring items.

Let's look at the implementations of the type dependent processing methods one by one. For the most part, just exploit the methods available to the subclass ring item types to output some partial or complete dump of the items.

Example 4-1. CRingItemProcessor::processScalerItem

CRingItemProcessor::processScalerItem(CRingScalerItem& item)
    time_t ts = item.getTimestamp();                   (1)
    std::cout << "Scaler item recorded "
        << ctime(&ts) << std::endl;    (2)
    for (int i = 0; i < item.getScalerCount(); i++) { (3)
        std::cout << "Channel " << i << " had "
            << item.getScaler(i) << " counts\n";
getTimestamp, where defined, gets the unix timestamp at which a ring item was created. Don't confuse this with getEventTimestamp defined in the CRingItem base class which returns the high precision event timestamp used in event building.
ctime is defined in the ctime header and produces a formatted string representation of the pointer to a time_t it is passed.
getScalerCount returns the number of scaler vlues in the item. This controls the loop which uses getScaler to get the specified scaler value.

Example 4-2. CRingItemProcessor::processStateChangeItem

CRingItemProcessor::processStateChangeItem(CRingStateChangeItem& item)
    time_t tm = item.getTimestamp();
    std::cout << item.typeName()      (1)
        << " item recorded for run "
        << item.getRunNumber() << std::endl; (2)
    std::cout << "Title: "
        << item.getTitle() << std::endl;     (3)
    std::cout << "Occured at: " << std::ctime(&tm)
        << " " << item.getElapsedTime()      (4)
        << " sec. into the run\n";


State change items indicate a change in the run state. These differ only in the ring item type.

The CRingItem class has a method that return s a text string that describes the item type. We use this to indicate which transition this record reflects.
All state change items have a run number. The getRunNumber method for CRingStateChangeItem returns that run number.
Similarly, all state change items have a title an getTitle returns that as a std::string.
All state change items also record how deep into the run they occured. getElapsedTime returns this value in seconds. Naturally, BEGIN_RUN items have an elapsed time of 0.

Example 4-3. CRingItemProcessor::processTextItem

CRingItemProcessor::processTextItem(CRingTextItem& item)
    time_t tm = item.getTimestamp();
    std::cout << item.typeName() << " item recorded at "
        << std::ctime(&tm) << " " << item.getTimeOffset()
        << " seconds into the run\n";
    std::cout << "Here are the recorded strings: \n";

    std::vector<std::string> strings = item.getStrings(); 
    for (int i =0; i < strings.size(); i++) {
        std::cout << i << ": '" << strings[i] << "'\n";


CRingTextItem objects contain a sequence of null terminated strings. These are used to document aspects of the generating program. For example, if you use documented packages in the SBS readout framework, you will get a string for each of those packets in a PACKET_TYPES item.

Similarly, if you create some run variables that are externally modified via a readout framework's TclServer component, these variables and their values will be periodically logged in a MONITORED_VARIABLES item. Note that each variable will be logged in a string that could be sourced into a Tcl interpreter to re-define that variable.

Regardles of the type of ring item, getStrings returns a std::vector<std::string> that contains the strings in the item.

Example 4-4. CRingItemProcessor::processEvent

CRingItemProcessor::processEvent(CPhysicsEventItem& item)
    std::cout << "Event:\n";
    std::cout << item.toString() << std::endl;


All items have a toString method that is polymorphic in the base calss CRingItem. This is used by dumper and now by us to create a textual dump of the event.

Typically this is where you'd put the real work of unpacking the physics event and doing something useful with it, like making a root tree.

Example 4-5. CRingItemProcessor::processEventCount

CRingItemProcessor::processEventCount(CRingPhysicsEventCountItem& item)
    time_t tm = item.getTimestamp();
    std::cout << "Event count item";
    if (item.hasBodyHeader()) {
        std::cout << " from source id: " << item.getSourceId();
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Emitted at: " << std::ctime(&tm) << " "
        << item.getTimeOffset() << " seconds into the run \n";
    std::cout << item.getEventCount() << " events since lastone\n";

CRingPhysicEventCountItem objects are periodically emitted by readout frameworks during an active run. They provide information about the number of triggers processed since the last such item, or the beginning of the run for the first one.

The intent is that these items can provide an idea of the trigger rate as well as information about how many items were skipped when the consumer is sampling physics items. Well that's the idea anyway. This all becomes a bit more complicated with event built data, and even more complicated with multilevel event building.

Example 4-6. CRingItemProcessor::processFormat

CRingItemProcessor::processFormat(CDataFormatItem& item)
    std::cout << " Data format is for: "
        << item.getMajor() << "." << item.getMinor() << std::endl;


Since NSCLDAQ-11.0, data producers have started to emit data format records so that software (and humans) know how to handle data files as the formats evolve. The format record contains only a major and minor format version. These match the version of NSCLDAQ in which the data format was introduced.

getMajor returns the major version number and getMinor returns the minor version.

Example 4-7. CRingItemProcessor::processGlomParams

CRingItemProcessor::processGlomParams(CGlomParameters& item)
    std::cout << "Event built data.  Glom is: ";
    if (item.isBuilding()) {             (1)
        std::cout << "building with coincidece interval: "
            << item.coincidenceTicks()  (2)
            << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Timestamp policy: "
            << glomPolicyMap[item.timestampPolicy()] (3)
            << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "operating in passthrough (non-building) mode\n";


When experiments use the event builder, the last stage of the event builder, glom, emits a glom parameters item. This item describes how glom was told to function.

Glom can glue fragments together into events, given a coincidence interval (in timestamp units), or it can operate in non-building, passthrough mode, where the fragments are just passed on through to the output.

The method isBuilding returns boolean true if glom has been asked to glue fragments togehter. If not, none of the other glom parameters are relevant.
In build mode, coincidenceTicks returns the number of timestamp ticks in the event building coincidence window. If not building, the return value from this method is meaningless.
In build mode, Glom assigns a timestamp to the output event based on the timestamp policy its been handed when it starts. The return value from timestampPolicy is an enumerated value that describes this policy. This is used as a key to lookup the textual version of that policy.

Example 4-8. CRingItemProcessor::processUnknownItemType

CRingItemProcessor::processUnknownItemType(CRingItem& item)
    std::cout << item.toString() << std::endl;


If we have receiged a ring item type that we don't know about, we just use the toString method to dump it to stdout.