6.2. The VMUSBReadout program.

If you've plowed through the previous section, much of what we do for the VMUSBReadout is identical. The rest is similar. The differences arise because:

For completeness, and in case you didn't read the previous section, we'll describe ab initio how to get EPICS data pushed into a VMUSBReadout.

Here's the checklist that describes what you need to do again:

You need to:

All of the files described in this section are installed at $DAQROOT/share/recipes/epicspush/vmsusbreadout.

Lets start with channels.dat. For our example, it only specifies a single channel:


You can edit this file to meet your needs, just put one channel per line with no trailing whitespace. You can also break up the file with empty lines. Many of these restrictions are just the result of our simplistic parse of that file in init.tcl which we'll cover next. A more sophisticated parse of that file could make it suport all of the features supported by controlpush.

When VMUSBReadout starts, it must turn the contents channels.dat into monitored variables. It must also start a Tcl server that will accept connection from controlpush.

Let's annotate init.tcl:

set f [open channels.dat r]
while {![eof $f]} {
    set line [gets $f]
    if {$line ne ""} {
        monvar add EPICS_DATA($line)      (1)
        monvar add EPICS_UNITS($line)
        monvar add EPICS_UPDATED($line)
puts "Monitored variables:"
puts [monvar list]
close $f

#   Start a Tcl server:
lappend auto_path /usr/opt/daq/11.3-006/TclLibs (2)
package require TclServer                 (3)

proc printError {ch cmd msg} {
    puts "Error : $msg executing '$cmd'"    (4)

proc printConnection {sock ip port} {
    puts "Accepting connection from $ip on $port"  (5)
    return 1


set server [TclServer %AUTO% -port 12000 -onconnect printConnection -onerror printError]
$server start


Bear with me as I take things a bit out of order.

This section of code creates monvar variables for each of the three arrays that controlpush will create for each channel in the channels.dat. If this part of the script is unclear, see the discussion of init.tcl in The SBS readout program.

Note that the run title and run number are held in the Tcl variables title and run respectively. You can, if you want, add these are monvar's so that they will be logged as with SBS Readout..

We're going to load a package from the NSCLDAQ we are using. Unfortunately, environment variables are not propagated into data source programs by ReadoutShell, so in this lappend we specifically choose a version of NSCLDAQ whose Tcl packages we'll add to the package load path for Tcl.

An alternative is to run VMUSBReadout from inside a script that source your ~/.bashrc which, presumably sources script to define $DAQROOT. Then the path in lappend can be specified by $::env(DAQROOT)/TclLibs. (The env global array is indexed by environment variable name and contains corresponding environment variable values).

Here we include the TclServer package. This package provides an object oriented, completely Tcl tcl server implementation. We'll use that package to get a Tcl server started in the main thread of the VMUSBReadout as that's the thread that runs init.tcl ( --init-script files actually ).

Next we'll skip ahead a bit first.

The two lines below create a Tcl server. The -port option indicates it will listen on port 12000. The script specified by -onconnect is called to allow a connection. Similarly, the script specified by -onerror is called when a tclserver client pushes a command that completes in error.

The TclServer command generates a new command %AUTO% lets it choose the name of this command, which is returned and stored in server. This new command is how Tcl object oriented packages implement classes/objects. The commansd returned is a command ensemble whose subcommands invoke object methods.

The $server start line, asks the object to run its start method and that starts the server. All server functions are driven by the Tcl event loop which VMUSBReadout's main thread runs.

Now we can skip back in the code to look at the scripts that are called -onconnect and -onerror

We specified this proc as the script to call when a tclserver client pushed a command that completed in error. The Tclserver package appends three parameters to this command (which just prints out an error message on stdout):


The channel open on the socket through which the tclserver client pushed the command. This allows the error handler to decide that the client is dangerous enough that the connection to it should be dropped.


The full text of the command that caused the error.


The error message describing the error the command threw.

This proc is specified as the -onconnection script. The Tclserver code calls this proc whenever a connection is formed. If the proc returns a Tcl false value, the server code will close the connection. If true,the Tcl server keeps the connection open.

This allows authentication, permission, challenge/response to be implemented as a gatekeeper to connecting to the Tclserver. We do none of these. We just print out a message describing the connection.

The following values are appended to the -onconnection script when it's called:


The socket that is connected with the client. If a challenge response is implemented (e.g. using the Tcl SASL package), the challenges and resulting responses should go over this file descriptor.

Note that any challenge response scheme that is not event driven or lacks a timeout is vulnerable to a denial of service attack (suppose the client never responds to a challenge).


The IP address of the connecting client.


The IP port on which the dataflow will occur..

To ensure that controlpush runs with appropriate environment variables defined,we need to run it from a script that defines both EPICS and NSCLDAQ environment variables:


. /etc/profile             # Define epics vars.
. /usr/opt/daq/11.3-006/daqsetup.bash  # Pick the version of NSCLDAQ

printenv |grep EPICS

$DAQBIN/controlpush -p12000 -i5 -nlocalhost /scratch/fox/daq/master.git/main/cookbooks/epicspush/vmusbreadout/channels.dat


Note that if the user's ~/.bashrc sources a daqsetup.bash from a specific version of NSCLDAQ it's better to source that rather than doing what we're doing here because then you'll automatically match whichever version of NSCLDAQ the experiment is using.

Next let's look at the ReadoutCalouts.tcl. This is identical to the ReadoutCallouts.tcl of the SBS readout:

package require Process                   (1)

set readoutHost charlie                   (2)

set here [file dirname [info script]]    (3)

proc OnStart {} {                        (4)
    puts "Killing old proc"
    Process ctlkill -command [list ssh $::readoutHost killall controlpush] (5)
    puts "Starting chanlog in host charlie - where Readout is"
    Process ctlpush -command [list  \         (6)
       ssh $::readoutHost $::here/controlpush.sh
    puts "Running"


Let's dissect this script line by line.

the Process package is a package that allows you to easily start subprocesses from Tcl in a way that they are tracked and killed on normal exit. Subprocesses are run in a way that also makes it possible and easy to capture the xit of the program you run.

This line includes the code for the Process package in your script.

I've parameterized where the readout will run so that it's easy for you to change this script to suit your own needs. Just set readoutHost to the host in which the Readout will run into which you are going to push Epics channel values.
The script that starts controlpush will be located in the same directory as this script. The code here figures out which directory this script is located in. Thus, for example, if you put this script in ~/stagearea/experiment/current but run $DAQBIN/ReadoutShell while your current working directory is different, the variable here will still contain the name of the directory that holds the script.

here is global. If you use this trick for other scripts you might want to investigate the Tcl namespace command which would allow you to qualify the name of the variable with a namespace name to make variable name collisions less likely. Similarly with readoutHost.

OnStart is invoked when the ReadoutShell is transitioning from Not Ready to Halted. This is the transition that starts the data sources (readout programs). We will us it to kill off any stale instances of controlpush and to start our new instance.
This line spawns off a process to kill off any instances of controlpush running in the readout program's host that we've started. This is because while the Process package does its best to do that on script exit it's not perfect and there can be stranded controlpush processes.
This line starts the contrlpush.sh. It's run over ssh to place it in the same host as the Readout program it will push into.

Note that to reiterate the the discussion of controlpush.sh, running an ssh pipe in this way, starts the script off in the user's home directory, unless their login scripts change that.

Tying this all togehter, we need to make the correct data source. See the figure below for how we created this event source:

Note the use of -init-script to get the readoout program to source our init.tcl during its initialization process. Note as well that we're not using the --port option as for VMUSBReadout, that controls the port the slow controls server listens on if we're using it.

Finally all of this results in text items like:

Wed Oct 31 15:17:55 2018 : Documentation item Monitored VariablesBody Header:
Timestamp:    18446744073709551615
SourceID:     0
Barrier Type: 0
0 seconds in to the run
set EPICS_DATA(Z001F-C) 1.93342e-07
set EPICS_UNITS(Z001F-C) Amps
set EPICS_UPDATED(Z001F-C) {2018-10-31 15:17:51}

Note that the time listed is zero seconds into the run. This is because we are not running a scaler stack and the run timing is based off of that.