Chapter 3. Factories and the Abstract Factory Pattern

In the last section of the previous chapter, we touched on the role factories play in the formatting library. We'll look a bit deeper at the subject of abstract factories, factories and and important set of functions that allow you to select an appropriate factory at run time.

We've seen that in the format library:

In addition to these concepts, the format factory implements a set of functions that can be used to get a reference to an appropriate factory object. This can be done either by passing a version designator or passing a ::CDataFormat object by reference. In NSCLDAQ-11 and later, these objects contain information about the version of NSCLDAQ that produced them. In an event file or stream of online events, these indicate the format of the data to follow.

In the next example, we'll produce the same physics event item we've been producing in our earlier examples but we'll select the factory at runtime using a version designator. In the example, the version designator is hard coded but could be computationally determined (e.g. passed into the program form the command line)

Example 3-1. Using a Version Designator to Construct a Ring Item Factory:

#include <NSCLDAQFormatFactorySelector.h>
#include <RingItemFactoryBase.h>    (1)
#include <CPhysicsEventItem.h>
#include <memory>

::RingItemFactoryBase& fact(FormatSelector::selectFactory(FormatSelector::v11)); (2)
std::unique_ptr<::CPhysicsEventItem> pItem(fact.makePhysicsEventItem());  (3)
pItem->setBodyHeader(someTimestamp, someSourceId); 
uint16_t* pBody = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(pItem->getBodyCursor); 

Includes the headers we need. Note that none of them are version specific. This is the value aded by using the factory selector defined in NSCLDAQFormatFactorySelector.h. RingItemFactoryBase.h defines the abstract base class that establishes the factory API.
This call has a lot to unwrap. Again let's start from the inside and work our way out. FormatSelector::selectFactory is a family of functions that return references to factory objects. This version is parameterized by an explicit version designator FormatSelector::v11 (version 11).

The selection functions maintain a memory of the factories they've produced. If, in a later section of code you ask for a factory for the same version; you'll get a reference to the same factory object. This implies that the selection subsystem maintains ownership of the factories it produces and your code must not delete factories it receives.

The resulting reference is used to initialize a reference to a ::RingItemFactoryBase object. Using a reference maintains the association between virtual functions and the implementations provided by the factory returned from FormatSelector::selectFactory. This calling methods on this reference will, actually, call methods on the v11::RingItemFactory that FormatSelector::selectFactory returned.

As before, we use the factory to make a physics event item. The pointer to the resulting dynamically allocated item initializes a std::unique_ptr so that the delete of that object is automatic when th smart pointer like object goes out of scope.
The remainder of the code in this example is identical to the code used to fill in the physics item bodies of the previous examples in this document.

The key point in this is that the only point in time where we used knowledge of the DAQ version is when we called FormatSelector::selectFactory passing in the version format selector.

Beginning with NSCLDAQ-11, prior to the begining of each run and, at the beginning of each event file a data format item is written which indicates the format of the data that follows. There is a format selector item that can be passed a reference to an encapsulated data format item to provide the correct format factory for that format item.

This does provide a bit of a chicken and egg problem...given a raw ring item, how do you get a data format item. In the code that follows, we'll start with an undifferentiated ::CRingItem and try to see if it represents a ring format item. We'll then use the fact that we're guaranteed that ring format items look the same in all versions of NSCLDAQ that support them.

Example 3-2. Using ring format items to select a format factory

#include <NSCLDAQFormatFactorySelector.h>
#include <RingItemFactoryBase.h> 
#include <CRingItem.h>
#include <CRingFormatItem.h>    (1)
#include <memory>
#include <DataFormat.h>         (2)

static enum FormatSelector::SupportedVersions defaultVersion(FormatSelector::v10); (3)
:RingItemFactoryBase* pFactory(0);

std::unique_ptr<::CRingItem> item(getRingItem());  (4)
if (item->type() == RING_FORMAT) {                    (5)
    ::CRingFormatItem* pFormatItem =
        reinterpret_cast<::CRingFormatItem*>(item.get()); (6)
    pFactory = &(FormatSelector::selectFactory(*pFormatItem)); (7)
} else {
    pFactory = &(FormatSelector::selectFactory(defaultVersion)); (8)

::RingItemFactoryBase& fact(*pFactory);               (9)



There's a lot to unpack in this fragment of code and some of it is a bit sneaky. Therefore let's look at this code very carefully.

We'll need to use the definitions of the CRingFormatItem so we include it's header here.
The DataFormat.h file provides format definitions for each of the supported data formats. In this case, we pull in the data format from the abstract directory. The main thing we want here is the ring item type definitions which, for the most part, are stable across versions.
We store the default format type in a variable. You might imagine that processing in the omitted code could modify this. Version 10 is a reasonable default because there isn't a data format item for that version.
This line just uses some function we dreamed out getRingItem to return a pointer to a dynamically allocated ring item gotten somehow. We initialize a unique_ptr as usual to ensure destruction.
Asks the item we got for its item type. The type is checked against RING_FORMAT which is defined in DataFormat.h. This is the type value for items that contain ring item formatting information.
This line is a bit tricky. It uses the fact that the specific ring item classes just wrap data containing the raw ring item. It further uses the fact that the format of a data format item is fixed over all versions that support it. The result is therefore a pointer to the same wrapped object but treated as a data format item that knows how to interrrogate the underlying data to extract the format.
This version of FormatSelector::selectFactory uses a reference to the format item to obtain and pass back a reference to the factory implied by the data format item. There's a bit of trickiness here as well. We're passed back a reference and that's, in the end, what we want, but references can only be initialized. They can't be assigned. Therefore, we accept the factory as a pointer and store it away in a pointer with a scope outside the if bodies.
If the item was not a format item we just create the factory corresponding to the default format type.
When we get to this point in the program, the factory pointer has a non null value. We initialize the reference fact to refer to what our factory pointer points to. Once all this is done we can continue processing data.

The key take away from this example is that we can produce an appropriate object factory without actually knowing the version of NSCLDAQ that produced the data we're processing; if the streamof data we're processing has a format item (comes from NSCLDAQ-11 or later).