CRingPhysicsEventCountItem (v10)


CRingPhysicsEventCountItem (v10) -- Encapsulate trigger count ring item.


#include <v10/RingPhysicsEventCountItem.h>

namespace v10 {

class CRingPhysicsEventCountItem : public ::CRingPhysicsEventCountItem
  CRingPhysicsEventCountItem(uint64_t count,
			     uint32_t timeOffset);
  CRingPhysicsEventCountItem(uint64_t count, 
			     uint32_t timeoffset, 
			     time_t stamp);
  virtual uint32_t getTimeOffset() const;
  virtual void     setTimeOffset(uint32_t offset);
  virtual float    computeElapsedTime() const;
  virtual uint32_t getTimeDivisor() const;

  virtual time_t   getTimestamp() const;
  virtual void     setTimestamp(time_t stamp);

  virtual uint64_t getEventCount() const;
  virtual void     setEventCount(uint64_t count);

  virtual void setBodyHeader(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId,
                         uint32_t barrierType = 0);
  virtual void* getBodyHeader() const; 

  virtual std::string typeName() const;	// Textual type of item.
  virtual std::string toString() const; // Provide string dump of the item.




NSCLDAQ uses event count items to encapsulate the number of triggers that have been processed to date in a run. This can be used by sampling on-line analysis programs to determine the fraction of data actually analyzed. Specifically, the number of items processed by the analysis program divided by the number of triggers is the fraction of data.

Note that the glom stage of the event builder emits event count items that treat each built event as a trigger. Those items have a body header that provides the source id the event builder has been told to emit.



Constructs an event count item with a count of zero, run time offset of zero and timestamp of the time the constructor was invoked.

CRingPhysicsEventCountItem(uint64_t count, uint32_t timeOffset);

Creates an event count item where the trigger count is initialized to count. The run offset is given by timeOffset. Version 10 does not have the concept of a timestamp divisor. Therefore, timeOffset must be in units of seconds.

CRingPhysicsEventCountItem(uint64_t count, uint32_t timeoffset, time_t stamp);

Full construction of a physics event count item with a prototypical body header. The additional parameter from the previous constructor are stamp, which provides the clock time at which the item was constructed.

In comparing this constructor with those from other versions, note that v10 does not support body headers.

const virtual uint32_t getTimeOffset();

Returns the raw time offset into the run at which this item was created. Note that computeElapsedTime is the preferred method to get the elapsed run time.

virtual void setTimeOffset(uint32_t offset);

Sets the object's raw run time offset. This offset is uncorrected by the offset divisor.

const virtual float computeElapsedTime();

Computes the elapsed time in the run at which this was emitted from the raw offset and the divisor. Units are seconds.

const virtual uint32_t getTimeDivisor();

Returns the number of ticks in a second in the elapsed time raw value. For version 10, this will always return 1

virtual time_t getTimestamp();

Return the clock time associated with the item.

virtual void setTimestamp(time_t stamp);

Sets the clock time associated with the item.

const virtual uint64_t getEventCount();

Return the number of triggers documented by this item.

virtual void setEventCount(uint64_t count);

sets the item's trigger count.

const virtual std::string typeName();

Returns a string indicating the type of ring item this object is: Trigger count

const virtual std::string toString();

Return a string that describes the contents of the item. This is used by, e.g. dumper

virtual void setBodyHeader(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrierType = 0);

This is a no-op for version 10 as that format does not suport body headers.

const virtual void* getBodyHeader();

Returns nullptr as version 10 does not support body headers.