CRingScalerItem (v11)


CRingScalerItem (v11) -- Encapsulate periodic scaler ring items.


#include <v11/CRingScalerItem.h>

namespace v11 {
   This class derived from CRingItem and represents a set of scalers that have been 
   formatted as a ring item.  
class CRingScalerItem : public ::CRingScalerItem

  CRingScalerItem(size_t numScalers);
  CRingScalerItem(uint32_t startTime,
		  uint32_t stopTime,
		  time_t   timestamp,
		  std::vector<uint32_t> scalers,
                  bool                  isIncremental = true,
                  uint32_t              sid = 0,
                  uint32_t              timeOffsetDivisor = 1);
  CRingScalerItem(uint64_t eventTimestamp, uint32_t source, uint32_t barrier,
                  uint32_t startTime,
		  uint32_t stopTime,
		  time_t   timestamp,
		  std::vector<uint32_t> scalers,
                  uint32_t timeDivisor = 1, bool incremental=true);
  virtual ~CRingScalerItem();

  virtual void     setStartTime(uint32_t startTime);
  virtual uint32_t getStartTime() const;
  virtual float    computeStartTime() const;
  virtual void     setEndTime(uint32_t endTime);
  virtual uint32_t getEndTime() const;
  virtual float    computeEndTime() const;

  virtual uint32_t getTimeDivisor() const;

  virtual void     setTimestamp(time_t stamp);
  virtual time_t   getTimestamp() const;
  virtual bool isIncremental() const;

  virtual void     setScaler(uint32_t channel, uint32_t value) ;
  virtual uint32_t getScaler(uint32_t channel) const ;
  virtual std::vector<uint32_t> getScalers() const;

  virtual uint32_t getScalerCount() const;
  virtual uint32_t getOriginalSourceId() const;

  virtual void* getBodyPointer();
  virtual const void* getBodyPointer() const;
  virtual bool hasBodyHeader() const;
  virtual void* getBodyHeader() const;
  virtual void setBodyHeader(
      uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId,
      uint32_t barrierType = 0
  virtual std::string typeName() const;
  virtual std::string toString() const;



Periodically NSCLDAQ readout frameworks can read a set of counters or scalers as they are called. In v11, this readout results in a ring item with the type: v11::PERIODIC_SCALERS.

There are two tactics that can be employed to read scaler data.

  1. Read and clear - or incremental as it's referred to. In that scheme scalers are read and cleared so that each set of scaler values represents an incremental set of counts since the last read.

  2. Cummulative - or non-incremental as the NSCLDAQ calls it. In that scheme the scalers are allowed to free run and the analysis software must deal with the wrap-arounds that may occur in each channel.

While the analysis of incremental scalers is simpler, there are scaler devices that cannot be atomically read and clear, resulting in some time skew between the readout of the first channel and readout of the last channel of a module that is exacerbated somewhat by the commmon clear time

Specifically incremental scaler reads will lose counts that occur between the read of a channel and its subsequent clear. The severity of this problem depends both on the counting rates (more severe at high counting rates) of the channel and the precision required of the data from that channel.

Note that read skew still occurs for cummulative readout but eventually all counts are seen since the scalers are never cleared.

The verison 11 scaler ring items provide a flag that can specify if the scaler readout was incremental or non-incremental.


CRingScalerItem(size_t numScalers);

Constructs a scaler item large enough to hold numScalers 32 bit scaler counters. The start/stop time offsets are both set to 0 as are the scaler values. The time divisor is initialized to 1 and the clock time is set to the time at which the item was constructed.

CRingScalerItem(uint32_t startTime, uint32_t stopTime,, time_t timestamp, std::vector<uint32_t> scalers,, bool isIncremental = true, uint32_t sid = 0, uint32_t timeOffsetDivisor = 1);

Fully constructs a scaler item. The scaler values are passed in via the scalers parameter. The size of that vector determines the number of scalers the item will hold.

The interval start and stop offsets are given by startTime and stopTime respecively. The optional timeOffsetDivisor parameter provides the number of ticks in these offset values per second providing support for sub-second time resolution.

THe clock time is provided by timestamp.

If isIncremental is false, the counts are assumed to accumulate for the length of the run. Otherwise the counts in the scalers are assumed to represent the counts over the interval defined by startTime through stopTime.

The sid is used to initialize the source id field of the body header for this item. The timestamp is initialized to a value that asks the event builder to assign a timestap to the item. The barrier type of the body header is set to 0 (no barrier).

virtual void setStartTime(uint32_t startTime);

Sets the offset into the run at which the scaler counting interval began.

const virtual uint32_t getStartTime() ();

Returns the offset into the run at which the scaler counting began. See next method, however.

virtual float computeStartTime();

Uses the scaler interval start offset and the counting divisor to compute the start time offset in seconds.

virtual void setEndTime(uint32_t endTime);

Sets the offset into the run of the end of the scaler counting interval

const virtual uint32_t getEndTime();

Returns the offset into the run at which the scaler counting interval ended. See, however the next method.

const virtual float computeEndTime();

Using the end offset and the offset divisor computes and returns the number of seconds into the run at which the scaler counting interval ended.

const virtual uint32_t getTimeDivisor();

Returns the number of ticks in the start and end time offsets that correspond to a second.

virtual void setTimestamp(time_t stamp);

Sets the clock time associated with the item to be stamp.

const virtual time_t getTimestamp();

Returns the clock time associated with the item.

virtual bool isIncremental();

If the scalers are cleared after each read, this returns true, if they are allowed to accumulate across counting intervals, this returns false

virtual void setScaler(uint32_t channel, uint32_t value);

Sets the counts for the scaler selected by channel to value. If channel is out of range an std::out_of_range exception is thrown.

const virtual uint32_t getScaler(uint32_t channel);

Returs the value of the scaler selected by channel. If channel is out of range a std::out_of_range exception is thrown.

const virtual std::vector<uint32_t> getScalers();

Returns a vector containing the values of the scaler counts in the item.

const virtual uint32_t getScalerCount();

Returns the number of scalers in the item.

const virtual uint32_t getOriginalSourceId();

Returns the original source id field from the item. Version 11 does not support orginal source ids and therefore if there's a body header the source id from the body header is returned, if not 0 is returned.

const virtual void* getBodyHeader();

Returns a pointer to the item's body header or nullptr if it does not have one.

virtual void setBodyHeader( uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrierType = 0);

Sets new values for the body header of the item if it already has one or creates a new one if it does not.

const virtual std::string typeName();

Returns a string that identifies the type of the item: Scaler

const virtual std::string toString();

Returns a string that details the contents of the item. This is used by e.g. dumper to produce a formated dump of a stream of ring items.