CRingTextItem (V12)


CRingTextItem (V12) -- Encapsulate text list ring items.


     #include <v12/CRingTextItem.h>
     namespace v12 {
     class CRingTextItem : public ::CRingTextItem
       // Constructors and other canonicals:
       CRingTextItem(uint16_t type, size_t maxsize);
       CRingTextItem(uint16_t type,
             std::vector<std::string> theStrings);
       CRingTextItem(uint16_t type,
             std::vector<std::string> theStrings,
             uint32_t                 offsetTime,
             time_t                   timestamp, uint32_t divisor=1) ;
         uint16_t type, uint64_t eventTimestamp, uint32_t source, uint32_t barrier,
         std::vector<std::string> theStrings, uint32_t offsetTime, time_t timestamp,
         int offsetDivisor = 1
       virtual std::vector<std::string>  getStrings() const;
       virtual void     setTimeOffset(uint32_t offset);
       virtual uint32_t getTimeOffset() const;
       virtual float    computeElapsedTime() const;
       virtual uint32_t getTimeDivisor() const;
       virtual void     setTimestamp(time_t stamp);
       virtual time_t   getTimestamp() const;
       virtual uint32_t getOriginalSourceId() const;
       virtual std::string typeName() const;
       virtual std::string toString() const;
       virtual size_t getBodySize()    const;
       virtual const void*  getBodyPointer() const;
       virtual void* getBodyPointer();
       virtual bool hasBodyHeader() const;
       virtual void* getBodyHeader() const;
       virtual void setBodyHeader(
             uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sid, uint32_t barrierType= 0
       uint64_t getEventTimestamp() const;
       uint32_t getSourceId() const;
       uint32_t getBarrierType() const;


Some ring item types contain a collection of text strings. These are items of type v12::PACKET_TYPES and v12::MONITORED_VARIABLES. The strings are stored as a counted list of null terminated character string. The encoding of these strings is application dependent. Note, however that the >v12::MONITORED_VARIABLES produced by existing readout frameworks encod the strings in UTF-8.

Beginning with v12, these ring items also have gained an original source id field. This allows the generator of the data to be determined in spite of the fact that the body header is overwritten by the event builder.


CRingTextItem(uint16_t type, size_t maxsize);

Constructor. type is the item type and maxsize sets a limit on the ring item size. Note that if you already know the set of strings to put in the item, it's better to use a constructor that takes them as a parameter as then the actual maximum size can be computed.

The string count for the item is initialized to zero. The run offset is also initialized to zero as is the original source id. The clock time is initialized to the current time.

If you use this constructor you will need to know the structure of the underlying ring item to set the item's strings. In almost all cases, the constructors that support passing string vectors as parameters are preferrable.

CRingTextItem((uint16_t type, std::vector<std::string> theStrings);

In this constructor, theStrings is used to compute the required item size. The strings are set into the item's string pool as null terminated strings and the string count is set to theStrings.size(). The offset, original source id, and clock time are initialized as in the previous constructor.

CRingTextItem(uint16_t type, std::vector<std::string> theStrings, uint32_t offsetTime, time_t timestamp, uint32_t divisor = 1);

Fully parameterized constructor. This constructor adds offsetTime to set the time offset in the run at which the item was emitted, timestamp which allows the clock time the item was emitted to be expclicitly specified and divisor (optional, defaults to 1) which indicates the number of ticks of offsetTime in a second.

const virtual std::vector<std::string> getStrings();

Returns a vector that contains the text strings in the object's payload.

virtual void setTimeOffset(uint32_t offset);

Set the offset into the run at which this object was emitted. Note that this, together with the time divisor determine the number of seconds into the run the object was emitted.

const virtual uint32_t getTimeOffset();

Returns the raw time offset. Note that calling computeElapsedTime is the perferred method to call to get the run time offset in seconds.

const virtual float computeElapsedTime();

Return the elapsed time in the run at which this item was emitted, in seconds.

const virtual uint32_t getTimeDivisor();

Return the number of offset ticks per second.

virtual void setTimestamp(time_t stamp);

Sets the clock time at which the item was emitted.

const virtual time_t getTimestamp();

Returns the clock time associated with the item.

const virtual uint32_t getOriginalSourceId();

return the item's original source id. Note that version 11 data does not have an original source id field. If the object has a body header, the source id from the body header is returned, if not, 0 is returned.

const virtual void* getBodyHeader();

If the item has a body header, this returns a pointer to it. Otherwise, nullptr is returned. Note that the structure of the body header depends on the format version.

virtual void setBodyHeader(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sid, uint32_t barrierType = 0);

If the item has a body header it is modified as indicated by the parameters. IF not, one is created and filled in as indicated by the parameters. If the data format does not support body headers, this method should be a no-op.

const virtual std::string typeName();

Returns a string that identifies the item type. This will be one of Packet types or Monitored Variables

const virtual std::string toString();

Returns a string that describes the contents of the item in human readable form.