CRingItem (abstract)


CRingItem -- Ultimate ring item base class


#include <CRingItem.h<

class CRingItem {

      CRingItem(uint16_t type, size_t maxBody = CRingItemStaticBufferSize - 10);

      CRingItem(const CRingItem& rhs);
      CRingItem(pRingItem pItem);
      virtual ~CRingItem();
      virtual size_t getStorageSize() const;
      virtual size_t getBodySize()    const;
      virtual const void*  getBodyPointer() const;
      virtual void* getBodyPointer();
      void*  getBodyCursor();
      pRingItem  getItemPointer();
      const RingItem*  getItemPointer() const;
      uint32_t type() const;
      uint32_t size() const;
      virtual bool mustSwap() const;
      virtual bool hasBodyHeader() const;
      virtual void* getBodyHeader() const = 0;
      virtual uint64_t getEventTimestamp() const;
      virtual uint32_t getSourceId() const;
      virtual uint32_t getBarrierType() const;
      virtual void setBodyHeader(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId,
                         uint32_t barrierType = 0) = 0;
      virtual void setBodyCursor(void* pNewCursor);
      virtual void updateSize();          
      virtual std::string typeName() const; 
      virtual std::string toString() const; 
      virtual void* appendBodyData(const void* pSrc, uint32_t nBytes);



This is the ultimate base class for all ring item format classes. It lives in the global namespace. It provides interfaces and services used by other derived classes.

While most of the virtual methods have default implementations, if you are building a new formatting class hierarchy, you should not count on those doing what you want if they require knowledge of the format of the ring item format.


CRingItem(uint16_t type, size_t maxBody = CRingItemStaticBufferSize - 10);

Constructor. type will be stored in the ring item header's type field. Note that the header form is common for all formats. The type is 16 bit wide because in the original design it was also used to determine the byte order of the originator. Specifically, if the 'low order' 16 bits of a type field were zero, the byte order of the originator was the opposite of the consumer. Now that little-endianess has won the byte order wars and big-endinaness only appears vestigially in network byte ordering, We define the byte ordering of Ring items to be little-endian.

maxBody determines the maximum number of bytes the internal storage for the ring item can hold in the body (the part following the header). Note that the design of CRingItem includes a decently sized static block of data. If this value indicates the data will fit in that block, no dynamic memory allocation is required and that block is used. If this value indicates that the data won't fit, a block is dynamically allocated and used. The intent is to minimize the costly set of dynamic memory allocations/deallocations needed if all CRingItem constructions dynamically allocated the needed data.

The default value for maxBody allows callers to use the static buffer and is defined in CRingItem.h.

CRingItem(pRingItem pItem);

Wraps a CRingItem object around a raw ring item. The type pRingItem is defined in DataFormat.h.

pItem is used to size the ring item and copied into the data storage region of the item. The body cursor is set to point after the ring item data. This allows the item to be mutated (via getBodyPointer) and to be extended (via getBodyCursor, setBodyCursor, and updateSize).

const virtual size_t getStorageSize();

Returns the capacity of the block of data that is being used to store the ring item. Can be used to determine if sufficient storage has been allocated to hold the desired ring item.

const virtual size_t getBodySize();

Returns the current size, in bytes, of the ring item body. This computes the number of bytes between the pointers returned by getBodyCursor and the geBodyPointer. For it to be accurate, getBodyCursor must be updated (via setBodyCursor) to point past the body of the ring item as it is so far.

const virtual const void* getBodyPointer();

Returns a pointer to the body of the item. Since the pointer is const, this is intended to allow read access. Note that the concept of a ring item body is not that straightforward. In version 10, for example the body begins right after the ring item header. In v11, v12, which support body headers the body may begin after the uint32_t indicating there is no body header (which has different values depending on version) or it may begin after the body header if there is on. Therefore, this is virtual and implemented on a per version basis.

virtual void* getBodyPointer();

Same as above except that the pointer can be used to modify the body contents.

void* getBodyCursor();

Returns the body cursor of the item. When a ring item is created, a pointer, called the body cursor is created which points to the first free byte of memory into which data can be appended to the ring item. As data are appended to the ring item, the object's body cursor should be reste with setBodyCursor, at some point, when the ring item has been completely built, updateSize should be called to compute the ring item's size and store it in the size field of the ring item's header.

pRingItem getItemPointer();

Returns a pointer to the ring item as encapsulated by this class. Note that pRingItem is defined in DataFormat.h.

const const RingItem* getItemPointer();

Same as above but the pointer only allows read access to the contents of the ring item.

const uint32_t type();

Returns the full 32 bit type field of the ring item.

const uint32_t size();

Returns the size field of the header. Note that unless updateSize has been called, this value is not a reliable measure of the number of bytes that make up the ring item.

const virtual bool mustSwap();

Returns false. All data is now specified be little endian as are all computing systems processing that data.

const virtual bool hasBodyHeader();

Returns true if the ring item has a body header.

const virtual void* getBodyHeader();

Returns a pointer to the body header of the item if it has one. If it does not returns a nullptr.

const virtual uint64_t getEventTimestamp();

Returns the event/fragment timestamp stored in the body header of the ring item. If the ring item has no body header, std::logic_error is thrown. You can use e.g. hasBodyHeader to test for the presence of a body header in the item.

const virtual uint32_t getSourceId();

Retrieves the source id from the ring item's body header. If the ring item does not have a body header, std::logic_error is throw

const virtual uint32_t getBarrierType();

Returns the barrier type field from the item's body header. If the ring item does not have a body header, std::logic_error is thrown.

(pure virtual) virtual void setBodyHeader(uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrierType = 0);

If the format supports body headers a body header is added to the item (if it does not already have one) or the body header is modified as described by the method's parameters. If the format does not support body headers, this should be implemented as a no-op.

Note that body data must never be overwritten. If an item has a non-empty body but no body header, then that body must be moved to make space for the body header which is then put in the appropriate place (after the ring item header in currently supported formats).

virtual void setBodyCursor(void* pNewCursor);

Updates the internal body cursor of the object with pNewCursor. If coupled with a call to updateSize, this causes the size field of the ring item header to be computed and updated.

virtual void updateSize();

Treating the current body cursor value as a pointer to the byte following the current contents of the ring item, the size of the ring item is computed and stored in the size field of the ring item header.

() const virtual std::string typeName();

The base class returns the string: Unknown followed by the parenthesized numeric type from the ring item header in hexadecimal. Derived classes are expected to return a text string which indicates the type of the ring item.

const virtual std::string toString();

Returns a human readable stringified dump of the body of the item. In this case this is just a byte by byte dump. Derived classes are expected to return something a bit more meaningful. The NSCLDAQ dumper, e.g. uses this string to dump items it encounters.

virtual void* appendBodyData(const void* pSrc, uint32_t nBytes );

Appends the nBytes bytes of data pointed to by pSrc to the ring item. The data are placed where the current body cursor is pointing. The body cursor is updated and the size recomputed.

This is equivalent to the following code fragment:

  uint8_t* p = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(getBodyCursor());
  memcpy(p, pSrc, nBytes);
  p += nBytes;
  return p;


The ring item object must have the capacity for the additional bytes of data.