

genx -- Compiler for parameter definitions


/usr/opt/genx/bin/genx --target=targetname declaration-file output-base


Runs the parameter definition compiler. This command takes a parameter declaration file (see 5genx) and compiles it into headers and executable code modules for a specific data analysis framemwork. The --target option value can be spectcl or root, specifying that output is being created for either SpecTcl or CERN/Root.

The declaration-file is the path to a parameter declaration file written with the syntax and semantics defined in the 5genx manpage. The output-base is a path and basename for the resulting generated files. Note that all declarations, instances and API functions will be made in a namespace that's derived from output-base as well.


/usr/opt/genx/bin/genx --target=spectcl myparams.decl SpecTcl/Event

Generates SpecTcl code for the definition in myparams.decl. The resulting files will be SpecTcl/Event.h ansd SpecTcl/Event.cpp All definitions will be in the Event namespace.

/usr/opt/genx/bin/genx --target root myparams.decl Root/Event

Generates CERN/Root code for the definition file myparams.decl. The resulting files will be Root/Event.h, Root/Event.cxpp and Root/Event-linkdef.h. All definitions will be made in the Event namespace.