4.2. Code generated for Root

This section describes how code is generated for CERN/Root. At the time this document is being written, this code has been tested with Root version 6.10.02. I would guess, however the generated code is compatible with just about any version of Root as what it does is very basic.

A detailed knowledge of the generated code isn't necessary, however. If you want to skip this section and go on to the sections that describe how to write and use unpackers and come back to this later, feel free. You can always come back to this section if something about the generated header and C++ file is confusing.

Unlike SpecTcl, Root Trees contain leaves that are arbitrary types. The generated code will treat values as Double_t and arrays as arrays of Double_t. structs will generate C++ classes with public elements. Let's look at a simple example:

Example 4-10. Simple struct for Root - Declarations:

struct Ta  {
    value a
    value b low=-1.5 high=1.5 units=cm
struct Tb {
    array a[10]
    array b[20]

This generates the following Header code:

Example 4-11. Simple struct for Root - Header

namespace spec {

class Ta : public TObject {
   Ta(const Ta&);
   Ta& operator=(const Ta& rhs);
   void Reset();

   Double_t a;
   Double_t b;

  ClassDef(Ta, 1)

class Tb : public TObject {
   Tb(const Tb&);
   Tb& operator=(const Tb& rhs);
   void Reset();

   Double_t a[10];
   Double_t b[20];

  ClassDef(Tb, 1)


Note the two structs have generated two classes with the same name. Each of those classes is derived from TObject, the Root ultimate base class and defines the methods root requires for serializing objects into trees. The ClassDef directives will allow us to generate code that can also be used in interpreted Root scripts.

An additional Reset method is defined.

Finally note that the generate data members are just as described. Single Double_t members for value members and Double_t arrays for arrays.

The C++ file will be written to contain implementations of the required methods for each of these classes:

Example 4-12. Simple struct for Root - C++ code

#include "spec.h"

#include <cmath>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TBranch.h>

// Class method implementations:

// Implementation of methods for class: spec::Ta


spec::Ta::Ta() {

spec::Ta::~Ta() {}

spec::Ta::Ta(const spec::Ta& rhs) {
   *this = rhs;

spec::Ta& spec::Ta::operator=(const spec::Ta& rhs) {
   a = rhs.a;
   b = rhs.b;
   return *this;

void spec::Ta::Reset() {
   a= NAN;
   b= NAN;

// Implementation of methods for class: spec::Tb


spec::Tb::Tb() {

spec::Tb::~Tb() {}

spec::Tb::Tb(const spec::Tb& rhs) {
   *this = rhs;

spec::Tb& spec::Tb::operator=(const spec::Tb& rhs) {
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
       a[i] = rhs.a[i];
   for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
       b[i] = rhs.b[i];
   return *this;

void spec::Tb::Reset() {
   for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
       a[i] = NAN;
   for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
       b[i] = NAN;


The only thing I want to point out about these implementations is that Reset initializes all data elements to a silent NaN. These values won't show up in histograms and, if used on the right hand side of computations, the result will also be a NaN (I think). Note that Root has no concept of parameter metadata so the metadata are ignored by the Root generator.

Since struct declarations can contain other structs as membrers or even arrays of structs, let's look at a more complex example

Example 4-13. Complex data structure in Root, declaration

struct Tc {
    struct Tb a
    structarray Tb b[10]
    value c units=megawidgets
    array d[100]
        low = 0 high = 4095 bins=4096.65 units=channels;

You can probably guess that this will result in code that looks like:

Example 4-14. Complex data structure in Root, header

class Tc : public TObject {
   Tc(const Tc&);
   Tc& operator=(const Tc& rhs);
   void Reset();

   Tb a;
   Tb b[10];
   Double_t c;
   Double_t d[100];

  ClassDef(Tc, 1)


Example 4-15. Complex data structure in Root, C++

// Implementation of methods for class: spec::Tc


spec::Tc::Tc() {

spec::Tc::~Tc() {}

spec::Tc::Tc(const spec::Tc& rhs) {
   *this = rhs;

spec::Tc& spec::Tc::operator=(const spec::Tc& rhs) {
   a = rhs.a;
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
       b[i] = rhs.b[i];
   c = rhs.c;
   for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
       d[i] = rhs.d[i];
   return *this;

void spec::Tc::Reset() {
   for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
   c= NAN;
   for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
       d[i] = NAN;


Instances just declare instances of the underlying types. For example:

Example 4-16. Instances in Root - declaration file

value b low=-100.5 high=100 bins=200 units=cm
value a

array c[20]
array d[5] units=furlongs

structinstance Ta stuff
structinstance Tc mystuff
structarrayinstance Tb morestuff[20]

Contributes the following code to the header:

Example 4-17. Instances in root - header


extern    Double_t b;
extern    Double_t a;
extern    Double_t c[20];
extern    Double_t d[5];
extern    Ta stuff;
extern    Tc mystuff;
extern    Tb morestuff[20];



Note again the use of the conditional compilation block to allow the header to be included into the implementation file:

Example 4-18. Instances in root - C++

namespace root{
Double_t b;
Double_t a;
Double_t c[20];
Double_t d[5];
Ta stuff;
Tc mystuff;
Tb morestuff[20];

As with SpecTcl, the API functions Initialize, performs one-time initialization. SetupEvent performs pre-event processing initialization (in this case resetting the values of the tree) and CommitEvent which fills generated trees from the data.

Let's start from the Initialize method. It generates a TTree where each instance is a branch:

Example 4-19. Initialize for Root:

namespace spec {
TTree* pTheTree(0);
void spec::Initialize() {
   spec::pTheTree = new TTree("root", "root");
   spec::pTheTree->Branch("b", &spec::b, "b/D");
   spec::pTheTree->Branch("a", &spec::a, "a/D");
   spec::pTheTree->Branch("c", spec::c, "c[20]/D");
   spec::pTheTree->Branch("d", spec::d, "d[5]/D");
   spec::pTheTree->Branch("stuff", "spec::Ta", &spec::stuff);
   spec::pTheTree->Branch("mystuff", "spec::Tc", &spec::mystuff);
   for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
       char index[4];
       sprintf(index, "_%02d", i);
       std::string branchName = std::string("morestuff") +  index;
							   branchName.c_str(), "spec::Tb", &spec::morestuff[i]


Note that simple instances (value and array) generate branches that contain Double_t while instances of the classes generate object classes. Instances of arrays of objects generate a branch for each element of the array with branch names that indicate the index. If you prefer just to be able to index those arrays directly when you read the trees back, simply make a struct that contains the array as an element and instantiate that instead.

CommitEvent simply fills the tree:

Example 4-20. CommitEvent for Root:

void spec::CommitEvent() {


SetupEvent just invokes Reset for all object instances and sets non objects to NAN:

Example 4-21. SetupEvent for Root:

void spec::SetupEvent() {
   spec::b= NAN;
   spec::a= NAN;
   for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
      spec::c[i]= NAN;
   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      spec::d[i]= NAN;
   for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {