

CAuthenticator -- Abstract base authenticator class.


#include <Authenticator.h>
 class CAuthenticator {

  CAuthenticator(const CAuthenticator& rhs);

  virtual ~CAuthenticator();

  CAuthenticator& operator=(const CAuthenticator& rhs);
  virtual  = 0 Bool_t Authenticate(CInteractor& interactor);
  protected: std::string GetLine(CInteractor& interactor);


CAuthenticator is the base class for all authenticators. You can use any of the authenticators described in these reference pages, or you can create your own by deriving a new authenticator from this base class.

The class provides a public interface and protected services for derived classes. These will be described in "Member functions" below.

Member functions


Default construtor. This is supplied so the compiler won't complain if derived class constructors don't explcitly chain to their base class constructor.

CAuthenticator(const CAuthenticator& rhs);

Copy constructor this is supplied so that derived classes can implement a copy constructor. In the future, if additional services are added to the base class that require state, this constructor can be chained to by derived classes to ensure that the appropriate deep copy is done.

virtual ~CAuthenticator();

Destructor is provide as virtual to ensure that destructors automatically chain up the class hierarchy.

CAuthenticator& operator=(const CAuthenticator& rhs);

Assignment operator is supplied for much the same reason as the copy constructor.

virtual = 0 Bool_t Authenticate(CInteractor& interactor);

Authenticate is the interface that derived classes must implement. The method must obtain credentials from the entity that want service via the interactor object supplied. If the entity supplies authorized credentials, the function should return kfTRUE. If the entity supplies bad or unauthorized credentials, kfFALSE should be returned.

protected: std::string GetLine(CInteractor& interactor);

This protected service reads a complete line of text from the interactor. The newline at the end of the input line is absorbed from the interactor but silently discarded.

Types and public data

The CInteractor object is an object that is intended to obtain credentials from some source. Other sections of this manpage describe interactors, both their abstract base class (CInteractor), and derived concrete classes.

The Security chapter of the full documentation manual describes the entire authentication package and how to use it as well as providing a brief listing of the various authenticators and interactors that are currently implemented.