

CTCLVariable --  Encapsulate Tcl interpreter variables.


#include <TCLVariable.h>

class CTCLVariable  : public CTCLInterpreterObject
  CTCLVariable (std::string am_sVariable,  Bool_t am_fTracing  );
  CTCLVariable (CTCLInterpreter* pInterp,
                std::string am_sVariable,  Bool_t am_fTracing  );
  CTCLVariable (const CTCLVariable& aCTCLVariable );

  CTCLVariable& operator= (const CTCLVariable& aCTCLVariable);
  int operator== (const CTCLVariable& aCTCLVariable) const;

  std::string getVariableName() const;
  Bool_t IsTracing() const;

  void setVariableName (const std::string am_sVariable);
  virtual   char*  operator() (char* pName,
                               char* pSubscript,
                               int Flags)  ;

   static  char* TraceRelay (ClientData pObject, Tcl_Interp* pInterpreter,
                             tclConstCharPtr  pName,
                             tclConstCharPtr pIndex,
                             int flags)  ;

  const char* Set (const char* pValue, int flags=TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG |
                                                 TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)  ;
  const char* Set (const char* pSubscript, char* pValue,
                   int flags=TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG | TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)  ;
  const char* Get (int flags=TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG | TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY,
                   char* pIndex=0)  ;
  int Link (void* pVariable, int Type)  ;
  void Unlink ()  ;
             char* pIndex = (char*)kpNULL)  ;

  void UnTrace ()  ;



CTCLVariable allows an existing or new Tcl interpreter variable to be encapsulated so that it can be accessed, traced or linked in C++ code.


  CTCLVariable(std::string sName,
             Bool_t fTracing  );
  CTCLVariable (CTCLInterpreter* pInterp,
             std::string sName,
             Bool_t fTracing  );
  CTCLVariable (const CTCLVariable& aCTCLVariable );

In the first two cases, sName is the name of the variable that will be wrapped by this object. The variable name can contain namespace qualifications as well as indices. If fTracing is true, the object is set to record that it is tracing the variable. Normally this parameter should be allowed to default to kfFALSE, and the trace member functions used to set explicit traces. For the final form of the constructor (copy constructor), aCTCLVariable is a CTCLVariable that will be copied into this object.

In the first form of the constructor, one must later call the Bind function (see CTCLInterpreterObject), to bind the variable to a specific interpreter prior to accessing it.

  CTCLVariable& operator=(const CTCLVariable& rhs);

Assigns the rhs object to this one. A reference to the left hand side of the assignment is returned. The semantics of assignment are not that the variable values are assigned, but that the left side of the assignment becomes a functional equivalent of rhs, that is it stands for the same object and has the same traces (if any) set. Thus, if rhs wraps the interpreter variable a and the object on the left side wraps interpreter variable b after the assignment executes, the left side object will be wrapping a. A reference to the object on the left hand side of the assignment is returned.

  int operator==(const CTCLVariable& rhs) const;

Compares this object for functional equality with rhs. Functional equality is defined as the two objects referring to the same variable, in the same interpreter, and having traces set on the same operations.

  std::string getVariableName() const;

Returns the name of the Tcl variable that is wrapped by this object.

          char* pIndex = (char*)kpNULL)  ;
void UnTrace ()  ;
Bool_t IsTracing() const;
virtual char*  operator() (char* pName,
                        char* pSubscript,
                        int Flags)  ;

This set of functions supports variable tracing. In Tcl, a trace is a function that is called when some event of interest occurs on a varialbe. The possible events are read, write, and unset. To effectively use variable tracing, you must create a subclass of CTCLVariable, override its operator() member to handle the trace and call Trace to initiate tracing.

The Trace member initiates tracing on the variable. flags describes when the trace should fire. See the manpage for Tcl_TraceVar for information about the legal flag values.

Untrace cancels all traces on the variable represented by this object.

IsTracing returns kfTRUE if tracing is being performed on the variable.

When a trace fires, the operator() member will be called. This is why you must override the CTCLVariable base class to do anything useful with a trace. The parameters to the call are; pName is the name of the variable that has been traced. pSubscript is the array subscript in the event the trace fires on an array or element of an array, and is NULL otherwise. Flag describes why the trace fired. Again, see the Tcl_TraceVar manpage for more information. Note that for write traces, the variable has already been set. Modifying the value of the traced variable within a trace function will not fire any additional traces. The operator() function must return a NULL pointer if the trace is successful. It must return a pointer to an error message if the trace is not successful. An example of an unsuccessful trace might be a write trace that ensures that only particular values are assigned to the variable.

const char* Set(const char* pValue,
                int flags=TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG |
                          TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)  ;
const char* Set(const char* pSubscript,
               char* pValue,
               int flags=TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG | TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)  ;

Sets the value of the variable to the string pointed to by pValue The second form of this assumes that the CTCLVariable represents an array and the pSubscript parameter specifies the subscript of the array that is being set. The flags parameter is fully documented in the Tcl manpage for Tcl_SetVar

const char* Get(int flags=TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG | TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY,
              char* pIndex=0)  ;

Retrieves the current value of a variable. If the pIndex parameter is supplied, the variable wrapped by CTCLVariable is assumed to be an array and pIndex points to the subscript of the element to retrieve. The flags parameter is fully documented in the Tcl_GetVar manpage. The return value of the function is a null terminated character string that is the current value of the variable. If the variable does not exist, then a NULL is returned.

int Link(void* pVariable,
         int Type)  ;
void Unlink()  ;

Link and Unlink support variable linking. Variable linking is when a Tcl variable is made to track the value of a C/C++ variable or C++ member variable of an object. Link establishes the link. pVariable points to the C or C++ variable or member variable to link to this CTCLVariable. The Type parameter is one of following values: TCL_LINK_INT, TCL_LINK_DOUBLE, TCL_LINK_BOOLEAN, TCL_LINK_WIDE_INT, or TCL_LINK_STRING indicating the type of the variable to which pVariable points. For all but TCL_LINK_STRING, pVariable points to a variable of the type indicated, and that variable will be linked. for TCL_LINK_STRING, pVariable points to a char* which should be initialized to point to NULL. The Tcl interpreter will use Tcl_Alloc and Tcl_Free to maintain a dynamically allocated string pointed to by that pointer which reflects the value of the variable. If the C/C++ program modifies this string, it must Tcl_Free the prior value and Tcl_Alloc a new value with the new variable value.


No operator!= has been defined.

There is no protection against multiple links... the most recent link for an underlying Tcl variable is the one effective.


CTCLInterpreter(3), CTCLInterpreterObject(3), Tcl_GetVar(3tcl), Tcl_LinkVar(3tcl), Tcl_SetVar(3tcl), Tcl_TraceVar(3tcl)