

ReadoutGUIOutputClient -- Readout gui output monitor client.


ReadoutGUIOutputClient name ?options?

name method params


ReadoutGUIOutputClient provides a packaged client for the output monitor for applications that use the event loop. Note that Tcl/Tk applications by default use the event loop. When a client object is constructed, it creates a new command ensemble whose sub commands are the method names of the object. The command name can either be specified or a unique one can be assigned by specifying the special object name %AUTO%. Regardless the constructor returns the name of the command as its result. Thus e.g.:

set outputMonitor [ReadoutGUIOutputClient %AUTO%]
$outputMonitor configure -host

is a pretty common pattern.


ReadoutGUIOutputClient objects include the configure and cget commands that manipulate and query configuration options of the object. Normally one configures the object and then invokes the connect method to start processing data. See METHODS for more about connect.


Specifies the name or IP address of the host that is running the server. The default value, if not explicitly configured is localhost which corresponds to the system running the application.


Specifies the user that is running the server application. If not configured, the default value is the current logged in user; $::tcl_platform(user).


The value of this option is a script that is executed whenever something was output to the server's output window. The text that was output is passed as an additional argument to the script.


The value of this option is a script that is executed when the object loses connection with the command server.


There is only one method connect it has no additional parameters and should be invoked once the object is configured. connect attempts to make the connection with the server and sets up the fileevents to invoke the -outputcmd and -closecmd scripts at appropriate times.

Failures result in an error signal.