

xlmload -- Load firmware into XLM modules.


xlmload [--base base-address | --slot slot-num]
[--serial serial-string | --host hostname --module sc-modulename [--port port-no] ]


Loads and boots and XLM FPGA module either by a directly connected VM-USB or via a VMUSBReadout slow control server.


The options come in sets of mutually exclusive groups. This is because there are two ways to specify the XLM being loaded (by slot or base address), and there are two ways to specify the VMUSB to load, by serial number for direct connection and by host, port and module for loads done via a VMUSBReadout's vmusb slow control module.

Options that specify the XLM to load.

There are two potential options you can use. They are mutually exclusive:

--slot slot-num

For XLM's which support geographical addressing, this is the slot containing the VMUSB. The base address of the module is then computed from this slot number.

--base base-address

Specifies the actual base address of the XLM. For modules which support geographical addressing this is slot << 27, where << is a bitwise left shift operator. See also the --slot option above.

Options that specify how to connect to the VMUSB

xlmload is capable of loading XLM modules either via a direct connection to a VMUSB or over the slow control server of a VMUSBReadout instance. If the latter is used, a vmusb module must be defined in the control configuration file.

If no connection options are specified, a local connection to the first enumerated VMUSB in the local system is used. If there are several VMUSB controllers attached to the same system, the --serial option can be used to specify the serial number string of the desired module. This string can be found on a sticker on the component side of the VMUSB module. It is of the form VMnnn where nnn is a number. The entire string must be supplied e.g. VM123.

If the XLM will be loaded via a slow control server, the following options specify the slow control server and the VMUSB module defined in that server.

--host host

Specifies the host in which the VMUSBReadout is running. This can be either a DNS name or a dotted IP address.

--port port-num

Specifies the port on which the VMUSBReadout program is listening for slow control connections. This defaults to 27000 which is the default for the slow controls server.

--module modname

Specifies the name of the slow controls module that provides VMUSB access via the slow controls server in the control configuration file.