

LeCroy4300B -- control a LeCroy 4300B FERA


LeCroy4300B create name base

LeCroy4300B config name option value ...

LeCroy4300B cget name


This provides control over a LeCroy 4300B FERA that lives in a crate controlled by a CC-USB. This is the counterpart to the CBDLeCroy4300B driver that is functional in the VMUSBReadout framework. The currently described driver needn't be registered to a CamacCrate to function.

There are a number of options that are provided to ultimately control the command register of the device. The command register is what establishes how the FERA will read out its data. Two options must be specified to operate the device, -pedestals and -slot. If either of these are not specified, the initialization of the module will fail.

During initialization the following operations occur:

  1. Clear the module

  2. Write all pedestals passed to the -pedestal option

  3. Compute the command register from user define options and write it to the module

At the end of the run, no actions are taken.

During stack execution initiated by an event trigger, this driver will operate based on the following logic:

  if "-camacclear" is true
      Clear the module



-slot value

Specifies the slot of the CAMAC crate the target module is occupying. DEFAULT is 1.

-pedestals list

A proper tcl list of 16 integer parameters defining the pedestals for each of the 16 channels. The first element of the list will configure the first channel of the FERA, the second element will configure the second channel, and so on. REQUIRED.

-vsn num

The virtual station number to associate with the target device. This will be included in the header if data compression is enabled.

-eclpedsub bool

Specify whether to use pedestal subtraction in ECL port readout (aka. EPS). Default is false.

-eclcompression bool

Specify whether to enable a data compression cycle before ECL port readout (aka. ECE). Default is false.

-eclenable bool

Specify whether to enable ECL port readout (aka. EEN). Default is false.

-camacpedsub bool

Specify whether to use pedestal subtraction in CAMAC readout (aka. CPS). Default is false.

-camaccompression bool

Specify whether to enable a data compression cycle before CAMAC readout (aka. CCE). Default is false.

-camacseqrdo bool

Specify whether to configure the device for sequential readout in CAMAC (aka. CSR). Default is false.

-camaclam bool

Specify whether the allow the device to emit a LAM when data is available to be read (aka. CLE). Default is false.

-overflowsuppress bool

Specify whether to suppress output of overflows as well as zeros (aka. OAFS). Default is false.


Example 1. A simple setup of one FERA

LeCroy4300B create fera -slot 10 
LeCroy4300B config fera -pedestals \
          [list 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
LeCroy4300B config fera -eclenable on
LeCroy4300B config fera -eclpedsub on
LeCroy4300B config fera -eclcompression on
LeCroy4300B config fera -camacclear off

Sets up a LeCroy 4300B module with all pedestals 1 to be read out by the ECL ports. The FERA resides in slot 10.