

Orphan -- Run script when the process is orphaned


package require orphan

set o [Orphan %AUTO% ?-script script?

$o configure -script newscript

$o destroy


The oprhan package provides an object oriented scheme to execute a Tcl script when the process's parent process changes. Normall this happens when the process is orphaned (that is its parent process exited).

When the Orphan object is created, it captures the parent's process id and uses the after command to poll for changes in the parent's id every second. The -script option, used at construction time or in the configure subcommand provides a script to execute at the global level when the parent process id changes. An empty script causes the object to continue to poll, however if the parent process id changes no script is executed.

This implementation, therefore has a few potential problems:

The limitations above suggest that the best way to use this facility is to create an Orphan object with a script early in script execution.