

EventFilter -- 


$DAQBIN/EventFilter [OPTIONS]...


This program takes events that have been classified using the SoftwareFilter application and applies an acceptance criterion. Events that pass that criterion are sent to the accepted output sink. Optionally events that don't pass acceptance are sent to a rejection sink.

The criterion is specified as a mask of bits that must have a specific value. It is an error to pass this program unclassified data.


Most options are mandatory. The optional ones and the action if not supplied are flagged in the listing below.

--help (optional)

Outputs short help information to stdout and then exits. All subsequent options are ignored.

--version (optional)

Outputs the program version and exits. Subsequent options are ignored.


Specifies the data source as either a file or tcp URI.


Specifies where accepted events will go. The URI can be either a file or tcp URI. If a tcp URI, the host must be local.

--rejected-sink=URI (optional)

Specifies where rejected events will go. The URI can be either a file or tcp URI. If the URI is a tcpURI, the host must be local.

If this optional option is omitted, rejected data are not retained.


Specifies a mask that is bitwise anded with the classification as part of the acceptancd criterion. See --value below.


Specifies the value the classifier must have to accept a event after the mask is applied. In other words. An event is accepted if classifier & mask == value.