

FragmentIndex -- Iterator for event built data.


#include <FragmentIndex.h>

// Add -lFragmentIndex -ldataformat -lException to the link command.
// Add -I$DAQROOT/include to compilation.

struct FragmentInfo
  uint64_t s_timestamp;
  uint32_t s_sourceId;
  uint32_t s_size;
  uint32_t s_barrier;
  uint16_t* s_itemhdr;
  uint16_t* s_itembody;

class FragmentIndex
  typedef Container::iterator iterator;
  typedef Container::const_iterator const_iterator;


  FragmentIndex(uint16_t* data);

  FragmentInfo getFragment(size_t i);
  size_t getNumberFragments() const;
  void indexFragments(uint16_t* begin, uint16_t* end);
  void indexFragments(uint16_t* data, size_t max_bytes);

  iterator begin();
  const_iterator begin() const;

  iterator end();
  const_iterator end() const;



This class provides a simple method to iterate over the fragments in an event built event. It provides both indexing and iteration based approaches.

Each fragment is represented by a FragmwentInfo struct that contains information from the fragment's header as well as a pointer to the fragment's body. The fragment's body, in this case means the data past the fragment's ring item body header, that is the actual payload of the fragment. A pointer to the body header is also provided.


FragmentIndex(); , FragmentIndex(uint16_t* data);

Constructs fragment info objects. The first, default, constructor constructs an empty fragment. The user must later call one of the indexFragments methods to parse an event into fragments.

The second event passes in a pointer to the event built data. This is like doing a default constructor and then calling indexFragments using data as the data parameter and dereferencing a 32 bit unsigned integer the data to compute the max_bytes parameter.

void indexFragments(uint16_t* begin, uint16_t* end); , void indexFragments(uint16_t* data, size_t max_bytes);

These two methods parse an event and create a list of fragments. It is safe to call this several times as the internal fragment list is cleared first.

The first version of this method takes begin, a pointer to the event builder data and end a pointer just past the end of the event builder data. These are used to map out the extent of the event that will be processed.

The second version of this method takes a data pointer to the start of the event built data and a size, max_bytes, of the part of the event that contains the fragments. The size should not include the event size that is the first 32 bits of the what data points to.

const size_t getNumberFragments();

Returns the number of fragments in the event. If there is no parsed event (the default constructor was usedq to make the object and indexFragments was never called), this will return 0.

FragmentInfo getFragment(size_t i);

Returns a copy of the fragment information data structure for fragment number i (numbered from 0). See Data structures below for a description of the FragmeintInfo structure.

If i is out of range of the fragments that have been parsed out of the event, the s_itembody field of the FragmentInfo struct returned will be a null pointer.

FragmentIndex::iterator begin(); , const FragmentIndex::const_iterator begin();

Returns an iterator (in the STL sense of the word) that 'points' to the first fragment accumulated from the event. If there are no fragments, this will compare as equal to the return value from end

The iterator supports pointer dereferencing which provides access to a FragmentInfo struct. It also support the ++ operator which points it to the next fragment info struct. If there are no more fragment info structs, the resulting iterator compares as equal to the return value from end

The only difference between these two versions is that a FragmentIndex::const_iterator does not allow the FragmentInfo it points to to be modified.

FragmentIndex::iterator end(); , const FragmentIndex::const_iterator end();

Returns an iterator that is just off the end of the list of fragments parsed by the object from the event.

Data structures

The key data structure the header provides is the FragmentInfo struct. This struct provides information from both the fragment's header and pointers into useful parts of the event fragment.

The FragInfo struct has the following fields:

uint64_t s_timestamp

The fragment's timestamp from the fragment's fragment header.

uint32_t s_sourceId

The id of the fragment's source, from the fragment's fragment header. This value is defined by each experiment and describes the creator of the fragment. Fragment ids should be unique experiment wide.

uint32_t s_size

Provides the number of bytes in the fragment body.

uint32_t s_barrier

If nonzero, this fragment required the event orderer to perform a data barrier with all known data sources for barrier fragments with the same barrier type.

At present a barrier type of 1 is a begin run barrier while a barrier of type 2 is an end of run.

uint16_t* s_itemhdr

If s_itembody is not null, this points to the ring item header. See the definition of RingItemHeader struct as defined in DataFormat.h.

uint16_t* s_itembody

Points to the actual body of the fragment. The structure of these data depend on the data source. The Special null value indicates that the fragment information struct is invalid. That is that it does not represent any actual fragment in the event.

The fragments are parsed from the event and put into an opaque Container type. The FragmentIndex class defines two nested types that support iteration of the elements of the class. These iterators 'point' to FragmentInfo structs.


Is an iterator that allows the contents of the FragmentInfo struct it 'points to' to be modified.


Just like FragmentInfo::iterator, however access to the FragmentInfo struct is limited to read-only.