

CParallelWorker -- Base class for a worker that receives fanned out data.


#include <CParallelWorker.h>

class CParallelWorker : public CProcessingElement
    CParallelWorker(CFanoutClientTransport& fanin, CSender& sink);
        CFanoutClientTransport& fanin, CSender& sink,
        uint64_t clientId
    virtual void operator()();

    CSender* getSink();



In most parallel computations there are segments of the computation in which work items fan out to worker processes that operate on work items independently and in full parallel with all other workers.

The NSCLDAQ parallel computing framework provides for transports that do that fanout and transports that are clients of those fanouts. This class is a base class that encapsulates a receiver that is a fanout client, an arbitrary sender and a main control flow that accepts data and asks the unimplemented process method to process it. Processing continues until an empty (zero sized) work item is received.

The sender is exposed to subclasses so that it is available in process as implemented by concrete classes. The sender receives the zero length work item and is expected to do any shutdown required of the sender.


CParallelWorker(CFanoutClientTransport& fanin, CSender& sink);

This constructor provides only a fanout client transport and an arbitrary sender. The user must configure the fanin transport's clien id prior to running the worker.

CParallelWorker(CFanoutClientTransport& fanin, CSender& sink, uint64_t clientId);

This constructor provides the client id of the fanout client transport. The constructor will configure the sink transport with that client id.

virtual void operator()();

Provides the flow of control for the processor. Messages are retrieved from the fanin transport and passed to the abstract process method.

Dynamic storage associated with messages is freed by the operator() and should, not be freed by the concrete subclass process method.

protected CSender* getSink();

Intended for use by subclasses. This method fetches a pointer to the sender.

Note that this is still an abstract class as it does not implement the process method. It does, however, provide a typical client flow of control in its operator() method. To use this class, you must derive from this and provide a process method.