

CZMQDealerTransport -- Peer, receiver for CZMQRouterTransport(3daq)


#inclucde <CZMQDealerTransport.h>
class CZMQDealerTransport : public CFanoutClientTransport

    CZMQDealerTransport(const char* pUri);
    CZMQDealerTransport(const char* pUri, uint64_t id);
    void recv(void** ppData, size_t& size);
    void send(iovec* parts, size_t numParts);
    void setId(uint64_t id);




The ZMQ Router/Dealer communication pattern provides mechanism to fan work units out to parallel workers. The Router, whose transport is CZMQRouterTransport(3daq) is the fanout. The workers receive data via this class.

The transports hide the details of requesting data and stripping delimeters. From the users's point of view the worker just does a call to recv and a work unit is returned.


CZMQDealerTransport is a unidirectional transport that can only receive data.

CZMQDealerTransport(const char* pUri);

This constructor just supplies pUri the ZMQ URI specifying the communication endpoint agreed upon by the Router and Dealer.

This method of construction requires that you call setId to establish the client id prior to transferring data with recv.

CZMQDealerTransport(const char* pUri, uint64_t id);

This constructor supplies both the endpoint URI (pUri), and the client id; id.

void recv(void** ppData, size_t& size);

Receives data from the peer. The process of requesting data, receiving the multipart message, stripping the delimeter and reassembling the message payload into a single blob is done by this method, transparent to the caller.


This is not a legal method. If you call this, a std::logic_error is thrown.

void setId(uint64_t id);