

CRingItemMarkingWorker -- Strategy pattern for classifying ring items


#include <CRingMarkingWorker>

class CRingMarkingWorker : public CParallelWorker
    class Classifier {
        virtual uint32_t operator()(CRingItem& item) = 0;
        CFanoutClientTransport& fanin, CSender& sink, uint64_t clientId,
        Classifier* pClassifier
    virtual ~CRingMarkingWorker() {}
    virtual void process(void* pData, size_t nBytes);




One of the main purposes of the parallel processing framework is to set up software triggers. In NSCLDAQ these operate in two stages. The first stage classifies ring items with a uint32_t value. The second stage retains or discards items by applying an acceptance criterion to this classification.

Note that only PHYSICS_EVENT items get classified. The classification is carried with the ring item as an extension to that item's body header. This class provides a framework that allows the user to simply report back the classification. All the work of getting work items, formatting the output ring items and sending them on to the next stage of processing are taken care of by this class.

The data processed by this class are assumed to have come from a CRingItemZMQDataSource or any other data source that produces the same output format. The data source is assumed to be a fanout data source as classification may be computationally intensive enough to be worth parallelization.

Construction of one of these therefore requires:


The fanout client transport that is getting data from the fanout transport.


The sender that will be used to ship the resulting work items to the next stage of processing.


The client id that will be configured into fanin


A pointer to a concrete subclass of CRingMarkingWorker::Classfier. This is an application specific class who's operator() knows how to compute and return the uint32_t classification of a ring item passed by reference.

Data sent on the sink will have the same format as the data received, however each block containing a physics item will be a uint32_t longer than before to accomodate the classification value. The ring item size and body header size field will be modified to appropriately reflect this.


The messages sent by this class are suitable for input to the CRingItemSorter(3daq). The consist of first a uint32_t client id followed by an array of timestamp, ring items pairs The message size and iterating through the ring items can be used to determine the number of ring items present.