

CCommuniatorFactory -- Create transports for an underlying communication scheme.


#include <CCommunicatorFactory.h>

class CCommunicatorFactory
    virtual CTransport* createFanoutTransport(int endPointId) =0;
    virtual CTransport* createFanoutClient(int endpointId, int clientId) =0;
    virtual CTransport* createFanInSource(int endpointId) = 0;
    virtual CTransport* createFanInSink(int endpointId) = 0;
    virtual CTransport* createOneToOneSource(int endpointId) = 0;
    virtual CTransport* createOneToOneSink(int endpointid) = 0;


Pure abstract transport factory. Parallel programs can feature a variety of communication patterns. This factory is an abstract base class for factories that know how to create transport objects for several common communication factories.

The idea is that application initialization code would use an appropriate factory to create the transports it needs. Use of factories would make changing the communications methods as easy as changing the factory used to create the transports.

As different communication schemes will have differing ways to specify communication endpoints. specifications are reduced to integers in this scheme. A concrete factory will, in general, need a mechanism to convert these integers into native endp;oint specifications. How this is done is factory specific. See e.g. CZMQCommunicatorFactory(3daq).


Note that all of these methods return a CTransport*. The pointer pointer points to a transport object the concrete factory created with new. Furthermore, in this class, all methods are pure virtual and must be implemented in a concrete factory.

virtual =0 CTransport* createFanoutTransport(int endPointId);

Creates a transport that fans out data to multiple clients that operate with data parallelism. endpointId identifies any endpoint needed.

virtual =0 CTransport* createFanoutClient((int endpointId, int clientId);

Creates a transport that receives data from a fanout. The endpoint of the fanout is identified by endpoingId. The client's id is clientId.

virtual =0 CTransport* createFanInSource(int endpointId);

Creates a transport that is a source for fanned in data. The endpoint of the transport is identified by endpointId In general there will be one of these that will send data to a single client with a transport created by createFanInSink below with the same endpointId.

virtual = 0 CTransport* createFanInSink(int endpointId);

Creates a sink of data from a fan in source with the same endpointId.

virtual = 0 CTransport* createOneToOneSource(int endpointId);

Creates a transport for the source of data for a pipeline of data. The data are consumed by the transport created by createOneToOneSink below with the same endpointId.

virtual = 0 CTransport* createOneToOneSink(int endpointid);

Creates the sink of a pipeline of data. The resulting transport receives data sent by a transport created with createOnToOneSource with the same endpointId