

CExtensibleFactory -- Template factory class.


#include <CExtensibleFactory.h>

template <class T>
class CExtensibleFactory

  void addCreator(std::string type,
		  CCreator<T>* pCreator);
  T* create(std::string type);
  std::vector<std::string> getDescriptions();

#include <CCreator.h>

template <class T>
class CCreator
  virtual T* operator()() = 0;
  virtual std::string describe() const = 0;


A common pattern in object oriented programming is the creation of a class hierarchy whose ultimate base class is abstract and defines a set of interface methods that concrete classes must implement. For exmaple, in a graphics library, the base class Shape might define an abstract method draw which would then be implemented in concrete classes like Rectangle or Circle.

Sometimes it's useful to be able to create an appropriate instance of a subclass of the ultimate base class of one of those hierarchies given a description or name of the class. Classes that can do that are called factory classes. If the class hierarchy is extensible by user code, it's important that the factory also be extensible.

The CExtensibleFactory template class provides the machinery to do all of this. To use it, you must specialize the factory to the type of object it will return, and provide and register Creator objects that recognize type strings and return the appropriate object.


Each extensible factory has a set of creators. Each creator is associated with a string. When the factory is asked to create an object it's given a string and that string is used to locate a creator which actually creates the desired object.

CCreator is an abstract base class for these object creators. Concrete creators must implement the following methods

virtual = 0 T* operator()();

Returns a pointer new object of the concrete type associated with the creator.

virtual const = 0 std::string describe();

Returns a string that describes the object being made. If the factory is associated with some creational command in a larger program, this can be used to construct a help string that reflects the set of actual object types that can be created.


void addCreator(std::string type, CCreator<T>* pCreator);

Provides the factory a new creator; pCreator that's associated with the string type. If a creator for that type already exists it is silently replaced. If the old creator was dynamically created, this replacement causes a memory leak.

T* create(std::string type);

Asks the factory to create a type using the creator that was associated with the type string. If no creator has been registered for this type, nullptr is returned.

std::vector<string> getDescription();

Returns a vector of all the creator descriptions.