

multilogger -- Log data from multiple ring buffers


#   Add this line to your ReadoutCallouts.tcl file:
package require multilogger


The NSCL ReadoutShell has the concept of an event recording ringbuffer. When you check the recording checkbutton on the GUI, ReadoutGUI automatically starts an eventlog programto log data to that ringbuffer and, at the end of the run does what's needed to build the experiment and run views of the resulting event file.

In more complex experiments, involving multiple event building stages, it can be useful to log data to disk from more than one ring. This provides the ability to reconstruct the final event file later, in case something went wrong with event building. It can also provide for the ability to replay and analyze subsets of the data (from a detector subsystem rather than the entire experiment).

The mulilogger package meets that need. Multilogger is a ReadoutGui add on that allows you to log data from an arbitrary number of ringbuffers. Each of these logging specifications can be independently enabled or disabled. You can also specify, if desired, that the system log data even when recording is not enabled on the GUI.

Event files are prefixed with the creation time making it possible to log several runs with the same run number without losing data (essential if log always is turned on).

Using the multilogger package.

Using the multi logger package requires that you:

The multilogger package adds a Multilogger This menu provides commands to:

Add Logger...

Prompts for the URI of the ring buffer to log, the output directory, the maximum number of seconds to wait for all end runs to be received and the number of data sources that contribute control itesm to the ring.

It also prompts for the initial enable state of the logger. A disabled logger will never log data, even if log always is enabled. The output directory must exist before the multiloggers's first attempt to log data. The multilogger will not create that directory for you.

List Loggers...

Provides a list of loggers showing their ring buffers, output directories, enable state, end run timeout an number of event sources.

Enable Loggers...

Allows you to selectively enable or disable loggers.

Delete Loggers...

Lets you get rid of loggers you no longer want.

Record Always

Is a menu checkbutton that, when checked makes the enabled loggers log data even if the Record button on the ReadoutGui is not checked.

After each menu item's dialogs are approved, the state of the multilogger subsystem is written to file. (See FILES) below.



This is a CSV file that has the up-to-date list of the loggers multilogger is managing. The fields in this file are in order, the ring URI, the output direcctory, The enable state (non-zero is enabled), The timeout and the number of sources.