61.3. Compiling and linking parallel programs

This section assumes you've set up the NSCLDAQ environment variables before building your code.

All headers are in $DAQINC, therefore, compilations must have -I$DAQINC ( -I$(DAQINC) in Makefiles).

The library is locaed in $DAQLIB It is called libSwTrigger.so. It also depends on several other libraries in and out of NSCLDAQ:

... -L$DAQLIB -lSwTrigger -ldataformat -ldaqthreads \
    -lDataFlow -lPortManager -ldaqshm -lException -lzmq -Wl,-rpath=$DAQLIB

In a Makefile you can use environment variable substitution:

... -L$(DAQLIB) lSwTrigger -ldataformat -ldaqthreads \
    -lDataFlow -lPortManager -ldaqshm -lException -lzmq -Wl,-rpath=$(DAQLIB)