72.2. The SoftwareTrigger and EventFilter programs

The software trigger subsystem consists of two stages. The first stage classifies physics events in accordance with user supplied criteria. The second stage accepts or rejects events based on the criteria supplied.

The previous section described how to create code to perform the required classification and how to prepare it for use by the classification stage. This section will describe what the SoftwareTrigger programs actually do and how to use them.

The 1daq reference section provides a detailed description of the command line options these programs acceapt.

72.2.1. SoftwareTrigger - classifying events

SoftwareTrigger is the classification stage of the software filter process. It accepts data from some source (Ring buffer or file), and outputs classified events to some sink (again ring buffer or file).

SoftwareTrigger can be thought of as a processing pipeline with a fanout-fanin stage. A data source thread reads ring items from the data source. Clumps of ring items are fanned out to worker threads that classify events in a clump in parallel.

The worker threads pass each physics ring item to the user written classification object which returns a uint32_t classification. This classification is put in the event as an extension to the body header. NSCLDAQ code and SpecTcl-5.1-010 and later understand that the body header can be extended and transparently handle events with this extension.

Classified clumps of data then fan in to the next stage of the processing pipeline. Since the workers will finish working on clumps in a non-deterministic order, the next stage of the pipeline re-sorts the events by timestamp. The output of this sort phase goes to a final data sink stage which writes the data to the data sink.

To run the SoftwareTrigger application, you minimally must specify the data source, the data sink and classifier shared object library. In addition you should also specify the clump size and the number of classification workers.

A large clump size results in communication efficiencies between the thread at the expense of a larger virtual memory footprint. Increasing the number of worker threads provides better performance up until you saturate all of the cores on the system or hit an I/O limit.

Refer to the manpage for SoftwareTrigger in the 1daq section for the full set of program options. The one you need to get started are:


Provides the URI of the data source. This can be a file or tcp URI. In the case of a tcp data source the host can be remote.


Provides the URI of the data sink. This can be a file or tcp. tcp URIs must, however have the local host as the host as NSCLDAQ only allows local producers for ringbuffers.


Integer that specifes the number of workers to run. This determines the maximum parallelism for the classification stage of the pipeline. There's no point is specifying more cores than you have. I recommend exploring performance a a function of this parameter prior to the experiment so you can select an optimal value for this flag.


Specifies the number of events that will be passed to a worker for each work item. Up to a point, big numbers tend to be better but again, do some performance measurements prior to the experiment to optimize this value.


Provides the path to the shared library you created containing an implementation of your classifier and the factory function that creates classifier instances.

Note that you can attach software to the output sink if it's a ring buffer to ensure the classifier is working as expected.

Here's a fragment of code that shows how to obtain the classification of an event from inside a SpecTcl event processor.

#include <DataFormat.h>
#include <CRingBufferDecoder.h>
#include <CRingFormatHelper.h$gt;

struct ExtendedBodyHeader {
    BodyHeader s_bodyHeader;
    uint32_t   s_classification;

    const Address_t pEvent, CEvent& rEvent, CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
	CBufferDecoder& rDecoder
    CRingBufferDecoder& decoder(dynamic_cast<CRingBufferDecoderamp;>(rDecoder));
    CRingFormatHelper*  pHelper = decoder.getCurrentFormatHelper();
    if (pHelper->hasBodyHeader()) {
        pBodyHeader pB = static_cast<pBodyHeader>(pHelper->getCodyHeaderPointer());
        if ((pB->s_size - sizeof(BodyHeader)) < sizeof(uint32_t)) {
            ExtendedBodyHeader* pE = reinterpret_cast<ExtendedBodyHeader*>(pB);
            uint32_t classification = pE->s_classification;
            // Do whatever you want with classification.
        } else {
            // There's a body header but there's no extension.
    } else {
        // No body header so no classification!!!


72.2.2. EventFilter - accepting events based on classification

EventFilter is the second part of software triggering. EventFilter examines the classifications added by SoftwareTrigger and and accepts or rejects physics events based on criteria you can set.

Acceptance criteria are set by defining a mask and a value. A physics item is accepted if (classification & mask) == value.

A debugging feature of the EventFilter allows you to not only keep the accepted events but to directc the rejected events to a second ringbuffer.

See the 1daq reference section for information about how to run