
DAQ::DDAS::DDASHit -- encapsulate the data from a DDAS hit.


#include <DDASHit.h>

namespace DAQ {
  namespace DDAS {
    class DDASHit { 
        uint32_t GetSlotID() const ;
        uint32_t GetCrateID() const;
        uint32_t GetChannelID() const;
        uint32_t GetEnergy() const;
        double GetTime() const;
        uint32_t GetTraceLength() const ;
        std::vector<uint16_t>& GetTrace();
        uint32_t GetTimeHigh() const;
        uint32_t GetTimeLow() const;
        uint32_t GetTimeCFD() const;
        uint64_t GetCoarseTime() const;
        uint32_t GetFinishCode() const;
        uint32_t GetChannelLength() const;
        uint32_t GetChannelLengthHeader() const;
        uint32_t GetOverflowCode() const;
        uint32_t GetModMSPS() const ;
        int GetHardwareRevision() const;
        int GetADCResolution() const ;
        uint32_t GetCFDTrigSource() const;
        uint32_t GetCFDFailBit() const ;
        const std::vector<uint16_t>& GetTrace() const;
        std::vector<uint32_t>& GetEnergySums();
        const std::vector<uint32_t>& GetEnergySums() const;
        std::vector<uint32_t>& GetQDCSums() ;
        const std::vector<uint32_t>& GetQDCSums() const ;
        uint64_t GetExternalTimestamp() const ;
        bool     GetADCOverflowUnderflow() const ;
        // Used by low level unpackers.

        void Reset();        
        void setChannel(uint32_t channel);
        void setSlot(uint32_t slot);
        void setCrate(uint32_t crate);
        void setChannelHeaderLength(uint32_t channelHeaderLength);
        void setChannelLength(uint32_t channelLength);
        void setOverflowCode(uint32_t overflow);
        void setFinishCode(bool finishCode);
        void setCoarseTime(uint64_t time);
        void setRawCFDTime(uint32_t data);
        void setCFDTrigSourceBit(uint32_t bit);
        void setCFDFailBit(uint32_t bit);
        void setTimeLow(uint32_t datum);
        void setTimeHigh(uint32_t datum);
        void setTime(double time);
        void setEnergy(uint32_t value);
        void setTraceLength(uint32_t trace);
        void setADCFrequency(uint32_t value);
        void setADCResolution(int value);
        void setHardwareRevision(int value);
        void appendEnergySum(uint32_t value);
        void appendQDCSum(uint32_t value);
        void appendTraceSample(uint16_t value);
        void setExternalTimestamp(uint64_t tstamp);
        void setADCOverflowUnderflow(bool state);


This class encapsulates a decoded DDASHit. It is filled in by the low level decoders using the setXXX methods. Consumers of DDAS data use the getXXX data to fetch decoded and massaged data from objecgts of this class.


Don't be intimidated by the large number of methods this class provides. The setXXX and appendXXX methods will, in general not be used by you. As such we're not going to document them here. If you do need to build your own decoder, you can look at the code to understand what they do.

For the most part you'll only need to use the first few methods of this class.

const uint32_t GetSlotID();

Returns the slot id for the module from which this hit was gotten.

const uint32_t GetCrateID() ();

Returns the number of the crate from which the hit came. The crate id is set in the cfgPixie16.txt file that drove the readout program that produced the hit.

const uint32_t GetChannelID();

Returns the channel number from which this hit was emitted. Together, the triplet of crate id, slot id and channel number define which channel of the system produced this hit, though in systems known to consist of a single crate, the crate id can be ignored in general.

const uint32_t GetEnergy();

Returns the energey computed by the DSP and FPGA for the trace captured by this channel for this trigger.

const double GetTime();

Returns the calibrated time for the hit. This is the number of nanoseconds since the last clock reset and includes any correction for the CFD zero crossing time.

The actual calibrated time determination, from timestamps and cfd times depends on the module type:

100MSPS Modules:

time = 10*((timehigh << 32) + timelow)

where timehigh and timelow are the two halves of themodule's raw timestamp.

250MSPS modules:

time = 8*(timehigh << 32 + timelow) + 4*(timecfd/(2^14) - cfdtrigsourcebit)

500MSPS module:

time = 10*(timehigh << 32 + timelow) + 2*(timecfd/(2^13) + cfdtrigsourcebit - 1)

const uint32_t GetTraceLength();

Returns the length of the trace data acquired by the hit. If no trace data was captured, this will be 0.

std::vector<uint16_t>& GetTrace();

Returns a reference to the trace data captured for this hit. Note this is not a const reference so use this with care as it's possible to use the return value to modify the trace data in the object, and normally this is not desirable.

The method:

const const; std::vector<uint16_t>& GetTrace();

Provides more protected access to the trace.

const uint32_t GetTimeHigh();

Returns the upper bits of the hit's raw timestamp. Normally you would use GetTime to access a calibrated timestamp.

const uint32_t GetTimeLow();

Returns the low order bits of a hit's raw timestamp. Normally you'd use GetTime to access a calibrated timestamp. The calibrated time also includes any appropriate CFD correction.

const uint32_t GetTimeCFD();

Returns the raw CFD correction to the timestamp. Normally you'd use GetTime to get a full calibrated timestamp.

const uint64_t GetCoarseTime();

Returns the calibrated time (nanoseconds) without any application of a CFD correction. This timestamp is sufficient for use in event building e.g.

const uint32_t GetFinishCode();

Returns the hit's finish code. The finish code is non-zero if the firmware detected signal pile-up.

const uint32_t GetChannelLength();

Returns the amount of raw data in the hit. This is not normally useful as by the time your code sees this object, the raw hit is not available to you.

const uint32_t GetChannelLengthHeader();

Returns the length of the raw hit header. THis is not normally useful in your code because by the time you have this object the raw hit is unavailable to you.

const uint32_t GetOverflowCode();

Returns the overflow code from the hit. If this is non-zero, the trace at some point in the acquisition window overflowed the range that could be digitized by the module.

const uint32_t GetModMSPS();

Returns the sampling frequency of the module the hit comes from in MHz. (MSPS == Mega Samples Per Second). This comes from an extra data word remembered for each module and added to the Pixie16 raw hit.

const int GetHardwareRevision();

Returns the hardware identification/version code for the module that returned this hit. This comes from data saved by Readout and added to the Pixie16 raw hit.

const int GetADCResolution();

Returns the ADC resolution in bits. This comes from data saved by Readout and added to the Pixie16 raw hit.

const uint32_t GetCFDTrigSource();

Returns the source of the CFD trigger. This is only important for 250MHz and 500Mhz modules. For 250MHz modules, this indicates whether the fractional time comes from the odd or even samples which are processed in the CFD in parallel. For the 500Mhz modules this is a value from 0-4 indicating which of 5 parallel CFD Branches found the zero crossing.

Section 4.2.3 of the Pixie-16 manual version 3 shows how to interpret these values along with the coarse and CFD timing information. See as well GetTime above which captures the information in that section.

uint32_t GetCFDFailBit();

Returns 1 if the CFD logic in the module's FPGA could not find a zero crossing for the CFD trace for this hit..

const const std::vector<uint32_t>& GetEnergySums();

Returns the a four element vector of energy sums and the baseline for this hit. Note there is an overload of this method that returns a non const reference (allowing the values to be modified).

the first three elements are trailing, gap and leading sums as defined by the Pixie16 manual. The last element is the DC Offset the signal is on.

const const std::vector<uint32_t>& GetQDCSums();

The Pixie16 allows the user to specify 8 regions over which the wave form is summed. This allows both the computation of a QDC for the trace as well as pulse shape analysis. This returns the 8 element vector containin the summed values.

Note that an overload supplying a writable access to this vector is also provided.

const uint64_t GetExternalTimestamp();

For firmware that supports an external timestamp clock, reports the time.

const bool GetADCOverflowUnderflow() ();
