

DAQ::DDAS::CDDASBuiltUnpacker -- Unpack ddas hits from event built data.


#inlcude <DDASBuiltUnpacker.h>
namespace DAQ {
  namespace DDAS {    class CDDASBuiltUnpacker : public  CEventProcessor

        CDDASBuiltUnpacker(const std::set<uint32_t>& validSourceIds, 
                          CParameterMapper& rParameterMapper);
        void setValidSourceIds(const std::set<uint32_t>& validSourceIds);

        std::set<uint32_t> getValidSourceIds() const;

        void setParameterMapper(CParameterMapper& rParameterMapper);
        CParameterMapper& getParameterMapper() const;

        virtual Bool_t operator()(const Address_t pEvent,
            CEvent&         rEvent,
            CAnalyzer&      rAnalyzer,
            CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

  } // end DDAS namespace
} // end DAQ namespace



Instances of this class process event built data containing XIA DDAS sources. Data from sources known not to contain DDAS data are ignored.

For the most part, other than the input data, this class operates in the same manner as DAQ::DDAS::DDASUnpacker,


CDDASBuiltUnpacker(const std::set<uint32_t>& validSourceIds, CParameterMapper& rParameterMapper);

validSourceIds represents the set of event fragment source ids that are assumed to contain DDAS data. Fragments with source ids not in validSourceIds are not processsed by this event processor. Presumably another event processor works on those.

The rParameterMapper is a reference to an object that is from a class derived from DAQ::DDAS::CParameterMapper that is responsible for taking data from each decoded hit and turning it into a set of SpecTcl parameters.

Since this is a reference and the object is not copy constructed (there's no requirement that it be copy constructable), it is important that the actual object passed remains in scope for the lifetime of the unpacker object.

void setValidSourceIds(const std::set<uint32_t>& validSourceIds);

Replaces the set of source ids that will be processed with a new set. With a statically composed DAQ you should probably never need to call this.

const std::set<uint32_t> getValidSourceIds();

Returns the current set of valid source ids. These are the data sources who's fragments will not be ignored by this event processor.

void setParameterMapper(CParameterMapper& rParameterMapper);

Provdes a new parameter mapper object.

const CParameterMapper& getParameterMapper();

Returns a reference to the current parameter mapping object for this object. See DAQ::DDAS::DDASUpnacker::getParameterMapper for a sample use of this method.

virtual Bool_t operator()(const const Address_t pEvent, CEvent& rEvent, CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer, CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

This is the method called to process raw events pointed to by pEvent. The crate, slot and channel numbers of all raw hits are marshalled into a vector of DAQ::DDAS::DDASHit objects which is then passed to the parameter mapping object.