

CFileDrivenParameterMapper -- Parameter mapper operating from description file.


#include <CFileDrivenParameterMapper.h>

class CFileDrivenParameterMapper : public DAQ::DDAS::CParameterMapper {

    CFileDrivenParameterMapper(const char* configFile);
    virtual ~CFileDrivenParameterMapper();
    virtual void mapToParameters(
        const std::vector<DAQ::DDAS::DDASHit>& hits, CEvent& rEvent


If the mapping between channels and parameters is fixed, it can often be expressed as a configuration rather than as code. This should be less error prone.

CFileDrivenParameterMapper captures this. It is a parameter mapper that processes a configuration file to build up a correspondence between channels and tree parameters. FOr each parameter, a tree parameter is created so that you don't have to create the parameters in a separate (e.g. SpecTclRC.tcl) file.

The configuration file that drives this class is a simple text file that defines a channel's parameter name one per line. Each line contains 5 fields. The first four fields are numeric and are, in order, the crate id, the slot id, and the channel id that uniquely identifies the channel, and the number of bits in that channel's ADC. The final field is the name of the parameter that is given this parameter's raw value.

Empty lines (not lines with spaces but truly empty lines). Comments are lines whose first character is a pound (#) character.

Here's a sample configuration file fragment.

#  Experiment xxxxxx XIA DDAS parameter mapping file
# crate slot channel     bits parameter name. 
     0    2     0         16  Crate0.slot2.channel0
     0    2     1         16  Crate0.slot2.channel1
     1    2     15        16  Crate1.slot2.channel16

     1    3     0         16  Crate1.slot3.channel0



Hopefully the meaning of this is clear.


CFileDrivenParameterMapper(const char* configFile);

Normally you only need to construct an object of this type, construct the appropriate unpacker with this as the parameter mapper and registser that unpacker as an event processor.

The configFile parameter is the path to your channel mapping configuration file.

Errors in the configuration file are signaled by throwing a std::string exception.

virtual void mapToParameters(const std::vector<DAQ::DDAS::DDASHit>& hits, CEvent& rEvent);

This is the unpacking method called by the event processor. It is not necessary to override this. Errors in this method are signalled by throwing a std::string exception.