4.2. CCalibratedFileDrivenParameterMapper

This class produces two parameters for each hit. The first is the same raw parameter CFileDrivenParameterMapper unpacks. The second is a calibrated energy parameter.

The calibrated enery is computed by passing the raw energy through a quadratic function. The configuration file provides the coefficients of this function as either constants, or tree variable names (or a mix). The configuration file also provides a more general definition of the calibrated treeparameter (low, high bins, and units).

Construction of the CCalibratedFileDrivenParameterMapper is identical to that of CFileDrivenParameterMapper. We will therefore refer you to the usage examples for that class rather than repeating all that stuff here.

The difference in usage of these to classes is the configuration file. Of necessity, the CCalibratedFileDrivenParameterMapper, while following similar formatting rules requires additional fields of information.

Following the name of the raw parameter are the three coefficients for the quadratic function used to produce the calibrated parameter. In order these are the constant, linear and quadratic coeficients. Each field can be either a constant floating point or the name of a tree variable (which will be created if necessary).

Thus linear calibration is simply a matter of providing a constant quadratic coefficient of 0.0

Following the coefficients are four fields that describe the resulting treeparameter. The first three are numeric and are the low and high limits of the parameter and the binning. The last is textual and provides the units for the parameter. Note that the text "" can be used if no units are required.

The final field is the name of the calibrated parameter. As with the raw parameter, a tree parameter is created if necessary.

Here's an example of configuration file lines:

0 2 0 crate0.slot2.raw.chan0 c0.s2.ch0.const c0.s2.ch0.lin 0 0 100 100 MeV crate0.slot2

Note how the quadratic coefficient is constant 0? This results in a linear calibration function.

0 2 0 crate0.slot2.raw.chan0 c0.s2.ch0.const c0.s2.ch0.lin c0.s2.ch0.q 0 100 100 MeV crate0.slot2.cal.chan0                

The line above is a fully quadratic calibration.