

gate -- Create, list, delete gates


gate name type description

gate -list ?-byid? ?pattern?

gate -delete ?-id? gate1 ?gate2 ...?

gate -trace subcommand arg1 ...


Using the gate command you can:

If the first command parameter is not either the -list or -delete switch then a new gate is created. Otherwise the action is as indicated by the switch.

Gates are conditions which can be applied to a set of spectra to control when that spectrum is incremented.

The gate command is quite complex. The complexity comes from the rich set of gate types the gate command supports and the need to understand how those gate types are described both when creating and listing gates. Fortunately, most GUI's and the displayers make it unecessary to actually know how to use the command directly. COMMAND DETAILS below describes how to create, delete and list gates.


In this section we're going to describe:

Creating a gate

The form of the gate creation command is deceptively simple:

gate name type description

First the basics. name is a name that you give to the gate that must be unique. Gates are considered mutable. Therefore, be careful because re-defining an existing gate does exactly that, it changes the definition of that gate. That change happens immediately relative to event processing. In addition to the gate name, gates are assigned a numeric id which normally you don't need to know about.

The type is a text string that identifies the type of gates that can be created. In the subsection Gate Types we'll go over each gate type. Understanding the SpecTcl gate types and how to create them is an important part of your SpecTcl knowledge.

The description describes the gate being made. In general it is a Tcl list. The actual contents of that list will depend on the type of gate being created. The subsection Gate Descriptions will document the form of gate descriptions for each gate type. Note that there are slight differences between these descriptions and what you get from gate -list.

The gate creation command does not return a result.

Gate Types

SpecTcl provides a rich complement of gate types. These gate types, allow you great control over when a spectrum is incremented.

SpecTcl has two classes of gate types, simple (sometimes called primitive) and compound. A simple gate is defined in terms of some condition in parameters while a compound gate is defined on one or more other gates.

It is important to note that the gates a compound gate is defined on can be a mix of simple and compound gates. This allows you to incrementally build up arbitratry logical conditions.

It is important to also note that simple gates, while they may be entered graphically on spectra are defined on the underlying parameters of that spectrum, not the spectrum. Their existence, once created is totally independent of the spectrum used to define them. Thus while we can talk about a gate being drawn on or displayed on a spectrum, it's not correct to talk about a gate defined on a spectrum.

Without further ado, let's look at the gate types and their type codes as they must be used in gate creation and as they are displayed in gate lists.

* - And gate

A compound gate. The And gate is made up of a list of any number of gates called constituent gates. The And gate is satisfied only if all of its constituent gates are satisfied.

Note that if a gate cannot be evaluated for an event because, for example, one or more of the parameters it depends on is not defined for the event, that gate is considered false.

b Band

Bands are simple gates. They are defined on a pair of parameters. Those parameters define a two dimensional space.

A band has an arbitrary number of points which define a polyline in that two dimensional space.

Each event that has both of the parameters needed to define the band defines a point in the two dimensional paramter space. If that point is below the band, the gate is satisfied.

While you can specify a band that backtracks, This means only that the space below the highest part of the polyline is in the gate.

The figure below shows what I mean by this:

Figure 1. A band draw with backtracking

The black region is the space that satisfies the gate.

c Contour

A countour gate is defined in a manner similiar to a band. A set of points are provided in a the two dimensional space defined by a pair of parameters. These points define a closed region of space by connecting the last point with the first point (with a line segment).

Contours are satsified for events that have both of the parameters they depend on and for which the point defined by those parameters lies inside the closed figure.

It's possible to define some fairly pathalogical figures for which the interior may be difficult to discern. SpecTcl uses the odd crossing rule to define the interior of a figure. This is well defined for arbitrarily pathalogical contours.

The odd crossing rule means that for any point, draw a ray from that point in any direction. If the ray crosses an odd number of boundaries of the contour it is considered inside the contour.

The midly pathalogical contour in the figure below has its interior shaded under this rule:

Figure 2. Contour interior

c2band Two bands to a contour

A contour formed by joining the endpoints of two bands defined on the same set of parameters. This joining is done statically. Therefore, while the gate is formed of two other gates (bands), it becomes a primitive contour in behavior.

You can think of this gate as a convenience for turning a series of bands into a set of countours. A downside to this type of gate is that each time you need to change the definition (move) one of the two bands, you also must remember to change the c2band gates that depend on it. See, however Gate Traces below for a mechanism that can automate this process.

F False gate

A false gate is a simple gate that is never satisfied.

gb Gamma Band

An open set of points forming a polyline on a spectrum. Applied as a fold to a 1-d gamma spectrum, for all pairs of parameters below the polyline, increments for all parameters in the spectrum which are not in the pair. Applied as an ordinary gate to any spectrum via apply the gate is true whenever any pair of parameters in the gate is under the band.

Applied to a 2-d spectrum as a fold, for all pairs of parameters, (p1, p2), below the polyline, increments for all pairs of parameters, (x, y) in the spectrum such that (p1, p2) and (x, y) have no intersection. As a gate to any spectrum via the apply command, the gate is true whenever any pair of parameters that make up the gate lie under the band.

The same rules for determining which points are under the band are used for gamma bands that are used for ordinary bands.

gc Gamma contour

Closed polygon of points drawn on a 2-d spectrum. The lines may cross abitrarily many times, and the same 'odd-crossing' rule used by contours is used to determine the interior of the shape. Used as a fold on a 1-d gamma spectrum, for all pairs of parameters in the interior of the polygon, increments for all parameters in the spectrum which are not in the pair.

When applied to a spectrum (apply): This gate has identical meaning to the gamma band but parameter pairs must lie within the contour (according to the odd crossing rule) to make the gate true.

gs Gamma slice

A lower and upper limit set on a spectrum. Applied as a fold to a 1-d spectrum, for all parameters within the bounds of the upper and lower limits, increments for all other parameters in the spectrum.

Applied as a gate to any spectrum, via apply, is true whenever any parameter in the gate definition is in the slice.

Applied as a fold to a 2-d spectrum, for all parameters within the bounds of the upper and lower limits, increments for all pairs of parameters in the spectrum such that neither parameter in the pair is in the slice.

Applied as a gate via apply is true whenever any parameter in the gate is inside the slice.

- Not gate

Takes one and only one constituent gate. This gate is the logical inverse of its constituent. If its constituent is satisfied, the not gate is not satisfied. If the constituent is not satisfied, the not gate is satisfied.

+ Or gate

Gate is true if any of the constituent gates is true.

s Slice

Sometimes also called a cut. A lower and upper limit set on a single parameter. True if the point is in the interval [low,high).

T True gate

This gate is always satisfied. When you creaete a spectrum, a true gate comes pre-applied to it.

em Mask equal

Intended for integer parameters that represent bit registers or other masks. Gate returns true whenever the parameter is equal to a user defined bit pattern.

am And mask

Intended for integer parameters that represent bit masks. Gate returns true whenever the parameter value bitwise anded with the user defined bit pattern is equal to the user defined bit pattern.

nm Nand mask

Intended for integer parameters that represent bit masks. Gate returns true whenever the parameter value bitwise anded with the bitwise not of the user defined bit pattern equals the bitwise not of the user defined bit pattern.

Gate Descriptions

This section describes the descripion parameter of the gate creation command. For the descriptions returned by gate -list, see Listing gates below.

In general the description gate creation parameter is a Tcl list. The description of each gate type has its own requirements, however.

* And gates.

The description is a properly formatted Tcl list containing the names of the constituent gates. For each event, all gates must be evaluated and true to satisfy the gate.

b Band and c Contour gates.

The desription is a three element list. The first two elements are the names of the X and Y parameters the gate is checked on, in that order. The last parameters is a list of X, Y coordinate pairs. Each pair is a two element list.

c2band Contour from 2 bands

The description is a two element list of the two bands that are used to create the contour. The last point of the first gate is connected to the last point of the second gate. The first point of the first gate is connected to the first point of the second gate to form the contour. Line segments are used to perform these joins.

F false or T true gate

The description is empty. Note the description cannot be empty. It must be an empty Tcl list. For example {} or more verbosely: [list]

gb Gamma band and gc Gamma contour gates

The description of this is a two element list The first element of the list is the ordered list of X/Y coordinates that define the contour or the band. The second element of the list are the names of parameters the gate is checked against.

Note that for gamma gates only a minimal number of the parameters (2 for these gates) need to be defined to evaluate the gate. Not all of the parameters.

gs Gamma slice gate

The description is a two element list. The first element of the list is itself a two element list that contains the low and high limits of the cut. This defines an interval of the form [low, high), that is inclusive of the low limit and exclusive of the high limit.

The second list element is a list of the names of parameters the gate is checked against. Unlike non-gamma gates only at least one of these parameters must be present in an event for the gate to be checked.

- Not Gate

The description for this is the name of the single gate whose sense is negated to make this gate.

+ Or Gate.

The description is a list of the names of the constituent gates that will be ORed together. The gate is satisfied for any event for which at least one of the constituent gates is true.

s Slice gate

The description is a two element list. The first element of the list is the parameter on which the gate is checked. The second is a two element list that contains, in order, the low and high limits of the gate.

em equal mask, am and mask and nm Not mask.

The description of these gate types are all two element lists where the first element is the name of the parameter checked and the second is the bitmask used in the check

Listing gates

The form of this command is:

gate -list ?-byid? ?pattern?

The result of the command is a Tcl list of the gates that have names which match the optional pattern parameter. If pattern is not provided to the command, * is used which matches all gates.

If -byid is present, the gates are sorted by their numeric id. If not, the gates are sorted by their names. The gate id is a unique, immutable number assigned to each gate when it is created.

Each element of the list returned by this command describes one gate. Each description is a four element list containing in order:

  1. The name of the gate

  2. The id of the gate.

  3. The type code for the gate. The type code is the same as the type code used to create the gate.

  4. A description of the gate that is type code dependent.

The last element of the gate description list is a type dependent description of the gate. This description contains the information needed to define the gate. Here is the form of that description for each of the gate type codes:

* and + or gates

The final element of the gate description is a list of the constituent gtates for this gate type.

F false and T true gates.

The final element of the gate description is an empty list as these gates are constants.

gb Gamma band or gc Gamma contour

The final description element is a two element list. The first element is a list of coordinate points that define the gate in parameter space. The second element is the list of parameters the gate is defined on.

gs Gamma slice

The final description element is a two element list. The first element is itself a two element list containing the low and high limits of the slice. The second element is a list of the parameters on which the gate is defined.

- not

The final description element is just the name of the gate this gate will invert.

s Slice

The final description element is a two element list. The first element is the parameter on which the gate is defined. The second element is a list containing the lower and upper limit of the slice.

em Equal mask, am and mask and nm not mask.

The last element of the description is a two element list containing in order, the parameter the gate is defined on and the mask to check.

Deleting gates

The form of the delete command is:

gate -delete ?-id? gate1 ?gate2 ...?

First let's look at what it means to delete a gate. Just removing a gate from the SpecTcl gate dictionary has the problem that there may be gates that depend on it. Or gates that depend on gates that depend on it. What does it mean for those gates that a constituent has been deleted?

In order to provide consistent meaning to those and other cases, SpecTcl doesn't actually delete gates you tell it to delete. Instead it redefines them as False gates. Gates that are never satisified. Most GUIs understand this and suppress the listing of False gates.

The -id option. Recall that gates are assigned a numeric id. If you use the -id option on the -delete command, the gate1 ?gate2... parameters are gate ids rather than names. If you don't, then those parameters are expected to be the names of the gates you want to delete.

Gate Traces

The format of the trace command is

gate -trace [add ?script? | delete ?script? | change ?script?]

Gate traces allow you to establish a script that is executed when gates are added, deleted or changed. One potential application for this is to automatically update a c2band if one of the constituents changes. Other applications are to inform a GUI that the list of gates being displayed must be updated.

The command word that follows the -trace option indicates which of the three traces we are interested in. add traces are invoked when a new gate is created. delete traces, when a gate is deleted. change traces are invoked when an existing gate is modified.

Regardless of the form of the command, the trace script established prior to the command is returned. If no trace script has been established, an empty string is returned.

If no script parameter is supplied, no change is made to the trace. If the script parameter is an empty string, traces are turned off. If the script parameter is a non-empty string, That string replaces any existing trace for that event.

Unless you know exactly what the previous trace was, your trace scripts should also give prior traces a chance to execute. Each trace script is passed the name of the on which the trace operation is being performed.


Example 1. Creating a slice gate

gate exampleSlice s {someParameters {100 200}}

Example 2. Listing all gates

gate -list

Example 3. Deleting a gate

gate -delete exampleSlice

Example 4. Establishing a trace

set oldTrace ""
proc myTrace name {
    # Execute any prior trace
    if {$::oldTrace ne ""} {
        uplevel #0 $::oldTrace $name
    puts "myTrace called with the gate named: $name"
set oldTrace [gate -trace add myTrace]