

apply -- Show which gates are applied to which spectra


apply gatename spectrum1 ?spectrum2...?

apply -list ?pattern


The apply command applies a gate to one or more spectra or, if given the -list option lists spectra and the gates applied to them.

Application of a gate requires at least two command parameters. The first is the name of a gate. The remaining parametrs are the names of spectra to which that gate will be applied. Once a gate has been applied to a spectrum it can only be incremented for events that satisfy the gate.

The -list option can accept an optional pattern parameter. The pattern parameter accepts glob wild card characters. If not provided, * is used.



Instead of applying a gate to one or more spectra, the presence of this option lists the spectra and the gates applied to them.


A successful apply command only produces meaningful output if the -list option is used. In that case, the output is a list with a two element sublist for each defined spectrum that matches the pattern parameter (recall that if no pattern is provided, the patternd defaults to * which matches everything). The first element of that list is the name of the spectrum. The second element of the list is a four element list containing in order: The name of the applied gate, the gate id, the gate type code and the gate definition string. The contents of the gate definition string vary depending on the gate type.


Example 1. Applying a gate to a single spectrum

apply neutrons pid

The example above applies the gate named neutrons to the single spectrum named pid

Example 2. Applying a gate to several spectra

apply alphas energy1 energy2 energy3 energy4

Applies the gate named alpha to four spectra named: energy1, energy2, energy3 andenergy4.

Example 3. Listing gates applied to all spectra

apply -list

Results in a list with a two element sublist for each defined spectrum. The first element of that list is the name of the spectrum. The second element of the list is a four element list containing in order: The name of the applied gate, the gate id, the gate type code and the gate definition string. The contents of the gate definition string vary depending on the gate type.

Suppose the neutrons and alphas gates are both slices. The output might look something like:

{pid {neutrons 0 s {time {1700.00 1800.00}}}}
{energy1 {alphas 1 s {pid {1200.00 1350.00}}}}
{energy2 {alphas 1 s {pid {1200.00 1350.00}}}}
{energy3 {alphas 1 s {pid {1200.00 1350.00}}}}
{energy4 {alphas 1 s {pid {1200.00 1350.00}}}}

Note that all spectra have an applied gate. The gate may, however be a T gate, which is always satisfied. For example:

... {ungated-spectrum {-TRUE= 0 T {}}} ...

Example 4. Using a filter to list gate applications

apply -list e*

For the spectra and application of the previous example, this will return:

{energy1 {alphas 1 s {pid {1200.00 1350.00}}}}
{energy2 {alphas 1 s {pid {1200.00 1350.00}}}}
{energy3 {alphas 1 s {pid {1200.00 1350.00}}}}
{energy4 {alphas 1 s {pid {1200.00 1350.00}}}}