Chapter 1. Introduction

This manual provides reference pages for classes, scripts and file formats for the NSCL SpecTcl histogramming program. Command reference information is explicitly not given here but in a separate command reference manual.

The reference information is divided into the following parts:

  1. The SpecTcl API provides a reference page for the SpecTcl API class SpecTcl. This is sort of a stovepipe class that provides access to the rest of the public API used by SpecTcl.

  2. The Tree parameter/TreeVariable API provide structure as well as metadata on top of SpecTcl's flat parameter array. Authors of event processors should write in terms of this API.

  3. Tcl++ is a separate package, however it is so much an integral part of the SpecTcl interface, that reference information for that package is provided here as well.

  4. Core SpecTcl classes include parameters, histograms, and gates. This part documents these core classes as well as the methods of the CHistogrammer class intended to be available for extension programs.

  5. File formats. This part describes the format of filter files as well as both the binary and ASCII format of spectrum files written by the swrite command.