III. Tcl++ classes

Table of Contents
4. Tcl++ classes
CTCLInterpreter --  Encapsulate a Tcl interpreter.
CTCLInterpreterObject --  Base class for objects that are associated with a Tcl Interpreter.
CTCLResult --  Provide an object oriented interace to the Tcl interpreter result.
CTCLException --  Class for reporting exceptional conditions in Tcl applications via the C++ try/catch mechanism.
CTCLObjectProcessor --  Abstract base class to encapsulate the Tcl object command interface exposed by Tcl_CreateObjCommand.
CTCLProcessor --  Provide argc, argv extension commands to Tcl.
CTCLCompatibiltyProcessor --  Adaptor between CTCLOjbectProcessor and CTCLProcessor.
CTCLCommandPackage --  Group several related Tcl command extensions and common services they may require together.
CTCLPackagedCommand --  Base class for a command that lives in a CTCLCommandPackage
CTCLVariable --  Encapsulate Tcl interpreter variables.
CTCLApplication 3 --  Base class for TCL/Tk applications.
CTCLHashTable --  Object oriented interface to Tcl's hash table functions.
CTCLHashTableItem --  Encapsulation of an entry in a Tcl Hash table as encapsulated in CTCLHashTable
CTCLHashTableIterator --  Iterator for visiting all elements of a CTCLHashTable
CTCLString --  Provide a wrapper for the Tcl_DString data type and its API
CTCLList --  Provide access to Tcl List parsing.
CTCLChannel --  Provide a C++ abstraction wrapper for Tcl Channels.
CTCLFileHandler --  Base class for building object oriented Tcl File event handlers.
CTCLIdleProcess --  Allows the establishment of an executable object that can be scheduled to be invoked when the Tcl/Tk intperpreter has no events that require processing.
CTCLTimer --  Abstract base class for C++ objects attached to timer events.
CTCLLiveEventLoop -- Run Tcl with event loop.
CTCLChannelCommander -- Accept commands on a Tcl channel from the event loop.
CTCLStdioCommander -- Event driven command input on stdin/stdout
CTCLServer -- Listener for a Tcl server.
CTCLTcpServerInstance -- Channel commander that is a server instance for CTCLServer
CItemConfiguration -- Hold a configuration
CConfigurableObject -- Base class for objects tht have a configuration.
CTCLObjectPackage -- Provide common functionality for a set of related commands.
CTCLPackagedObjectProcessor -- Base class for commands living in a CTCLObjectPackage