

CAnalyzer -- Analyzer base class and classic analyzer


#include <Analyzer.h>

class CAnalyzer
  virtual void OnBuffer(UInt_t nBytes, Address_t pData);
  virtual void OnStateChange(UInt_t nType, CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);
  virtual void OnPhysics(CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);
  virtual void OnScaler(CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);
  virtual void OnOther(UInt_t nType, CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);
  virtual void OnEndFile();
  virtual void OnInitialize();

  CEventList& getEventList();
  CBufferDecoder* getDecoder() ;
  CEventSink* getSink() ;

  CBufferDecoder* AttachDecoder(CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);
  CBufferDecoder* DetachDecoder();
  CEventSink*     AttachSink(CEventSink& rSink);
  CEventSink*     DetachSink();
  void            entityNotDone();

  virtual UInt_t OnEvent(Address_t pRawData, CEvent& anEvent);

  void           AbortEvent();

  void CopyEventList(const CEventList& rhs);
  void CopyEventPool(const CEventList& rhs);
  void DetachAll();
  CEvent* CreateEvent();
  void ReturnEvent(CEvent* pEvent);
  void ClearEventList();


This class is currently used as the base class for the CTclAnalyzer class used as the analyzer in modern SpecTcl. In the original SpecTcl version, this was the analyzer.


The public interfaces to CAnalyzer come in groups. The first group defines the interface to the analyzer used when handling data from an event source. New analyzers (such as CTclAnalyzer) can be built by deriving a new class from these and overriding the desired methods.

The second group of methods are public utilities. These provide methods that are related to the configuration of the analyzer. External entities may also call them but they are not, strictly speaking, behavioral methods.

Let's look at the set of virtual public methods that implement the behavior of the analyzer first. Note that

virtual void OnBuffer( UInt_t nBytes, Address_t pData);

This method is invoked by the event input subsystem when a block of data is available on the data source. It will typically pass the block to the buffer decoder. The buffer decoder will locate items within the block and make appropriate calls back to the analyzer to analyze those items.

nBytes are the number of bytes of data in the block pointed to by pData.

Typically derived classes don't need to override this method or at least can call it as part of their override.

virtual void OnStateChange( UInt_t nType, CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

Called by the buffer decoder when a state change item has been detected in the data block it was passed by OnBuffer. State change items indicate that a run has changed state.

nType is the item type from bufftypes.h. It should normally be one of the following values.


The state change indicates the beginning of a new run.


The state change indicates the end of the active run


The state change indicates a pause in data taking. Note that it is perfectly legal for this to be immediately followed by an end of run.


The state change indicates a paused run is being resumed.

rDecoder, on the other hand refers to the buffer decoder that is calling this method. This is provided because the buffer decoder may have stashed items from the run state method that can be retrieved via some of its methods.

virtual void OnPhysics( CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

Called when one or more physics events is received. rDecoder is a reference to the decoder that called us.

Looking at this method you might rightfully wonder where the data is hiding. The answer is that the decoder; rDecoder has methods that can be used to get several pieces of information:

  • The number of physics events being made available.

  • The number of bytes of data required to store these events.

  • A pointer to the first of those events.

Note that the buffer decoder is not responsible for telling you where the boundaries between events are. That's the responsibility of the event processor. Pushing that responsibility off to the event processor allows for the possibility that the DAQ system might be able to produce superevents, that is events that actually contain more than one single SpecTcl event.

The base class method calls the OnEvent method for each event in the run of events.

virtual void OnScaler( CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

Called if the buffer decoder locates a scaler event. In this case, the buffer decoder is supposed to supply the number of scalers and a pointer to the body of the scaler item. The shape of a scaler item varies depending on the data acquisition system that created it. This implies that specialized user software is required to process scalers.

If old versions of SpecTcl were used, the analysis of scaler data would have required subclassing CAnalyzer with a class that understood the specific scaler format and replacing the standard analyzer with an instance of this subclass. With current versions of SpecTcl, the understanding of scaler data is handled by the event processor.

virtual void OnOther( UInt_t nType, CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

Called when the decoder finds items in a buffer that don't fit into the catagories handled by the other types. nType should be an item type from buftypes.h. for example STATEVARBF for an item containing state variables. rDecoder, once more, is a reference to the decoder object.

virtual void OnEndFile();

Called when by the input handlers when an end file has been detected on the event source. At present this invokes the decoder's OnEnd giving it a chance to flush out any unprocessed items. Unprocessed items can result from data sources that don't produce fixed size blocks of data (e.g. NSCLDAQ-10.x and later).

virtual void OnInitialize();

Called after SpecTcl is fully initialized and is about to start processing commands.

Now let's look at the methods that are not functional in nature.

CEventList& getEventList();

SpecTcl's event processing builds lists of CEvent objects produced by the OnPhysics method. When the event list has been sufficiently filled, the event sink is called to, among other things histogram the event.

This method returns a reference to the list of events that have not yet been processed.

CBufferDecoder* getDecoder();

Returns a pointer to the analyzer's current buffer decoder.

CEventSink* getSink();

Returns a pointer to the event sink. When this analyzer is used (usually not), this should return the histogrammer object. This analyzer does not pipeline the event sink, holding filters as a separate set of objects (another reason to use CTCLAnalyzer.

CBufferDecoder* AttachDecoder( CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);

Attach a new buffer decoder to the analyzer. If there is already a buffer decoder its OnDetach method is invoked. rDecoder's OnAttach is invoked.

The return value is a pointer to the previous buffer decoder (NULL if there is none). It is the responsibility of the caller to delete this decoder if it was dynamically allocated.

CBufferDecoder* DetachDecoder();

Detaches the current buffer decoder from the analyzer. The current buffer decoder, if any will have its OnDetach method invoked. A pointer to that decoder will be returned.

If there was no current buffer decoder, a null pointer is returned. If the buffer decoder returned was dynamically allocated its up to the caller to delete it.

CEventSink* AttachSink( CEventSink& rSink);

Replaces the current event sink (normall the histogrammer) with rSink. If there's a prior event sink its OnDetach is called. rSink's OnAttach method is called.

A pointer to the previous event sink is returned. If there is none, a null pointer is returned. If the previous event sink was dynamically created the caller must delete it.

Since most SpecTcls use a CTCLAnalyzer, which supports a pipeline of event sinks, there's not a reason to call this in a modern SpecTcl.

CEventSink* DetachSink();

Detaches the current event sink from the analyzer.

void entityNotDone();

This can be called from an event processor handling physics events. When that event processor returns, the pointer will advance through the buffer, but the remaining entity count won't be decremented.

The intent of this method is to provide support for superevent. A superevent is an entity that appears to the buffer decoder like a single event, but actually contains several events.

This has been used for high performance singles experiments, when muli-event ADC's are used. In those experiments, the ADC's were allowed to use VME interrupts to signal they had some number of events to readout. The ADCs were then drained completely for each of these 'triggers'. The result was an event from the standpoint of NSCLDAQ which contained several singles events.


These methods are used by derived classes. They provide services as well as a behavioral method (OnEvent).

virtual UInt_t OnEvent( Address_t pRawData, CEvent& anEvent);

Called by the anaylzer for each event. pRawData is a pointer to the event body while anEvent is the CEvent 'array' this method should fill in. The method must return the number of bytes processed.

This version CAnalyzer base class is used by creating a derived class that implements an appropriate OnEvent method and registering an instance of the derived class as the analyzer. Modern SpecTcl's, register a CTCLAnalyzer instance which implements an OnEvent method that executes an event processing pipeline instead.

void AbortEvent();

Called frrom OnEvent to prevent an event from being histogrammed. This can be called either as a software trigger on the event or, if a structural problem was detected with the event that makes the data untrustworthy.

void CopyEventList (const CEventList& rhs);

The event list are the set of events that have been unpacked by OnPhysics but not yet passed to the event sink. This method makes a copy of the event list into rhs.

This is primarily used by the assignment operator and copy constructor. In other words, if you find yourself using this method, you're probably doing something very odd.

void CopyEventPool( const CEventList& rhs);

When CEvent objects have been analyzed by the event sink, they are invalidated and returned to an event pool. This allows them to be recycled, removing the overhead of deletion and re-creation (an event serial is used so that the invalidation is short constant time as well).

This method copies the contents of the current event pool to the rhs. This method is used by the assignment operator and copy constructor. If you find yourself using this method for other purposes, you're probably doing something odd.

void DetachAll();

Detaches both the event sink and the buffer decoder. Note that this will leak memory if either of those objects was dynamically created.

CEvent* CreateEvent();

Provides a new invalidated event. Invalidated, in this context means any parameters in the array have not yet been assigned a value.

If there are entries in the event pool, on eis removed and a pointer to it is returned. If not, new is used to create a new event.

void ReturnEvent( CEvent* pEvent);

Puts the event pointed to by pEvent back into the event pool. Normally the event is invalidated first.

void ClearEventList();

All events in the eventl ist are put into the event pool.