

CBufferDecoder -- Base class for SpecTcl buffer decoders


#include <BufferDecoder.h>

class CBufferDecoder {
  UInt_t    m_nSize;    // Number of bytes in buffer.

  virtual ~CBufferDecoder();
  int operator==(const CBufferDecoder& aCBufferDecoder);
  const Address_t getBuffer();
  void setBuffer (Address_t am_pBuffer);
  virtual BufferTranslator* getBufferTranslator();
  virtual const Address_t getBody() = 0;
  virtual UInt_t getBodySize() = 0;
  virtual UInt_t getRun() = 0;
  virtual UInt_t getEntityCount() = 0;
  virtual UInt_t getSequenceNo() = 0;
  virtual UInt_t getLamCount() = 0;
  virtual UInt_t getPatternCount() = 0;
  virtual UInt_t getBufferType() = 0;
  virtual void getByteOrder(Short_t& Signature16,
			    Int_t& Signature32) = 0;
  virtual std::string getTitle() = 0;
  virtual void operator() (UInt_t nBytes,
			   Address_t pBuffer,
			   CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer);

  virtual void OnAttach(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer);
  virtual void OnDetach(CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer);
  virtual bool blockMode();	
  virtual void OnSourceAttach();
  virtual void OnSourceDetach();
  virtual void OnEndFile();

  void ThrowIfNoBuffer(const char* pszWhatImDoing);


This class is an abstract base class for the set of buffer decoders. Buffer decoders are responsible for taking a block of data received from a data source and breaking it up into items. These items are then passed to the appropriate analyzer methods for detailed processing.



The base class constructor is a default constructor. It has no parameters. Typically, the state of a buffer decoder is meaningless until data arrives. This is because only when data arrives does the buffer decoder do anything.

const Address_t getBuffer();

Returns a pointer to the data most recently received. If, for some pathalogical reason, data has not yet been received, a null pointer is received.

Note that it is possible that derived classes will have their own book-keeping for buffers of data received from the data source. Those decoders should, nonetheless use setBuffer to set the buffer member data of their base class to ensure this methiod works.

virtual BufferTranslator* getBufferTranslator();

Returns a pointer to a buffer translator for this block of data. A buffer translator is an object that knows how to perform byte order translations between the byte ordering of the source system and the system SpecTcl is executing on.

In most cases the default implementation will not be useful as it was written with NSCLDAQ-7.x/8.x buffer formats in mind.

virtual const = 0 Address_t getBody();

Returns a pointer to the body of the block of data the decoder is currently working on. Normally, this is a pointer to the next item, or run of items the analyzer should process. For NSCLDAQ-10.x and later, for example, this will be a pointer to the body of a ring item.

virtual = 0 UInt_t getBodySize();

Returns the number of bytes in the body. This will be the number of bytes of data in the block pointed to by the pointer returned from getBody. Note that actually this will be the number of bytes from that body to be processed by the analyzer and may, in fact, be smaller than the storage pointeed to by getBody.

virtual = 0 UInt_t getEntityCount();

Returns the number of items in the block of data pointed to by getBody. This is mostly intended for use with blocks containing runs of events from physics triggers.

The analyzer's OnPhysics can use this and getBodySize to know how much data to process and to double check the event processor does not over step the boundaries of the block or leave data unprocessed.

virtual = 0 UInt_t getSequenceNo();

Returns the sequence number of the last item processed. Note that this may not be precisely determined for some DAQ systems, and may not even be available.

This value is maintained by SpecTcl in Tcl variables so that the GUI can display the analysis efficiency (which maybe less than 1 for online analysis).

virtual = 0 UInt_t getLamCount();

From the traditional nscldaq, returns the number of LAM registers. This comes from the tradition of CAMAC where LAM bit masks show the set of modules with data available in a crate. This is vestigial; allowing NSCLDAQ-7.x/8.x to report the number of CAMAC crates in a 'larger' experiment.

virtual = 0 UInt_t getPatternCount();

Vestigial method from when readouts were pattern register driven. This method used to return the number of pattern registers used to drive the readout pattern.

virtual = 0 UInt_t getBufferType();

Returns the item type in the block of data currently being processed.

virtual = 0 void getByteOrder( Short_t& Signature16, Int_t& Signature32);

Returns byte order signatures that describe the order of bytes in the data. Signature16 will be written with the value 0x0102 in the byte ordering of the creating system. Signature32, will similarly be written with 0x01020304 in the byte ordering of the originating system.

virtual = 0 std::string getTitle();

Returns the title from the most recently received begin run information.

virtual void operator()( UInt_t nBytes, Address_t pBuffer, CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer);

Called when a new chunk of data comes in. nBytes is the number of bytes of data received. pBuffer is pointer to the data received. rAnalyzer refers to the analyzer that should be called back to handle specific items and runs of items.

virtual void OnAttach( CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer);

This method is called when a decoder object is attached to SpecTcl. This can happen at startup time, but also can happen when the attach command specifies a format that selects a specific decoder object type.

virtual void OnDetach( CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer);

Called when the buffer decoder is detached from SpecTcl. This will happen when a new one is attached. Typically this will be because the attach command is used to start taking data from a source that has a different format than the prior source.

virtual bool blockMode();

If this method returns true, SpecTcl will require that a full fixed size block of data be read before invoking the decoder. If, however false is returned, the buffer decoder is invoked on the successful completion of any read from the data source.

This only has any impact on how pipe data sources are handled. Note that there's still no guarantee the a block read is a clean multiple of the data items

virtual void OnSourceAttach();

Invoked when a new data source is attached to SpecTcl.

virtual void OnSourceDetach();

Called when a data source is detached from SpecTcl.

virtual void OnEndFile();

Called when an end file is encountered on the current data source.

protected: void setBuffer ( Address_t am_pBuffer);

Sets the value returned from getBuffer to be am_pBuffer. This can be used by a derived class when it needs to do its oown buffer management to keep this base class apprised of the data it is operating on.

protected: void ThrowIfNoBuffer(const char* pszWhatImDoing);

To use this a derived class must use setBuffer to always maintain the a valid buffer pointer. If this is called and either setBuffer last set a null pointer or was never called, a CEventFormatError exception is called with a reason code of CEventFormatError::knNoCurrentBuffer and a was doing text of pszWhatImDoint.


(3SpecTcl)CNSCLBufferDecoder, (3SpecTcl)CNSCLJumboBufferDecoder, (3SpecTcl)CRingBufferDecoder,