

CRingFormatHelper -- ABC for4 ring buffer format helpers


#include <RingFormatHelper.h>

class CRingFormatHelper
    virtual ~CRingFormatHelper();
    CRingFormatHelper(const CRingFormatHelper&);
    CRingFormatHelper& operator=(const CRingFormatHelper&);
    int operator==(const CRingFormatHelper&) const;
    int operator!=(const CRingFormatHelper&) const;
    virtual bool hasBodyHeader(void* pItem) const   = 0;
    virtual void* getBodyPointer(void* pItem)       = 0;
    virtual void* getBodyHeaderPointer(void* pItem) = 0;
    virtual std::string getTitle(void* pItem) = 0;
    virtual unsigned    getRunNumber(
        void* pItem, BufferTranslator* pTranslator) = 0;
    virtual unsigned getStringCount(
        void* pItem, BufferTranslator* pTranslator) = 0;
    virtual unsigned getScalerCount(
        void*  pItem, BufferTranslator* pTranslator) = 0;
    virtual uint64_t getTriggerCount(
        void* pItem, BufferTranslator* pTranslator) = 0;

    uint16_t itemType(void* pItem);


#include <RingFormatHelper10.h>

class CRingFormatHelper10;

#include <RingFormatHelper11.h>
class CRingFormatHelper11;



Ring buffer data comes in more than one format, depending on the actual version of NSCLDAQ that emitted it. Ring format helpers are classes that know how to untangle data from specific versions of NSCL Ring buffer data acquisition systems.

CRingFormatHelper is an abstract base class that provides the interface that the CRingBufferDecoder class expects these helpers to implement.

SpecTcl provides two concrete implementations of this class:

These helper classes offer no additional public methods beyond those specified by CRingFormatHelper. Therefore we will not document them further.


For brevity, only the non-canonicals are described here.

virtual const = 0 bool hasBodyHeader(void* pItem);

Determines if the ring item pointed to by pItem contains a body header. Body headers contain additional fixed format data prior to the body of the ring item but after the ring item header itself.

For example in NSCLDAQ 11.x, body headers, if present, contain a timestamp for the item, the source id of the item and a barrier type. NSCLDAQ 11.x may also emit ring items without body headers.

Note that if the version of NSCLDAQ emitting this item does not support body headers, this always returns false

virtual = 0 void* getBodyPointer(void* pItem);

Returns a pointer to the ring item body for the item pointed to by pItem. Note that in the presence of body headers, this pointer will point past the body header to the actual body data itself.

virtual = 0; void* getBodyHeaderPointer(void* pItem);

Returns a pointer to the body header of the ring item: pItem. If pItem does not have a body header (hasBodyHeader returns false), this will return a nullptr.

virtual = 0 std::string getTitle(void* pItem);

If pItem points to a state transition item, the title is returned from that item. If pItem does not point to a state transition item, a std::string exception is thrown containing an appropriate error message.

virtual = 0 unsigned getRunNumber(void* pItem, BufferTranslator* pTranslator);

If pItem points to a state transition ring item, this method returns the run number from that item. If not a std::string exception is thrown. The contents of that string are a human readable error message.

pTranslator points to the appropriate buffer translator and is used to transform the run number in the byte ordering of the producing system to that of the system running SpecTcl.

virtual = 0 unsigned getStringCount(void* pItem, BufferTranslator* pTranslator);

If the ring item pointed to by pItem is a Text item ring item, method returns the number of strings this item has. If the item is not a text ring item, a std::string exception is thrown containing a human readable error message.

pTranslator is used to translate any string count from the byte ordering of the producing system to the byte order of the system running SpecTcl.

virtual = 0 unsigned getScalerCount(void* pItem, BufferTranslator* pTranslator);

If pItem points to a scaler item, this method returns the number of counters in that item. If pItem does not point to a scaler item, a std::string exception is thrown.

pTranslator is used to transform the count from the byte order of the producing system to they byte order of the system that is running SpecTcl.

virtual = 0 uint64_t getTriggerCount(void* pItem, BufferTranslator* pTranslator);

If pItem points to a physics event count item, this method returns the number of triggers accepted by the run so far. If pItem is not a physics event count item, a std::string exception is thrown.

pItem is used to convert the trigger count from the byte order of the producing system to the byte order of the system running SpecTcl.

uint16_t itemType(void* pItem);

Returns the ring item type for the ring item pointed to by pItem.