

CGatedEventFilter -- Filter with output conditionalized on a gate check.


#include <GatedEventFilter.h>

class CGatedEventFilter : public CEventFilter {
   CGatedEventFilter(CGateContainer*  pGate=(CGateContainer*)kpNULL);
       CGateContainer*  pGate=(CGateContainer*)kpNULL);
   CGateContainer* getGateContainer();

   void setGateContainer(CGateContainer& container);
   std::string getGateName();
   Int_t getGateID();
   Bool_t CheckCondition(CEvent& event);




The concrete filter class provided by SpecTcl is CGatedEventFilter. This class contains a gate container and an implementation of CheckCondition that returns the evaluation of the gate represented by that container on the event.


CGatedEventFilter(CGateContainer* pGate = (CGateContainer*)kpNULL);

Constructs a filter given the gate container pGate. The filter is constructed without an output file spefication or, for that matter, an output streamer.

pGate can be omitted in which case, the filter will not output any events, if enabled.

CGatedEventFilter(std::string& outputFile, CGateContainer* pGate = =(CGateContainer*)kpNULL);

This constructor supplies outputFile as the file associated with the filter. Note, however, no output streamer has been defined. The pGate parameter, as before, is the pointer to the gate container whose gate must be satisfied for events to be written to the output.

CGateContainer* getGateContainer();

Returns the gate container pointer. Note that this can be nullptr if, for example, the constructor defaulted the gate container parameter and setGateContainer was never called.

void setGateContainer(CGateContainer& container);

Sets a new gate for the filter to be the one encapsulated by container.. The old gate is unmodified.

std::string getGateName();

Returns the name of the current gate container. If no gate container has been set, the method returns: -not yet defined- .

Int_t getGateID();

Returns the id of the current gate container. If none have been established, returns -1.

proteced virtual Bool_t CheckCondition(CEvent& event);

Returns the value of the gate container evaluated on the event event. If no gate container is associated with the filter; false is returned.