

CPipelineManager -- v5.1+ Dynamic pipeline management


#include <CPipelineManager.h>
#include <TCLAnalyzer.h>
#include <stdexcept>

class CPipelineManager {

  typedef std::map <std::string, CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessingPipeline* >
  typedef std::map <std::string, CEventProcessor*>

  static CPipelineManager* getInstance();
  void registerEventProcessor(const std::string& name, CEventProcessor* pProcessor);
  void createPipeline(const std::string& name);
  void appendEventProcessor(const std::string& pipeName, const std::string& evpName);
  void insertEventProcessor(
    const std::string& pipename, const std::string& evpname,
    CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator where

  void removeEventProcessor(const std::string& pipename, const std::string& evpname);
  void removeEventProcessor(const std::string& pipename, CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator here);
  void setCurrentPipeline(const std::string& pipename);
  void clonePipeline(const std::string& from, const std::string& to);

  // inquiries:
  CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessingPipeline* getCurrentPipeline();
  std::string                            getCurrentPipelineName() const;
  std::vector<std::string>               getPipelineNames() const;
  std::vector<std::string>               getEventProcessorNames() const;
  std::vector<std::string>               getEventProcessorsInPipeline(const std::string& pipename) const;
  std::string                            lookupEventProcessor(const CEventProcessor* p) const;
  size_t pipelineCount() const;
  size_t eventProcessorCount() const;
  MapEventProcessingPipeline::const_iterator pipelineBegin() const;
  MapEventProcessingPipeline::const_iterator pipelineEnd() const;
  MapEventProcessors::const_iterator processorsBegin() const;
  MapEventProcessors::const_iterator processorsEnd() const;



The CPipelineManager class is a singleton class. As such it has a private construtor and a getInstance static method used to obtain a pointer to the single instance of the class.

CPipelineManager along with the pman command ensemble are used to provide support for dynamic event processing pipeline manipulation. Using this object you can register event processors, create and stock event processing pipelines as well as select an event processing pipeline for use by the analyzer.


static CPipelineManager* getInstance();

This method is used to obtain a pointer to the one and only instance of a CPipelineManager class. The CPipelineManager class constructor is private, as is its destructor. Thus, this is the only way to obtain a CPipelineManager instance.

void registerEventProcessor(const std::string& name, CEventProcessor* pProcessor);

Makes an event processor instance available to the pipeline manager. name is the name that will be associated with the event processor. pProcessor points to the instance of the processor. The event processor lifetime must be the lifetime of SpecTcl's run.

name must be unique amongst all event processors registered with the pipeline manager. If an event processor with the same name has alread been registered, this method will throw a std::logic_error exception.

void createPipeline(const std::string& name);

Creates a new event processing pipeline. The pipeline is created without any event processors (see however clonePipeline below). name is the name that will be used to identify the pipeline and must be unique among all event processing pipelines managed by the pipeline manager. If a processing pipeline with the same name already exists, a std::logic_error exception is thrown.

void appendEventProcessor(const std::string& pipeName , const std::string& evpName);

Appends an event processor to the set of event processors in an event processing pipeline. pipeName is the name of an event processing pipeline that must already have been made (note that when the pipeline manager is created, it defines a pipeline named default). evpName is the name of an event processor that was registered with the pipeline manager.

If pipeName is not the name of a pipeline or evpName is not the name of an event processor, a std::logic_error exception is thrown.

void insertEventProcessor(const std::string& pipename, const std::string& evpname, CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator where);

Inserts an event processor in an arbitrary position in an event processing pipeline. This is deliberately difficult. pipename is the name of an event processing pipeline that already exists. If it does not exist a std::logic_error exception is thrown.

evpname is the name of the event processor to insert. This event processor instance must already have been registered or a std::logic_error exception is thrown.

where is an iterator into the event processsing pipeline that specifies where the where the processor while be inserted. The processor will be inserted after the where iterator, unless it's an end iterator in which case behavior is identical to appendEventProcessor

This method is discouraged and intentioally difficult to use. To use it you'd need to obtain a pointer to an event processing pipeline (either by getting the current one if that's what you want to operate on or by iterating over the set of pipelines). Next you'd have to iterate over the pipeline to obtain the insertion iterator.

void removeEventProcessor(const std::string& pipename, const std::string& evpname);

Removes the event processor named evpname from the event processing pipeline named pipename. This is the preferred way to remove an event processor from an processing pipeline.

If pipename is not the name of an event proessing pipeline a std::logic_error exception is thrown. If evpname is not the name of an event processor that's in pipename, a std::logic_error exception is thrown.

void removeEventProcessor(const std::string& pipename, CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessorIterator here);

Removes the event processor "pointed to" by the iterator here from the event processing pipeline named pipename.

If pipename is not the name of an event processing pipeline, a std::logic_error exception is thrown. Note that here must be an iterator into the pipeline named by here or else the results are not defined.

void setCurrentPipeline(const std::string& pipename);

Makes the pipeline named pipename the current analysis pipeline. Beginning with the next event, the analyzer will use this pipeline to turn events into parameters.

If pipename is not an analysis pipeline, a std::logic_error exception is thrown.

void clonePipeline(const std::string& from, const std::string& to);

Creates a clone of the processing pipeline named from named to. The to pipeline will have all of the event processors from has (in the same order) and starts life off identical to from in every way.

If from is not the name of an event processing pipeline, a std::logic_error exception is thrown. If to is already the name of an event processing pipeline, a std::logic_error exception is thrown.

CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessingPipeline* getCurrentPipeline();

Returns a pointer to the current event processing pipeline.

const std::string getCurrentPipelineName();

Returns the name of the current event processing pipeline.

const std::vector<std::string> getPipelineNames();

Returns a vector containing the names of the event processing pipelines that have been defined.

const std::vector<std::string> getEventProcessorNames();

Returns the names of all of the event processors that have been registered.

const std::vector<std::string> getEventProcessorsInPipeline(const std::string& pipename);

Returns a vector containing the names of event processors in the pipeline named pipename. The elements of the vector are the same as the order of the corresponding event processors in the pipeline. If pipename is not an event processing pipeline, a std::logic_error exception will be thrown.

const std::string lookupEventProcessor(const CEventProcessor* p);

Given a pointer to an event processor that is registered with the pipeline manager, returns the name under which the processor was registered. If there is no corresponding event processor, a std::logic_error exception is thrown.

const size_t pipelineCount();

Returns the number of event processing pipelines that are defined. Note that the default pipeline always exists so this is going to be no less than 1.

const size_t eventProcessorCount();

Returns the number of event processors that have been registered with the pipeline manager.

const MapEventProcessingPipeline::const_iterator pipelineBegin(); , const MapEventProcessingPipeline::const_iterator pipelineEnd();

Support iteration through the collection that contains the event processing pipelines. See DATA TYPES for a description of the MapEventProcessingPipeline data type. const_iterator implies the creation of a pointer like object whose target is read-only.

pipelineBegin produces a pointer-like object to the first element of the collection. pipelineEnd produces a pointer like object just off the end of the collection. If an iterator is incremented and the result is the return value from pipelineEnd, iteration must be terminated. Note that any additions to the pipeline colletion invalidate any and all iterators into it.

const MapEventProcessors::const_iterator processorsBegin() (); , const MapEventProcessors::const_iterator processorsEnd() ();

Supports iteration through the collection that contains registered event processors. processorsBegin returns a pointer-like object to the beginning of the collection and processorsEnd 'points' just past the end of the collection.

See DATA TYPES below for more information on what these iterators point at.


The CPipelneManager singleton exports data types for the containers that hold pipelines and event processors. The containser themselves are only accessible via constant iterators, however you need to know what those iterators 'point' to in order to use them.


This is an std::map whose contents are pointers to event processing pipelines and whose keys are the names of those pipelines. An iterator into this container will therefore look like a pointer to std::pair<std::string, CTclAnalyzer::EventProcessingPipeline*>.


This container is a map whose contents are pointers to event processor instances and whose keys are the names under which those instances were registered. An iterator into this container will threrefore look like a pointer to std::pair<std::string, CEventProcessor*>.