

CTreeParameter -- Parameter object 'independent' of rEvent


#include <TreeParameter.h>

class CTreeParameter
  CTreeParameter(std::string name);
  CTreeParameter(std::string name, std::string units);
  CTreeParameter(std::string name, double lowLimit, double highLimit, 
		 std::string units);
  CTreeParameter(std::string name, UInt_t channels, 
		 double lowLimit, double highLimit, std::string units);
  CTreeParameter(std::string name, UInt_t resolution);
  CTreeParameter(std::string name, UInt_t resolution, 
		 double lowLimit, double widthOrHigh, 
		 std::string units, bool widthOrHighGiven);
  CTreeParameter(std::string name, const CTreeParameter& Template);
  CTreeParameter(const CTreeParameter& rhs);
  void Initialize(std::string name, UInt_t resolution);
  void Initialize(std::string name, UInt_t resolution, 
		  double lowLimit, double highOrWidth, std::string units, 
		  bool highOrWidthGiven);
  void Initialize(std::string name);
  void Initialize(std::string name, std::string units);
  void Initialize(std::string name, UInt_t channels, 
		  double lowLimit, double highLimit, std::string units);
  static void BindParameters();
  static void setEvent(CEvent& rEvent);
  bool isBound();
	// Arithmetic operations...
  operator double();
  CTreeParameter& operator= (double newValue);
  CTreeParameter& operator= (CTreeParameter& rhs);
  CTreeParameter& operator+=(double rhs);
  CTreeParameter& operator-=(double rhs);
  CTreeParameter& operator*=(double rhs);
  CTreeParameter& operator/=(double rhs);
  double          operator++(int dummy);
  CTreeParameter& operator++();
  double          operator--(int dummy);
  CTreeParameter& operator--();
  std::string getName();
  int    getId();
  double getValue();
  void   setValue(double newValue);
  UInt_t getBins();
  void   setBins(UInt_t channels);
  double getStart();
  void   setStart(double low);
  double getStop();
  void   setStop(double high);
  double getInc();
  void   setInc(double channelWidth);
  std::string getUnit();
  void   setUnit(std::string units);
  bool   isValid();
  void   setInvalid();
  void   Reset();
  void   clear();
  bool   hasChanged();
  void   setChanged();
  void   resetChanged();
  static void ResetAll();
  static std::multimap<std::string, CTreeParameter*>::iterator begin();
  static std::multimap<std::string, CTreeParameter*>::iterator end();
  static std::multimap<std::string, CTreeParameter*>::iterator find(std::string name);
  void Bind();


A CTreeParameter object is an alias for an element of an event array. By providing this independent alias:

The life cycle of a tree parameter is that it is constructed and initialized. Some of the constructors provide for one step construction/initialization.

Once initialized the tree parameters need to be bound to the underlying parameters. This binding is many to one in the sense that two tree parameters may have the same name and will bind to the same underlying parameter. Binding involves associating a parameter id with the tree parameter object. If the parameter is already known to SpecTcl the existing Id is used. If not, a new parameter is created with an Id allocated by SpecTcl and the resulting Id is used to bind the tree parameter. SpecTcl will perform this binding late in its initialization process.

For each event SpecTcl processes, a CEvent object must associated with the tree parameter subsystem. This association tells the tree parameter exactly which element of which CEvent object to fetch when referenced or to set when assigned or modified.


The tree parameter methods are divided into several categories. The first set we will describe are constructors and initialization methods:


Default constructor. This constructor requires two phase initialization. That is at some point opne of the Initialize methods must be called to make this a usable object.

Note that a constructed tree parameter can be reinitialized at any time, though if its name changes it must be bound again.

CTreeParameter( std::string name);

Constructs a tree parameter with a name and no metadata. The metadata can be added later either by invoking a Initialize method or by invoking individual metadata setters.

Note if Initialize is called with a different name after the object has been bound, it must be bound again.

CTreeParameter( std::string name, std::string units);

Constructs a tree parameter specifying its name and the units of measure metadata.

CTreeParameter( std::string name, double lowLimit, double highLimit, std::string units);

Constructs a tree parameter named name. Metadata is provided that sets the range of the parameter to a low limit of lowLimit and high limit of highLimit. The units parameter specifies the units of measure.

Note that parameter limits are always advisory limits. Nothing happens if the parameter is given a value outside those limits. Portions of the SpecTcl user interface, however, do use those limits to inform default choices for spectrum axis limits.

CTreeParameter( std::string name, UInt_t channels, double lowLimit, double highLimit, std::string units);

This constructor provides not only the parameter's name, limits and units but also recommends that spectra with this parameter on an axis allocate channels channels for that axis.

CTreeParameter( std::string name, UInt_t resolution);

In this constructor, the metadata for the tree parameter is the resolution. This is well suited for a tree parameter that reflects raw digitizer value. The resolution specifies the number of bits of data the digitizer provides.

This implies a parameter range of [0, 2^resolution) with a suggested channel count for a unit mapping between parameter and spectrum coordinates.

CTreeParameter( std::string name, UInt_t resolution, double lowLimit, double widthOrHigh, std::string units, bool widthOrHighGiven);

Constructs a tree parameter with a rather complex set of metadata that depends on the value of the widthOrHeightGiven flag. resolution specifies that the spectrum channel recommendation is for 2^resolution channels to be allocated on the axis.

The parameter (axis) low limit is recommended to be lowLimit. The widthOrHigh meaning depends on the widthOrHighGiven. If this is false, widthOrHigh is the recommended high limit for the parameter. If true widthOrHigh represents the width of each channel. The high limit will be computed from widthOrHigh and the resolution as follows: lowLimit + widthorHigh * 2^resolution.

CTreeParameter( std::string name, const CTreeParameter& Template);

Constructs a new tree parameter that is a copy of Template, except that it has the name name. This can be used to construct several parameters with the same properties where a CTreeParameterArray is not really appropriate for example:

// Define PPAC L,R, U,D parameters

CTreeParameter left("ppac.left", 0.0, 4095.0, "channels");
CTreeParameter right("ppac.right", left);
CTreeParameter up("ppac.up", left);
CTreeParameter down("ppac.down", left);

CTreeParameter(const CTreeParameter& rhs);

Tree parameter copy constructor. Among other things, this allows a tree parameter to be passed by value to methods.

void Initialize( std::string name, UInt_t resolution); , void Initialize( std::string name, UInt_t resolution, double lowLimit, double highOrWidth, std::string units, bool highOrWidthGiven); , void Initialize( std::string name); , void Initialize( std::string name, std::string units); , void Initialize( std::string name, UInt_t channels, double lowLimit, double highLimit, std::string units);

These initialization methods support two stage construction. The idea is that you could construct a tree parameter using the default constructor and then later complete construction using the appropriate Initialize method above. Note that with the exception of the default constructor, each constructor has a corresponding Initialize method with arguments that have the same meaning as in the construcor. Refer to the constructor documentation for more information.

A CTreeParameter can be used mostly as if it were a double precision floating point value. Specifically, it has a double method which can convert the object into a double. It also supports several types of arithmetic operations of the compute-and-assign variety.

Note that those which require a right hand side parameter (e.g. operator+=) take a double. This in conjuntion with the conversion operator alows the use of tree parameters as well on the righ hand side.

Note as well that a CException will be thrown if a method needs the value of the parameter prior to it having been given a value.

operator double();

This is a conversion operator that extracts extracts and returns the double value of the parameter to which the object is bound for the current event.

CTreeParameter& operator= ( double newValue);

Gives the underlying parameter in the current event the double precision value newValue. Note that CTreeParameter objects or any other object with conversion operators to doubles can also be on the right hand side of this operator.

CTreeParameter& operator+=( double rhs);

Adds the double value on the right hand side of the += operator to the object's parameter in the current event. Returning a reference to the parameter allows operator chaining such as

                                tp1  = tp2 += 1234.0; 

Where both tp1 and tp2 are tree parameters.

CTreeParameter& operator-=(double rhs( double rhs);

Subtracts the rhs from the object and returns a reference to the object.

CTreeParameter& operator*=( double rhs);

Multiplies the object by the rhs and returns a reference to the object.

CTreeParameter& operator/=( double rhs);

Divides the value of the object by rhs. A reference to the object is returned.

double operator++( int dummy);

Provides a post decrement operator. Because of the semantics of tree parameters, this is not exactly possible. The value of the parameter prior to incrementing it is returned. That's why the return is a double not a CTreeParameter&

double f = tp++;   // tp a tree parameter.
CTreeParameter& operator++();

Increments the value of the tree parameter object then returns a reference to that object. This is the normal pre-decrement semantics.

tp2 = ++tp1;      // Both tp2 and tp1 tree parameters.
double operator--( int dummy);

Post decrement operator. Note that like the post increment operator, a double is returned, not a reference to the object or a copy of it.

CTreeParameter& operator--();

predecrement operator. The reference to the object is returned, after it is decremented.

Note that many of the arithmetic operations are not inplemented. For example, there is no operator+. This is because the operator double makes those operations unecessary. For example, given tree parameters tp1, tp2

                    tp1 = tp2 * 100 + 3.1416;

Is perfectly legal and does the right thing. tp2 is replaced by its value due to the operator double. The computation produces a double and that is assigned to tp1 via operator=(double).

The next clump of methods are non arithmetic methods. These includes getters and setter for the metata the object has as well as tests that might be needed either to support some Tcl level commands or computation during an event processor.

std::string getName();

Returns the name of the tree parameter.

While it is possible to change the name of a tree parameter and then bind it to a different underlying parameter, that's not considered the way to do things (why not just instantiate a different tree parameter instead of flopping around the meaning of an existing one). Therefore, there is no method that directly just changes the name of a tree parameter.

int getId();

Returns the Id of the underlying parameter. If the tree parameter has not yet been bound to its parameter, this will throw a CTreeException (defined in CTreeException.h).

double getValue();

This is identical to the operator double method. The value of the parameter is fetched. CTreeException is thrown if there is no current event std::string is thrown if the parameter has not yet been given a value in the processing of this event.

void setValue( double newValue);

Sets the underlying parameter value to newValue. This is identical to operator=(double). Note that CTreeException is thrown if the object has not yet been bound or there's no current event to get the value from.

UInt_t getBins(); , void setBins( UInt_t channels);

Sets/Gets the number of recommended bins for an axis on this parameter. channels is the new suggested number of bins.

double getStart(); , void setStart( double low);

Gets/Sets the suggested low limit for spectrum axes on the parameter. low will be the new suggested low limit.

Note that this and all parameter metadata can be set before the parameter is bound.

double getStop(); void setStop( double high);

Gets/Sets the suggested high limit for spectrum axes on the parameter. high will be the new suggested high limit.

double getInc(); , void setInc( double channelWidth);

Gets/Sets the channel width if the suggested channel count, low and high limits are used for spectrum parameters. The channel width is in parameter coordinates. channelWidth is a new channel width.

Note that this is computed metadata. The primitive metadata are the low limit, high limit and number of channels. There fore, setInc is actually modifying the suggested number of channels to get the requested channel width.

std::string getUnit(); , void setUnit( std::string units);

Gets/Sets the units of measure for the parameter. units is the new units of measure string for the parameter.

bool isValid();

Returns true if, for this event, the parameter has been given a value. This means that the parameter can be used in situations where it is an rvalue without throwing an exception

For this method to work, the parameter must be bound and there must be a current event. If either of these conditions is not met, a CTreeException is thrown.

void setInvalid(); , void Reset(); , void clear();

Invalidates the parameter for the current event. Once invalidated, the parameter will throw an std::string exception if used as an r value prior to being used as an l value.

CTreeException is thrown if the parameter as either not been bound or there is no current event.

bool hasChanged(); , void setChanged(); , void resetChanged();

Each tree parameter has a flag that is set whenever any of the metadata for the parameter are modified. hasChanged returns the value of this boolean flag. setChanged sets the flag to true and resetChanged set the flag to false

static void ResetAll();

This is normally called by SpecTcl's event processing subsystem before starting to process each event. It iterates through all tree parameters that have been defined and invokes their Reset method, which marks them as invalid.

Creating a CTreeParameter object registers it with a static registry. This registry is used by SpecTcl to, e.g. bind the tree parameters to base parameters after initialization, and to reset the validity on all parameters.

The following methods deal with this registry and parameter binding.

void Bind();

Binds this tree parameter to the underlying parameter. If no underlying parameter with the tree parameter's name exists, one is created and assigned a unique id.

Binding a tree parameter that has not been given a name yet binds the tree parameter to a parameter with an empty name string. This is perfectly legal but probably not what you want.

static void BindParameters();

Iterates through all registered CTreeParameter objects binding them to underlying parameters.

static void setEvent( CEvent& rEvent);

Sets the event that all tree parameters are working on. All tree parameters share this object. Parameter bindings supply each tree parameter with a parameter id. When the value of a parameter is retrieved/set/modified, that id is the index into rEvent that is accessed.

bool isBound();

If the object has been bound to its underlying parameter, this returns true. If not it returns false. Many tree parameter operations require tht the object be bound. Some also require there be a current event.

static std::multimap<std::string, CTreeParameter*>::iterator begin(); , static std::multimap<std::string, CTreeParameter*>::iterator end();

Supports iteration through the tree parameter registry by providing a start of iteration iterator. Note that using an std::multimap for the registry cleanly supports the many to one mapping of tree parameters to underlying parameters.

An iterator is a pointer like object. In this case these pointer point to std::pair<std::string, CTreeParameter*> objects where the first element of the par is the name of the tree parameter and the second is a pointer to the tree parameter itself.

Iterators can be incremented. When incremented they point to the next item in the container. Note that multimap iterators will step through the map in key (parameter name) sort order. This means that all of the tree parameters that share the same name will be clumped together.

If an iterator points to the last item in the collection, incrementing it will produce an iterator that is equal to the iterator returned from end

static std::multimap<std::string, CTreeParameter*>::iterator find( std::string name);

Returns an iterator to an element of the registry that has the indicated name. Note that more than one tree parameter can have this name. In that case, this iterator will point to the first of them. Incrementing the iterator will get successive tree parameters with the same name until either the end of the multimap is reached or a tree parameter with a different name is reached.

In practice this iteration over identically named tree parameters is not necessary because like named tree parameters share underlying metadata and data and parameter bindings make each such object interchangeable with the others.