

CDisplay -- Display interface base class


#include <Display.h>

class CDisplay
    typedef std::pair<int, std::string> BoundFitline;
    typedef std::list<BoundFitline>     FitlineList;
    typedef std::vector<FitlineList>    FitlineBindings;

    virtual CDisplay* clone() const = 0;
    virtual void start() = 0;
    virtual void stop() = 0;
    virtual bool isAlive() = 0;
    virtual void restart() = 0;

    virtual SpectrumContainer getBoundSpectra() const = 0;
    virtual void addSpectrum(CSpectrum& rSpectrum, CHistogrammer& rSorter) = 0;
    virtual void removeSpectrum(CSpectrum& rSpectrum, CHistogrammer& rSorter) = 0;
    virtual bool spectrumBound(CSpectrum* pSpectrum) = 0;

    virtual void addFit(CSpectrumFit& fit) = 0;
    virtual void deleteFit(CSpectrumFit& fit) = 0;
    virtual void addGate(CSpectrum& rSpectrum, CGateContainer& rGate) = 0;
    virtual void removeGate(CSpectrum& rSpectrum, CGateContainer& rGate) = 0;
    virtual std::vector<CGateContainer> getAssociatedGates(const std::string& spectrumName,
                                                           CHistogrammer& rSorter) = 0;

    virtual std::string createTitle(CSpectrum& rSpectrum, UInt_t maxLength,
    virtual void setInfo(CSpectrum& rSpectrum, std::string name) = 0;
    virtual void setTitle(CSpectrum& rSpectrum, std::string name) = 0;
    virtual UInt_t getTitleSize() const = 0;

    virtual void updateStatistics() = 0;



CDisplay is an abstract base class that defines the interfaces every display class must implement. concrete display classes implement the interfaces between SpecTcl and a displayer.

Displayers can be internal or external. By internal, we mean that they run in the same process address space as SpecTcl. External displayers run in a separate address space and interface with SpecTcl via shared memory, the SpecTcl REST interface and/or other communication schemes that are specific to the display program. Xamine is an external displayer, there are currently no internal displayers.

The interface methods come in several groups that manipulate objects that are the concerns of displayers;


Note that all methods are pure virtual making this an interface definition class.

const = 0 virtual CDisplay* clone() ();

Display interfaces must be able to duplicate themselves. Unless multiple concurrent displayers are supported (SpecTcl is neutral about this), this must usually be a shallow, referential copy maintaining some scheme that knows when data can be safely destroyed.

= 0 virtual void start();

This method must start the displayer. Until start is called, the displayer should not have a visual presence on the screen.

= 0 virtual void stop();

This method must stop the displayer. Once called, the displayer should not have a visual presence on the screen.

= 0 virtual bool isAlive();

Should return true if the displayer is running. This allows SpecTcl to detect the display has exited without >stop being called e.g.

= 0 virtual void restart();

This method is normally a short-hand for invoking stop immediately followed by start

const = 0; virtual CDisplay::SpectrumContainer getBoundSpectra();

This method is expected to return the spectra that are known to the displayer. The CDisplay::SpectrumContainer data type is descried in PUBLIC DATA TYPES below. For the purposes of this discussion, it's enough to know this is a container that has integer indices.

= 0; virtual void addSpectrum(CSpectrum& rSpectrum = , CHistogrammer& rSorter = );

Called to make a spectrum known to the displayer. The sbind command will ultimately call this method in an active displayer. rSpectrum is a reference to the spectrum to add and rSorter is a reference to the active histogrammer.

= 0; virtual void removeSpectrum(CSpectrum& rSpectrum = , CHistogrammer& rSorter = );

Called to informt the displayer it no longer needs to display a spectrum. Note that there are two events that normally invoke this method: unbind is invoked on the spectrum, or the spectrum was deleted. rSpectrum is a reference to the spectrum to remove while, rSorter references the current histogrammer.

virtual bool spectrumBound(CSpectrum* pSpectrum = = 0 );

Returns true if the spectrum is known by the displayer. In general this means that the spectrum, pSpectrum was passed to addSpectrum

= 0 virtual void addFit(CSpectrumFit& fit = );

Displayers can display informationa relevant to the spectrum as well as the spectrum. fit contains fit line information that SpecTcl is requiesting the displayer to display on the spectrum named by the fit. A fit line is just a set of channel/count pairs that can be extracte from the fit object to render the fit.

= 0 virtual void deleteFit(CSpectrumFit& fit = );

Requests that the diplayer remove the fit line specified by fit from the spectrum specified by fit.

= 0; virtual void addGate(CSpectrum& rSpectrum = , CGateContainer& rGate = );

Spectra on which gates have been accepte can be made to display the gates. The actual rendition of the gate depends on the gate and the spectrum.

This method requests that the gate rGate be displayed on the spectrum rSpectrum. Note that the actual gate and even gate type may change. The gate container object rGate serves as a pointer-like object that is a fixed reference to the gate regardless of the changes it undergoes. It is legitimate for the displayer to refuse to display a gate.

= 0 virtual void removeGate(CSpectrum& rSpectrum = , CGateContainer& rGate = );

Requests that the gate rGate no longer be displayed on rSpectrum

= 0 virtual std::vector<CGateContainer> getAssociatedGates(const std::string& spectrumName = , CHistogrammer& rSorter) = );

Returns a vector that contains the gate containers of the gates that are supposed to be displayed on rSpectrum. rSorter is a reference to he

= 0 virtual std::string createTitle(CSpectrum& rSpectrum = , UInt_t maxLength = , CHistogrammer& rSorter = );

Creates a title string for the specturm rSpectrum. The title string must be no more than maxLength characters long. rSorter provides a reference to the histogramming object.

= 0 virtual void setInfo(CSpectrum& rSpectrum = , std::string name = );

Sets the infornmation string for rSpectrum to name.

= 0 virtual void setTitle(CSpectrum& rSpectrum = , std::string name) = );

Sets the title string for rSpectrum to name.

const = 0 virtual UInt_t getTitleSize();

Returns the number of characters that can be displayed in the title string. Note that in the case where the title is in e.g. UTF-8 or UTF-16, the number of characters and number of bytes differ

=0 virtual void updateStatistics();

Spectra maintain under and overflow counters. This method is supposed to scan the set of bound spectra and update any internal knowledge of those statistics the displayer may have


Three data types are exported by the base class.

typedef std::pair<int, std::string> BoundFitline. This provides the names of the fit lines and the internal id that the displayer assigns to them.

typedef std::list<BoundFitline> FitlineList. A list of fitlines. This is used to represent the fit lines that are bound to a specific spectrum.

typedef std::vector<FitlineList> FitlineBindings;. Captures the fitlines assigned to all spectra. Each element is the list of fit lines assigned to a single spectrum.