

CXamine -- Displayer class for Xamine


#include <Xamineplus.h>

class CXamine : public CDisplay
  CXamine (std::shared_ptr<CXamineSharedMemory> pSharedMem);

  void EnterPeakMarker (UInt_t nSpectrum, 
                        UInt_t nId,
                        const std::string& rsName,
                        Float_t fCentroid, Float_t fWidth)  ;
  UInt_t GetEventFd ()  ;
  Bool_t PollEvent (Int_t nTimeout, CXamineEvent& rEvent)  ;

  void DefineButtonBox (UInt_t nColumns=8, UInt_t NRows=3)  ;
  void DefineButton (UInt_t nColumn, UInt_t nRow, 
                        const CXamineButton& rButton)  ;
  void ModifyButton (UInt_t nColumn, UInt_t nRow, 
                        const CXamineButton& rButton)  ;
  void EnableButton (UInt_t nColumn, UInt_t nRow)  ;
  void DisableButton (UInt_t  nColumn, UInt_t nRow)  ;
  void DeleteButton (UInt_t nColumn, UInt_t nRow)  ;
  void DeleteButtonBox ()  ;
  CXamineButton* InquireButton (UInt_t nColumn, UInt_t nRow)  ;




CXamine is a displayer for the Xamine display program. Xamine runs as a separate process using both shared memory and named pipes to communicate with SpecTcl.


We only describe the methods that are provided in addition to the interface required by CDisplay.

CXamine(std::shared_ptr<CXamineSharedMemory> pSharedMem); = );

Constructs the displayer. The parameter, pShMem is a shared pointer to an object that encapsulates the shared memory used to shared memory that Xamine and SpecTcl use to transfer bullk spectrum data.

void EnterPeakMarker(UInt_t nSpectrum = , UInt_t nId = , const std::string& rsName = , Float_t fCentroid = , Float_t fWidth = );

Xamine can display peak markers on spectra it displays. A peak marker is an indicator of the peak position and peak width. nId is the Xamine internal id of the spectrum. rsName is the name of the peak marker fCentroid is the peak's centroid in channels and fWidth the width of the maker.

If you think of a peak marker as an inverted T, the vertical stroek of the T is at fCentroid and the cross bar of the T is fWidth wide.

UInt_t GetEventFd();

Returns the file descriptor open on the named pipe Xamine uses to communicate new events of interest to SpecTcl. This can be used to set a file event in the Tcl event loop to handle input from Xamine.

Bool_t PollEvent (Int_t nTimeout = , CXamineEvent& rEvent = );

Polls for an event from Xamine. The method will block for at most nTimeout seconds waiting for an event from Xamine. If one arrives within that timeout, rEvent is filled in with information about the event and the method returns kfTRUE. Otherwise it returns kfFALSE and the contents of rEvent have no meaning.

If nTimeout is 0, the method does not block and returns kfTRUE only if an event is ready at the time of the call. If nTimeout is negative, the method will wait indefinitely for the next event.

void DefineButtonBox (UInt_t nColumns = 8, UInt_t NRows = 3);

Xamine can display a set of buttons that can be programmed to send events for custom operations back to its client. These buttons are arranged in a top level window that has nColumns columns of buttons and NRows of buttons. This method tells Xamine to display the button box and the column/row geometry of the box.

void DefineButton(UInt_t nColumn = , UInt_t nRow = , const CXamineButton& rButton = );

Defines a button at the button box coordinats nColumn, nRow. The button's appearance and action depend on the contents of the rButton object. Several types of buttons are permitted including buttons that induce Xamine to prompt the user.

void ModifyButton(UInt_t nColumn = , UInt_t nRow, = , const CXamineButton& rButton = );

Same as CreateButton, but an existing button is modified to match the specifications in rButton.

void EnableButton(UInt_t nColumn = , UInt_t nRow = );

User buttons displayed by Xamine can be either enabled, in which case they have normal rendition and respond to clicks, or disbabled, in which case they are ghosted and do not respond to clicks. This method enables the button specifiec by nColumn and nRow. This method is a harmless no-op if the button is already enabled.

void DisableButton(UInt_t nColumn = , UInt_t nRow = );

Disables the Xamine user button specified by nColumn and nRow. This is a harmless no-op if the4 button is already disbled.

void DeleteButton(UInt_t nColumn = , UInt_t nRow = );

Deletes the Xamine client button specified by nColumn and nRow.

void DeleteButtonBox();

Deletes the entire button box and all of the user defined Xamine buttons.

CXamineButton* InquireButton(UInt_t nColumn, UInt_t nRow = , UInt_t nRow = );

Returns a pointer to the button desription of the Xamine user button specified by nColumn and nRow. If the button does not exist a CXamineButtonException is thrown. The returned pointer is to a dynamically allocated object which must, therefore, be deleted when it is no longer needed.