

XamineButton -- Describe a client button


#include <XamineButton.h>
#include <clientops.h>

class CXamineButton      

  CXamineButton (  int am_nReturnCode,  
		   const std::string& am_sLabel,  
		   Bool_t am_fEnabled,  
		   ButtonSensitivity am_eWhenSensitive,
		   CXamineButtonPrompt& rPrompter);
  CXamineButton(  int am_nReturnCode,  
		   const char* pLabel,  
		   Bool_t am_fEnabled,  
		   ButtonSensitivity am_eWhenSensitive,
		   CXamineButtonPrompt& rPrompter);

  int getReturnCode() const;
  const std::string& getLabel() const;
  Bool_t getEnabled() const;
  ButtonSensitivity getWhenSensitive();
  CXamineButtonPrompt* getPrompter() const;
  virtual   void FormatMessageBlock (ButtonDescription& rButton) const  ;
  virtual   CXaminePushButton*   PushButton();   // Type safe upcasts
  virtual   CXamineToggleButton* ToggleButton(); // Type safe upcasts.



XamineButton is used to describe Xamine client buttons. Xamine can display a box of buttons that, when pressed, simply send messages to the client. Actual buttons come in two shapes, push buttons and toggle buttons.

Buttons can also have prompters associated with them. If a button has a prompter, Xamine will interact via that prompter with the user to gather additional data to be fed back to the application. For example, a prompter might request that points be accepted on a spectrum which, on acceptance cause the points and the spectrum id to be included in the message to the client.

Finally buttons can also have sensitivity specifications. These determine when a button is enabled by Xamine, for example, a Fit button might only be enabled if a 1-d spectrum is currently selected by Xamine.


CXamineButton (int am_nReturnCode = , const std::string& am_sLabel = , Bool_t am_fEnabled = , ButtonSensitivity am_eWhenSensitive = , CXamineButtonPrompt& rPrompter = );

Constructs a button object. Note that the button object just describes the button. Once created it must be entered into Xamine. am_nReturnCode is the button code that will be included in the event message Xamine sends to the client when the button is pressed. Each button should be given a unique code. am_sLabel is the text Xamine should painto n the button. am_fEnabled should be true if the button is enabled or false if not.

Buttons have two levels of enable. The first level is determined by the enable state (initially the value of am_fEnabled). If this is false, the button cannot be clicked by the user. Even if enabled, the button might have a sensitivity (am_eWhenSensitive), which further determines when a button can be used based on the state of Xamine. The values that the ButtonSensitivity enumerated type can take are defined in clientops.h.

rPrompter is a reference to a prompting object that determines what, if any prompting Xamine will do before returning a button message to the client program.

CXamineButton(( int am_nReturnCode = , const char* pLabel = , Bool_t am_fEnabled = , ButtonSensitivity am_eWhenSensitive = , CXamineButtonPrompt& rPrompter = );

Same as above but the button label string is passed as a const char*.

const int getReturnCode();

Returns the return code of the button. This code uniquely idenfies the button both to Xamine and to the client when being told which button was clicked in a button event.

const const std::string& getLabel();

Returns the string that's used to label the button.

const Bool_t getEnabled();

Returns the enabled flag from the object.

const ButtonSensitivity getWhenSensitive();

Returns the selector that describes when the button is sensitive if enabled.

const CXamineButtonPrompt* getPrompter();

Returns a pointer to the button prompter object. Note that while this method is const the pointer returned is to the object's prompter allowing modifications to be made by the caller.

virtual void FormatMessageBlock(ButtonDescription& rButton = );

Formats the message required to define the button to Xamine. The formatted message is placed in rButton.

In addition, two methods are provided to perform type-safe upcasts: PushButton and ToggleButton wich return pointers to CXaminePushButton and CXamineToggleButton respectively. These methods return null pointers if the cast is not correct. Note that the ponters point to the original object, making these actual cast-like operations.