

CXamineEvent -- Encapsulate events from Xamine.


#include <XamineEvent.h>

class CXamineEvent      
  CXamineEvent (  msg_XamineEvent am_EventData  );

  const msg_XamineEvent& getm_EventData() const;

   CXamineGate* GateCast ()  ;
   CButtonEvent* ButtonCast ()  ;



CXamineEvent encapsulates the messages Xamine sends to report events to the client. Currently there are two such event types:

Gate acceptance

Inidicates a user has accepted a gate drawnon a spectrum. This event is encapsulated by the CXamineGate class documented previously

Client button events

Indicates a user has clicked a button on the user defined button box and successfully navigated any attached prompter. This event is encapsulated by the CButtoneVENT class documented next.

The base class is just a holder of the event message. GateCast and ButtonCast construct dynamically allocated CXamineGate and CButonEvent objects respectively from the object in a type-safe way. If the underlying message is not of the appropriate sort, these methods return a null pointer. Once the application no longer needs the pointes returned from these methods, it should delete the objects they point to.